Convert Normal Map to Fixed-To Map

Converts a Normal Image Map to a Fixed-To Map.

This is the simplest and quickest method to apply mapping coordinates to selected vertices. It is ideal for cases where planar or cylindrical projections will approximate the map area prior to the model being distorted or used as a morph.

To convert a normal map to a Fixed-To map, do the following:

1) Create a planar or cylindrical map using the Attributes > Maps > Edit Maps command. It can be any map, not necessarily the one you will actually be using to render, because we are only going to use the mapping coordinate information.

2) Position the map axes on the selected vertices and faces.

3) Execute the Attributes > Fixed-To Mapping > Convert Normal Map to Fixed-To Map command and choose the Map to be converted. Specify whether the Fixed-To Map is to be planar or cylindrical.

That's it. There is no need to keep the map since mapping coordinates have now been recorded at the vertices and will remain until either the coordinates or the vertex is deleted.

Note that this only applies the mapping coordinates to the vertices. To actually apply the Fixed-To Map to the selected vertices you must Set the Map in the Map Attributes dialog and specify that the Map Type is Fixed-To in the Edit Image Map dialog.