Play Controller Panel

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The Play Controller contains all elements needed for playback control.




During playback, the status bar provides information regarding the file currently playing such as: location of the file, sample rate, bit depth, channels, and bitrate. When ripping a CD, the status bar provides a progress message such as, "Encoding files (2 of 6)."

Current Playlist

SIREN generates a current playlist in the Play Controller panel each time you select a media file for playback from any of SIREN's available sources. SIREN always performs playback using the media and sequence displayed in the current playlist.

From the current playlist you can reorganize the files for playback using drag and drop, as well as rate your media files under the Rating column. You can also modify the current playlist while it is playing. When you drag and drop a new media file(s) into the current playlist, the new files will replace the existing playlist. If you hold down the key when you drop the files in the playlist, the new files will append to the end of the current playlist.

Transport Bar

Contains buttons corresponding to SIREN's music playback control. More...

Graphic EQ

Displays the Graphic Equalizer panel which divides frequencies into 16 bands that can be boosted or attenuated. More...

Time Stretch

Alters the length of a song while maintaining pitch. More...


Simulates the acoustics of various venues and situations. More...


Allows you to adjust the playback volume level.


Mutes the current song.

Compact/Skin Mode

Minimizes SIREN's screen, displaying only the controls needed for playback. More...

Locate Playing Song

Allows you to locate the source of the Media that is currently playing. More...

Play Media from

Allows you to navigate the Media Library, playlists, and audio CDs in order to locate media for playback. More...