Arthur's Column

The party that never ended

Week ending 28th August 1995.
I had occasion to visit Zurich this week. What a wonderful collection of pubs and restaurants. There is a street which leads from the Bahnhof diagonally up the hill from LimmatQuai. It starts out as the red light area and progressively becomes more of a student type area. I can't name the pubs in the street as they are numerous, and I don't actually remember any of their names! There is a table that stretches for about 1 km broken only where a street crosses the strip. All along the table people are sitting and enjoying the evening meal and a few beers.

Recommend Cafe Pacifico which is just off Limmatquai near a quaint square. Very trendy spot with beers selling for the same price as mineral water (about US$8). Good vibes, trendy people, great Tequila ...

The Longest Night...

It all started with a quiet, late lunch in Maienfeld (in Switzerland). On the way back through Triesen an alert occupant of the vehicle noticed a sign "Wine Festival". One thing lead to another ... the wine was good. Two bottles later and the slightly tipsy carload wound up the road to Triesenberg.

Al Capone is located at the bottom of Triesenberg (first place on the left if you come up from Vaduz). It features a rather cheerless group of people and a pool table which has such a well worn felt that the old 15 bounce shot could become a reality. Had to head back down to the village (Vaduz) after a mediocre meal to indulge in some serious partying. Vanini's was empty, as was the majority of the village. Always hard to tell where the seasoned party animals of Vaduz will end up.

Thus it was that we were forced to pay a visit to the Roxy (in Balzers) for some dancing before heading back up the hill to Malbun for a nightcap. The longest nightcap I've had for a while. Left the pub at around 8.00am to continue the party at home. Eventual time of passing out was around 16.00 (Sunday).

Aplogies for the lack of London news, but as you will gather I am still wafting around the cities of Europe. Thats all for now...

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Take a look at the Pub Guide while you're in the neighbourhood!

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