A canoe glides silently through the rainforest. Monkeys bark warnings from the overhanging boughs as a caiman slips into the stream. Such is the stuff that green dreams are made of but, as Stephen Benz reveals, the reality of ecotourism can be closer to a nightmare.
On the Amazon, in Costa Rica, Honduras and on the Mayan trail from Guatemala to Mexico, Stephen describes his encounters with water, mud, insects and other wildlife – and not least with the ecotourists themselves. He witnesses simulated cultural festivals and discovers that his fellow travellers prefer pursuing their own green dreams to coming face-to-face with the local people and their world. With witty insights into the phenomenon of modern travel, Stephen discusses the paradox at the heart of cultural and ‘green’ tourism. His shrewd observations make provocative and absorbing reading.


costa rica | guatemala | honduras | mexico

on the road

⌐ Stephen Benz
Green Dreams is published in Journeys,
Lonely Planet's travel literature series.