Travel writing from Lonely Planet's Journeys series

Drive Thru America
Green Dreams

Islands in the Clouds
Kingdom of the Filmstars
Lost Japan
Mali Blues
The Olive Grove
The Rainbird
The Rock
Shopping for Buddhas
Songs to an African Sunset
Drive Thru

Drive Thru America

Climb onto the backseat of the Chrysler Neon and join Sean Condon, author of Drive Thru America , on the road trip Kerouac always feared he'd take.
Extract from Lonely Planet's Journeys series

Breaking the Ice in Reykjavík
Chasing Rickshaws
In Search of New York
The Island at the End of the World
Just One Small Cognac
On the Buses
Thumbing the Himalaya

on the road

Green Dreams

Green Dreams

Stephen Benz leaves more than footprints as he cruises the jungles of Central America and discovers ecotourism isn't all it's cracked up to be.
Extract from Lonely Planet's Journeys series

Islands in the Clouds

Isabella Tree watches Papua New Guinean highlanders shaking a tail feather and finds yet another good reason to stick a biro through her nose.
Extract from Lonely Planet's Journeys series


Kingdom of the Filmstars

Annie Caulfield paints a revealing portrait of contemporary Jordan - sheep's eyes, baking sand and busy-bodying biddies wondering what's under her skirt.
Extract from Lonely Planet's Journeys series

Lost Japan

Lost Japan

How to decode Japan by watching ball bearings in a neon lightbox, going bonkers over bonkei and leaving the right amount of tea in your cup.
Extract from Lonely Planet's Journeys series

The Olive Grove

The Olive Grove

Katherine Kizilos wraps herself in the twin myths of ancient Greece and family history, searching for the truth behind the tourist-traps in the land of her ancestors.
Extract from Lonely Planet's Journeys series

The Rainbird

The Rainbird

Jan Brokken is haunted by the ghosts of his predecessors: explorers, missionaries, slavers and adventurers who played out their dreams and delusions in Gabon.
Extract from Lonely Planet's Journeys series


Sean and David's Long Drive

It's big, it's red, it's overhyped: it's Sean Condon. Only one man could compare Australia's igneous wonder to a scrambled egg and get away with it.
Extract from Lonely Planet's Journeys series

Shopping for Buddhas

Shopping for Buddhas

With a pocketful of cash and a hankering for the spiritual, Jeff Greenwald browses the boutiques and takes on the holy hagglers of Nepal.
Extract from Lonely Planet's Journeys series


Songs to an African Sunset

Sekai Nzenza-Shand goes home to Zimbabwe and finds a country torn between respect for the old ways and the irresistible pull of the new.
Extract from Lonely Planet's Journeys series

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Lonely Planet

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