Arthur's Column

Last Week in London

Well it was a great show. I don't know how many of you followed the reports from this column, but we all had a great deal of fun. We drank the entire stock of Fuller's London Pride fresh from their brewery in Chiswick (provided free of charge for the stand). Thank you Mr. Fuller.

We won the Best Stand award. Now those of you who have never indulged in standing at a stand for three days will probably not appreciate the importance of this. Its not about ego (although that part is good too). Its about people coming to your stand because you look more interesting than the rest. Shows have an enormous potential for boredom, so this one was a very pleasant suprise.

The Internet community is a bohemian crowd, with an interesting mix. On the one hand you have the strictly commercial entities such as Compuserve who are doing very well in pushing their previously mature technology into this new era. On the other hand there is the crowd who I met at the offices of WebMedia in the basement of the Cyberia Cafe (or maybe the cafe is in the ground floor of their offices?). What a crowd of enlightened enthusiasts. Are the commercial sites such as us or Compuserve going to spoil this energy? I sincerely hope not.

In these pioneering days it is important that the internet community finds its feet in a new commercially viable and hopefully unregulated world. It is so refreshing to be involved in a venture that transcends geographic, cultural and commercial boundaries. The future could yield many previously difficult concepts - global currencies, a world without visas (at least in cyberspace). For those of us involved in these early days it can only be fun. Now don't get upset when I refer to 1995 as early days! I know the net has been around for a longish time, but truth is it's only recently become useful and available to the masses.

We launch PeopleBank officially this week (actually tommorrow at 11.30am). It is an exciting project, and has the potential to become a significant force in recruitment. Please register if you have not already done so.

Many visitors to the show asked about secure transactions. We have achieved a solution to this problem with our new credit card server. Based on Netscape's Commerce server we are now able to offer secure transactions to our clients. Please ask about this if you would like to try it out. Note that you do not have to have a shop in the mall to use the charging facility. Ask about our remote charging protocol.

Why not send a letter (email) to the editor?!? Send all mail to You too could become famous!

Last Week

Back issues ...
14 May 1995
7 May 1995
30 April 1995
23 April 1995
16 April 1995
9 April 1995
4 April 1995
26 March 1995
18 March 1995

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