Arthur's Column

Last week in London ...

Week ending 30 April 1995.
Today was my birthday. Quiet affair - few drinks with friends and the baby's first day out. Wierd how he's quite happy to ride around in the car, in fact it seems to placate him. I guess he hasn't yet learned the concept of "accident"!

We are exhibiting at Internet World International '95 - 16-18 May at Wembley arena. Come and have a giggle if nothing else! We are trying to persuade a few London breweries to donate a keg, in which case it may be possible to acquire a pint by mentioning your pent up desire to meet Arthur in the flesh...

Damon Hill won the San Morino Grand Prix today. Only managed to watch a few laps, so I will have to watch the rerun on Eurosport sometime. It appears that Michael Shumacker didn't feature. David Coulthard has to be the one to watch this season. Unbelievably talented driver, he looks certain to give Damon a run for his money. Nigel Mansell managed to do very little, and of course the Ferraris seemed to find that extra 5% that they have lacked in most of the races recently in front of their home crowd. F1 is much more interesting this year than it has been for a while.

Snooker - Jimmy White is out, and it looks like Steven Hendry is going on to take the World Chamionship yet again. He plays like a machine! I dont know if you saw the perfect (147 point) break yesterday, but it blew my mind. Practise makes perfect?!? By now he has won the finals yet again.

Pubs to watch - for a typical british pub why not try The Copper on Tower Bridge road? The illustrious web writer Andres, our artist Neil (Line and Design) and I had a few too many and played snooker a good deal less proficiently than Stephen Hendry there on Saturday. Plotting things for the show and a new look for the Mall. Watch this space! Anyway, The Copper is a reasonably decent pub with a reasonably small pool table with reasonably large pockets (faster games make more money I guess). Earlier we were at The George which has been mentioned more than once in this column. Now there they have a game called Bar Billiards. Basically its a pool table which has some holes in the middle rather than around the outside, and different holes count for different scores. You'll have to go and look yourselves - too tricky to describe here. Fiendishly good game to play.

Why not send a letter (email) to the editor?!? Send all mail to You too could become famous!

If you fancy yourself as a columnist, look at this.

Last Week

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23 April 1995
16 April 1995
9 April 1995
4 April 1995
26 March 1995
18 March 1995

Why not try Arthur's Neural Aerobics?

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