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12 August '98
After much discussion and political maneuvering Guyana and Suriname have agreed to run a ferry service connecting Georgetown in Guyana and Paramaribo in Suriname. Currently the only way to get between the two is to drive down the coast and catch the passenger ferry between Corriverton (Guyana) and Nieuw Nickerie (Suriname) on the Corentyne river.

1 July '98
Political protests in Georgetown have turned violent and both the US and Canada have issued travel advisories. Supporters of the People's National Congress (PNC) are protesting against President Janet Jagan, who took power earlier this year. Although independent auditors have determined that the election was fair, the PNC is still claiming that President Jagan's election to her post was illegal and are demanding her immediate resignation. The travel advisories recommend deferring non-essential travel to Guyana.


29 April '98
Trinidad and Tobago's BWIA International Airways and Guyana Airways have announced an agreement to share routes in an effort to consolidate costs. Both airlines are experiencing financial difficulties and hope that this cooperation will help both airlines continue.


15 April '98
A national emergency has been declared in Guyana, where the lack of rain has caused forest fires and is threatening the supply of drinking water.


8 April '98
Guyana has declared a state of emergency because of a massive drought. With rainfall 90% below normal, the government was forced to declare strict water rationing in Georgetown three months ago. The drought has caused crops to fail and livestock is beginning to die. In addition, several deaths have been caused by dengue fever and health officials have issued a warning.

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