Arthur's Column

Last Week in London

Week ending 9th July 1995.
The Eagle got a job last week! Yes I know he's only 2.7 months old, but thats no reason for him not to pull his weight (10 lb) around the house! He went modelling some arbitrary thing and was paid vast amounts for a close-up of his hand. Now that's what I call productivity. ú35 per hour to hold a pretty (adult) model's hand and try and look interested. He fell asleep. Has to learn...

On Saturday we went for a jolly on the Thames. This entailed hiring a motor boat and chugging along from Walton-On-Thames to Staines for lunch. We had lunch at a pub called The Swan in Staines. Situated right on the riverfront we were able to tie up in front and go inside for an extremely pleasant lunch. Recommended!

Then it was back to The Fox in Walton-on-Thames for a few before heading home.

Last week I had the pleasure of visiting The Coach and Horses in Whitefriars street (EC4). Apart from a small debacle over the taste of the bitter it was a pleasant pint and a large plate of Shepherd's Pie. Another pub which caused a much larger hangover was Babuska's Vodka Bar in Blackfriar's road. They serve these flavoured vodka things which don't taste too bad at all and contribute in no small way to a total loss of all sensual perception and an immediate danger of nausea. All in all jolly good fun?!?

Short one this week - much on the go. If you haven't already added a pub to the guide why not pop over now and do the deed?

Why not send a letter (email) to the editor?!? Send all mail to You too could become famous!

Take a look at the Pub Guide while you're in the neighbourhood!

Last Week

Back issues ...
2nd July 1995,
24 June 1995, 17 June 1995, 12 June 1995, 5 June 1995,
28 May 1995, 21 May 1995, 14 May 1995, 7 May 1995
30 April 1995, 23 April 1995, 16 April 1995, 9 April 1995, 4 April 1995
26 March 1995, 18 March 1995
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