CS-581: Theory of Computation

Syllabus - Fall 2012

Course Reference Number:
CS-581, Fall 2012: 11069 (section 003, 3 credits)
Grades so far: PDF of scores
Grades so far: PDF of bar chart
Lecture slides - Syllabus & Chapter 0 - Introduction (pdf) (jpeg files)
Lecture slides - Chapter 1 - Regular Languages (pdf) (jpeg files)
Lecture slides - Chapter 2 - Context-Free Languages (pdf) (jpeg files)
Lecture slides - Chapter 3 - The Church-Turing Thesis (pdf) (jpeg files)
Lecture slides - Chapter 4 - Decidability (pdf) (jpeg files)
Lecture slides - Chapter 5 - Reducibility (pdf) (jpeg files)
Lecture slides - Chapter 6.1 - The Recursion Theorem (pdf) (jpeg files)
Lecture slides - Chapter 6.2 - Decidability of Logical Theories (pdf) (jpeg files)
Lecture slides - Chapter 7 - Time Complexity (pdf) (jpeg files)

Instructor: Professor Harry Porter
E-Mail: harry@cs.pdx.edu
Web Page: www.cs.pdx.edu/~harry
Short Bio: Click Here
Office space at PSU: Fourth Ave Bldg, room 115-06 (click here for map)
Office hours: Tuesday, Thursday, 4:00-5:00 PM, and by appointment

When and Where:
Tuesday, Thursday, 2:00 - 3:50 PM
Fourth Avenue Building, room 40-06
First Class: Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Holiday: Thanksgiving, Thursday, November 22, 2012
Mid-Term Exam #1: Tuesday, Month xxx, 2012 (date is tentative)
Mid-Term Exam #2: Thursday, Month xxx, 2012 (date is tentative)
Final Exam Time: Monday, December 3, 2012, 10:15AM - 12:05PM

HW #1
HW #2
HW #3
HW #4
HW #5
HW #6

Catalog Description:
Computability theory: study of models of computation (Turing, Church, Kleene), recursive function theory, properties of recursive, and recursively innumerable sets. Prerequisite: CS 311

Topics to be covered (tentative):
  • Regular Languages
  • Finite State Machines
  • Regular Expressions
  • Nondeterministic Machines
  • Pumping Lemma for Regular Languages
  • Context-Free Languages and Grammars
  • Pushdown Automata
  • Pumping Lemma for Context-Free Languages
  • Turing Machines
  • The Church-Turing Thesis
  • Decidability and Turing Recognizability
  • The Halting Problem
  • Reducibility
  • The Recursion Theorem
  • Decidability of Logical Theories
  • Time Complexity
  • The Classes P and NP
  • NP-Completeness

The official course prerequisites are:
   CS 250: Discrete Structures I  (sets, functions, relations, countability, proofs) 
   CS 251: Discrete Structures II (Boolean logic, first-order logic, formal reasoning and deduction)
   CS 311: Computational Structures (regular languages, context-free languages, Turing machines, computability)
Students will have previously encountered some but not all of the topics we will cover. Chapter 0 of the Sipser textbook sets the stage by providing background, prerequisite information that you should already know. We will not cover this chapter, but please read it before the first class as a refresher and to make sure you are ready for this material.

It is the student's responsibility to ensure that he/she has the appropriate background before attempting this class.

Course Outline:

Week 1

Sept 25

Reading: Section xxx Lecture notes
Practice exercises: xxx
Reading: Section xxx Lecture notes
Practice exercises: xxx
Reading: Section xxx Lecture notes
Practice exercises: xxx
Homework xxx

Week 2

October 2

Reading: Section xxx Lecture notes
Practice exercises: xxx
Reading: Section xxx Lecture notes
Practice exercises: xxx
Reading: Section xxx Lecture notes
Practice exercises: xxx
Homework xxx

Week 3

October 9

Reading: Section xxx Lecture notes
Practice exercises: xxx
Reading: Section xxx Lecture notes
Practice exercises: xxx
Reading: Section xxx Lecture notes
Practice exercises: xxx
Homework xxx

Week 4

October 16

Reading: Section xxx Lecture notes
Practice exercises: xxx
Reading: Section xxx Lecture notes
Practice exercises: xxx
Reading: Section xxx Lecture notes
Practice exercises: xxx
Homework xxx

Week 5

October 23

Reading: Section xxx Lecture notes
Practice exercises: xxx
Reading: Section xxx Lecture notes
Practice exercises: xxx
Reading: Section xxx Lecture notes
Practice exercises: xxx
Homework xxx

Week 6

October 30

Reading: Section xxx Lecture notes
Practice exercises: xxx
Reading: Section xxx Lecture notes
Practice exercises: xxx
Reading: Section xxx Lecture notes
Practice exercises: xxx
Homework xxx

Week 7

November 6

Reading: Section xxx Lecture notes
Practice exercises: xxx
Reading: Section xxx Lecture notes
Practice exercises: xxx
Reading: Section xxx Lecture notes
Practice exercises: xxx
Homework xxx

Week 8

November 13

Reading: Section xxx Lecture notes
Practice exercises: xxx
Reading: Section xxx Lecture notes
Practice exercises: xxx
Reading: Section xxx Lecture notes
Practice exercises: xxx
Homework xxx

Week 9

November 20

Reading: Section xxx Lecture notes
Practice exercises: xxx
Reading: Section xxx Lecture notes
Practice exercises: xxx
Reading: Section xxx Lecture notes
Practice exercises: xxx
Homework xxx

Week 10

November 27

Reading: Section xxx Lecture notes
Practice exercises: xxx
Reading: Section xxx Lecture notes
Practice exercises: xxx
Reading: Section xxx Lecture notes
Practice exercises: xxx
Homework xxx

Finals Week

Final Exam --- Monday, December 3, 2012 --- 10:15AM-12:05PM

Attendance in class is mandatory. Successful students will arrive on-time, relaxed and full of curiosity.

Attendance will be checked regularly and will count for part of your grade.

I encourage students to freely discuss the material in this class. You may also use the class mailing list to post questions, comments, etc. You should not post solutions to homework problems.

However, you must compose and write all homework and exam material individually. You may not copy or plagiarize.

The exams may test on material covered only in class and/or on material covered only in the reading assignments.

Your grade will be based approximately, as follows. These percentages are tentative and subject to change.

   10% - Homeworks
   12% - In-class quizzes, class participation
   50% - Midterm Exams
   30% - Final Exam
Incompletes will not be given.

Snow Closure: For inclement weather information, call the University switchboard, 725-3000, for a recorded message about university-wide class cancellation. Snow closure info is also available at: www.flashnews.net/pdx.html (click on "View Current Info").

Other Cancellations: If I should need to cancel class for any reason, I will email the class mailing list.

MailMan Mailing List: PorterClassList
A "MailMan" e-mailing list will be maintained for this class. From time to time I may post notices about the class and hints/comments about assignments. Students are encouraged to send mail to the list, too.

All students should subscribe to this list. Go to the following web page and enter your email address and a password and click "subscribe".
The MailMan program will email you a confirmation message. You must reply, but you can simply hit your email "reply" button. After being adding to the mailing list you will get a "welcome" message from me.

To post a message to all the list members, send email to:
For additional documentation, see
    staff.imsa.edu/~ckolar/mailman/mailman-userguide-0.1.pdf (pdf, 159 kb)
(By the way, if Internet Explorer does not work with MailMan on the Mac, use the "Safari" web browser instead.)

Hints on how to study effectively:
Here is a document I wrote, which you may find useful or interesting:

Professor Porter's Study Tips

Problems / Comments on This Web Page