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Silicon Graphics Freeware, Version 2.0

Legal Notice

A note about the origins of Freeware.

The software products being brought to you by Silicon Graphics have been authored by many generous individuals and organizations throughout the world. It is through their efforts that these products exist.

Our contribution.

Silicon Graphics has repackaged these software products so that they can be easily installed using either inst or SoftwareManager. The software is installed into /usr/freeware to distinguish it from previous versions you may have installed directly from the authors.


The software in this package is considered unsupported by Silicon Graphics. Neither the authors or Silicon Graphics are compelled to help resolve problems you may encounter in the installation, setup, or execution of this software. To be more to the point, if you call us with an issue regarding products in the Freeware package, we'll have to gracefully terminate the call.

The Future

For a variety of reasons the authors and/or Silicon Graphics may decide to discontinue one or more of these products. It is more likely, however, that we will all try to bring many more products to you in future Freeware packages.

Release Notes

Each product contains a release note with additional information about the product. We encourage you to review each release note to benefit from as much knowledge as possible. Each release note will also contain a WEB pointer to further information from Silicon Graphics such as known bugs and workarounds.

Changing Your Search Path

By default the search path used by your system will not include the /usr/freeware directories. We have provided a tool called fixpath which can be used to modify the files in your local environment controlling these paths. To use the tool open a shell window and type /usr/freeware/bin/fixpath.

Silicon Graphics Freeware, Version 2.0

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This is the replicated Silicon Graphics Freeware, Version 2.0 software release. The 2.0 bits are each bundled in a tardist(1) (tar-encoded software distribution) file with fw_common (a prereq needed to install any of the freeware pkgs) included.

We have included an IRIX 5.3-built version of toolbox/utilities/showfiles/
for people on pre-IRIX 6.2 systems, to make possible the extraction
of the src and/or man images inside these IRIX 6.2-built inst images.

Freeware 2.0 Product Listing

_______> ! WARNINGS ! <_______

you MUST install the netscape.sw.tardist subsystem
to be able to access the <Install tardist> links.

Each <Install tardist> link points to a single file that is a tar-encoded software distribution of the given freeware software including the necessary prerequisite fw_commmon product. Accessing these links invokes Tardist(1) which unpacks the tar file encoded distribution, runs SoftwareManager(1M) to allow installation of the distribution, and then gives you the option of deleting the distribution or saving it for future use. Tardist is a new program released in IRIX 6.2 and is available to pre-6.2 DT users via inst images located in the toolbox/dist/ directory.

"Install 6.2 tardist" SOFTWARE.
(Pre IRIX 6.2 versions of inst will not recognize these images.)

New to Freeware Version 2.0 (compiled on IRIX 6.2):

db 1.85 Berkeley db Release Notes Install 6.2 tardist
GNU Emacs19.30Gnu version of emacs text editor Release Notes Install 6.2 tardist
ImageMagick3.7.2JPEG/PNG/TIFF/Photo CD image pkg Release Notes Install 6.2 tardist
nas1.2p4implementation of Network Audio System Release Notes Install 6.2 tardist
nedit4.0.1GUI style plain text editor Release Notes Install 6.2 tardist
samba1.9.15p8SMB client and server Release Notes Install 6.2 tardist
tcp_wrappers7.2TCP/IP daemon wrapper package Release Notes Install 6.2 tardist
xntp3.4oNetwork Time Protocol Release Notes Install 6.2 tardist

Modified Between Freeware Versions 1.0 and 2.0:
(compiled on IRIX 6.2 where indicated)

"Install 6.2 tardist" SOFTWARE.
(Pre IRIX 6.2 versions of inst will not recognize these images.)

