Arthur's Column

Last Week in London

Week ending 24 June 1995.
Maybe this column should be retitled "Last week in South Africa"! What a weekend for the South Africans! Not only the honour of hosting the Rugby World Cup, but also the prestige and glory of winning it, against the odds (or should I say against Lomu?). It was an absolutely brilliant game. Going down to extra time at 9 all, 2 fast penalties saw the teams at 12 all half way through extra time. Then a brilliant drop goal by Joel Stransky ("you beauty" in the words of Francois Pienaar - skipper) sealed New Zealand's fate. Now all that remains is for the hangover to clear and the winnings to be collected!

Yesterday (Sunday) was sunny and warm. For the second time in this column I will bravely state that summer has arrived. Having said that, it is cool and cloudy here at the moment, so perhaps that was summer after all.

This is the season for all the outdoor things that are done here in the UK. Because of the vagaries of the weather they are all crammed into a very short period of time. Last week we had Ascot. I believe Grey Fox was seen there, top hat and tails galore. This week we have Wimbledon Tennis and the rowing at Henley which I will be going to on Saturday. Had a great time last year, sitting on the banks sipping champagne and eating strawberries. The season closes off with Cowes Week yachting in early July.

Finished phase one of the Pub Guide yesterday. All in all so far I have spent about 12 hours writing code to produce an interactive pub guide. Why not take a look and add some pubs or comments? The guide is a testimony to the excellent embedded tcl programming language that Squirrels has produced.

Why not send a letter (email) to the editor?!? Send all mail to You too could become famous!

Take a look at the Pub Guide while you're in the neighbourhood!

Last Week

Back issues ...
17 June 1995, 12 June 1995, 5 June 1995
, 28 May 1995, 21 May 1995, 14 May 1995, 7 May 1995
30 April 1995, 23 April 1995, 16 April 1995, 9 April 1995, 4 April 1995
26 March 1995, 18 March 1995

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