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19 May '99
In Vietnam, if you can't move the exhibits to a museum, move the museum to the exhibits. In the former imperial city of Hoa Lu, Ninh Binh northern province, an archaeological museum has been founded by enclosing a huge archaeological site in a new building. The museum is the first of its kind in Vietnam. The 140 square metre site includes the civilisation of the Dai Viet era and the culture of the 10th century Dinh and Le dynasties.

25 November '98

Austrian airline, Lauda Air, have commenced services to Ho Chi Minh City. The service is an extension of Lauda Air's existing flight from Vienna to Bangkok. The once-per-week flight leaves Vienna on Friday arriving the next day in Ho Chi Minh City.


25 November '98
A hotel price war in Hanoi may not be good news for the Vietnamese economy but it is excellent news for travellers, especially those longing for a night in a room they don't have to share with 27 other travellers. Most five-star private or foreign-owned hotels have cut their rates by up to 40% since the start of the year as the financial crisis continues to affect a number of services in the region. Although there are more government hotels than private hotels or overseas-owned hotels, the government hotels haven't reduced their prices yet.


22 June '98
The former United States Embassy in Ho Chi Minh City is to be demolished to make way for a new United States Consulate. It was from the roof of this building that the chaotic helicopter evacuation of US Embassy staff and diplomats took place as the Communists took over the city in April 1975. The images of US soldiers shooting from the roof the thousands of Vietnamese who had gathered at the Embassy desperately trying to leave the country were devastating to US home-front support for the war. The steps on the roof, used to reach the helicopter landing pad, will be removed to the Smithsonian Institute in Washington DC.


1 April '98
For the first time, legally produced compact discs are available in Vietnam. In accordance with a copyright agreement with the United States, compact discs are now made under license in Ho Chi Minh City and sold across Vietnam. Elton John, Michael Jackson and Santana are the first artists to be recorded on the legal CDs. But as illegal CDs from China can still be purchased throughout most of Vietnam for half the price of the legal CD, royalty payments may be few and far between.


28 January '98
Speeding motorcyclists in Hanoi will be dealt with by water cannon and tear gas following government approval of the plan put forward by police. A previous plan in Hanoi to curb speeding motorcyclists, using paint guns to mark them for later arrests, has not been successful. The new method to control speeding is also expected to be used in Ho Chi Minh City.


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