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30 April '99
Protests over the nearly 50% gasoline tax increase left nine people dead and the national government is ready to roll back the fuel tax. As calm settled on Kingston after last week's riots and burning blockades, foreign embassies have lifted travel warnings and international flights have resumed to Jamaica. Tourism is vital to the island's economy, and Jamaica's tourism industry plans to lure visitors back with advertising, package deals and promises of sunshine.

23 April '99

Barricades of burning tyres and trash blocked the streets of Kingston this weekend in response to new taxes. Protesters blocked the main avenues and entrances to the city as crews of police and garbage collectors scrambled to clear the wreckage before the morning commute. Police fired tear gas at taxi drivers and motorists who blocked the road on Friday.

Despite the government's plea that the poverty-stricken inhabitants of Kingston do nothing to further disrupt the economic process, or cause civil disorder, the city is bracing itself for large scale demonstrations. More car barricades are planned for this week.


8 July '98
Homosexuality remains illegal in Jamaica and anti-gay sentiment in the Caribbean continues to grow. Despite pressure from the international community and the Independent Jamaican Council for Human Rights, on 16 December Justice Minister K.D. Knight announced his government's refusal to repeal laws declaring homosexuality illegal. The Jamaican Forum for Lesbians, All-sexuals and Gays, (J-FLAG) announced their formation on December 10, International Human Rights Day, and has since been described as 'suicidal' for launching publicly. Boasting 2000 members, J-FLAG is determined to work for liberation in the Caribbean in the face of harassment, death threats and mass protests.


8 July '98
The Jamaican government is working on a Coral Reef Action Plan to save their coral reefs. The reefs that ring much of the island are responsible for Jamaica's world-famous beaches, which in turn are responsible for Jamaica's favorite import - tourists. Most of the reefs are dying from over-use by divers and fishermen, soil and sewage runoff from the coastal developments and damage from hurricanes. The plan will expand protection of both marine and coastal areas necessary for the preservation of the reefs, starting with the creation of two new marine parks at Negril and Port Antonio.


20 May '98
The Jamaican government has approved plans to establish tourist æsafe zonesÆ at popular tourist destinations in order to alleviate harassment by street vendors and beggars. The new clean streets policy will be enforced by increasing both the local police force and the fines charged for accosting tourists.


15 April '98
Visitors to the Ocho Rios resort on Jamaica's north coast should be on the lookout for local hustlers. The situation has become so bad that several cruise lines are threatening to boycott the island's most popular cruise port if it doesn't improve.


8 April '98
The government has given final approval to restoring Port Royal, a small town across the Harbor from Kingston. During the 17th Century, Port Royal was a favourite port for pirates, and called by some æthe wickedest town on earthÆ. God may well have judged it so, because a massive earthquake in 1692 sank most of the town. Jamaica plans to capitalise on the town's fascinating history by creating a living history museum, illuminating it as both a centre of trade and haven for pirates. The plans include a special tour boat with underwater portholes that will allow visitors to view the remains of the sunken town.


4 March '98
Visitors to Dunns River Falls, Jamaica’s best-known attraction, may soon find themselves attempting to swim through a picket line. Hundreds of workers are striking in protest against what they claim is the unfair dismissal of two of their co-workers. They are not keen to let anyone - even travellers - cross their picket line.

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