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17 March '99
Banks finally reopened on Monday, 10 days after the government mandated a closure of all financial institutions to halt an increasing stream of withdrawals across the country. Faced with an increasingly shaky economy, President Jamil Mahuad has declared a 60 day state of emergency across the nation, increased the power of the police force to maintain peace, and announced a series of severe measures designed to bring the country back from the brink of financial collapse. In response to the financial austerity measures, the unions called a two day strike, closing businesses and disrupting transport. Taxi drivers, also affected by the stringent austerity measures, which call for huge increases in the price of gas, are protesting by blocking major roads with burning tires in Quito and Guayaquil.

27 November '98

Rumblings are being heard throughout Latin America as more volcanoes come to life. In Mexico, a recent eruption from Volcan de Fuego de Colima in the state of Colima has forced local officials to evacuate residents of Juan Barragan. In Nicaragua, the federal government has issued a volcano alert for both Concepcion, on the Isla de Ometepe in Lago de Nicaragua, and Cerro el Jicote.

In the rainy aftermath of Hurricane Mitch, a landslide at Volcan Casita buried several villages, accounting for a large portion of the casualties. And in Ecuador, the Guagua Pichincha volcano, outside the capital, Quito, is still letting off periodic explosions which are getting stronger and more intense.


28 October '98
After several small wars and years of negotiation, Peru and Ecuador have finally agreed to a settlement that will define their shared border in the Cordillera del Condor. The area has been in dispute since 1942. The two countries plan to sign the accord in Brazil on Monday. Not every one is pleased with the decision, however; demonstrators in northern Peru gathered this weekend to protest the agreement, specifically a provision that cedes a nearby area currently within Peru's border to Ecuador.


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