GNU bash 1.14.5 enhanced shell Release Notes Install 6.2 tardist
GNU bison1.24improved yacc Release Notes Install 6.2 tardist
GNU flex2.5.2improved lexical analyzer generator Release Notes Install 6.2 tardist
GNU gawk2.1.15GNU version of awk Release Notes Install tardist
GNU gcc2.6.3C and C++ compiler Release Notes Install tardist
GNU gdb4.14debugger Release Notes Install tardist
GNU libg++2.6.2 libraries for use with the GNU C++ compiler Release Notes Install tardist
GNU shutils1.12shell utilities Release Notes Install 6.2 tardist
GNU texinfo3.6text based hypertext system Release Notes Install tardist
Cspectno vers #real-time oscilloscope/spectrum analyzer Release Notes Install tardist
html2ps0.2 alphaHTML to PostScript converter Release Notes Install tardist
metamail2.7 implementation of MIME Release Notes Install tardist
netpbm1mar1994 toolkit for conversion of images between a variety of different formats Release Notes Install 6.2 tardist
nfswatch4.1monitor NFS requests Release Notes Install tardist
perl55.002 Larry Wall's Perl version 5 Release Notes Install 6.2 tardist
qpopper2.1.4POP (Post Office Protocol) server Release Notes Install 6.2 tardist
sc6.21spread sheet program Release Notes Install tardist
tex2.6document preparation systsem Release Notes Install 6.2 tardist
tin1.22news reader Release Notes Install 6.2 tardist
top3.3dynamic process status Release Notes Install 6.2 tardist
tracker4.31modfile-player Release Notes Install tardist
turn1.0news reader Release Notes Install 6.2 tardist
vim3.0vi improved Release Notes Install 6.2 tardist
wu-ftpd2.4 replacement ftp server for Un*x systems Release Notes Install 6.2 tardist
xarchie210.10prosero client Release Notes Install tardist
xdaliclockno vers #digital Dali'esq clock melts when digit changes Release Notes Install tardist
Xemacs19.13X-based emacs text editor Release Notes Install 6.2 tardist
xgopher1.3.3search engine Release Notes Install tardist
xmorphno vers #image morphing Release Notes Install tardist
xpmno vers #drop-in replacement to IRIX 5.3 libxpm Release Notes Install tardist
xv3.10adisplays TONS of diff img formats Release Notes Install tardist

Same as Freeware 1.0 First Edition -- NO CHANGE:

GNU diffutilsno vers #commands show differences between text files Release Notes Install tardist
GNU fileutils3.12file handling utilities Release Notes Install tardist
GNU findutils4.1find, xargs, locate Release Notes Install tardist
GNU grep2.0improved grep Release Notes Install tardist
GNU groffno vers #documentation tools replaces standard Unix suite Release Notes Install tardist
GNU indent1.9.1C reformatter Release Notes Install tardist
GNU less290Like more but better Release Notes Install tardist
GNU screen3.7.1terminal multiplexer Release Notes Install tardist
GNU sed2.05 UNIX standard stream editor Release Notes Install tardist
GNU sharutils4.1shell archiver/unarchiver Release Notes Install tardist
GNU tar1.11.8improved tar Release Notes Install tardist
GNU textutils1.12text utilities Release Notes Install tardist
calls3.8func call graph Release Notes Install tardist
diredno vers # directory editor Release Notes Install tardist
elm2.4PL24 ME5afull-screen, text-based electronic mail client Release Notes Install tardist
exmh1.6.2TCL/TK based interface to the MH mail system Release Notes Install tardist
expect5.18Tcl-based tool that does programmed dialogue with other interactive programs Release Notes Install tardist
freeze/meltno vers # compression/decompression program Release Notes Install tardist
fw_commonv1.0pre-requiste inst subsystem to any FW sw Release Notes Install tardist
ghostscript3.33PostScript interpreter Release Notes Install tardist
ghostview1.5X-Window user interface for ghostscript Release Notes Install tardist
glimpse3.0file indexing and query system Release Notes Install tardist
gnuplot3.5function plotting program Release Notes Install tardist
gopher1.1.2 search engine Release Notes Install tardist
ispell3.1 fast screen-oriented spelling checker Release Notes Install tardist
llnlxftp 2.0.4ftp client runs on X Window sys (motif) Release Notes Install tardist
lpsversion 1Linux ps Release Notes Install tardist
lynx2.4.2curses based ASCII terminal WEB browser Release Notes Install tardist
mcvert2.16Macintosh file format translator Release Notes Install tardist
mh6.8.3command-line oriented Message Handling package for electronic mail, bulletin board Release Notes Install tardist
mpage2.0 print muliple pages per sheet Release Notes Install tardist
mpegaudiono vers #simple encoder/decoder does LayerI&II audio encoding/decoding Release Notes Install tardist
plan1.4.4calendar/planning Release Notes Install tardist
python1.2interpreted object-oriented programming language that is often compared to Tcl, Perl or Scheme Release Notes Install tardist
rzsz9306implementation of the zmodem protocol Release Notes Install tardist
seyon2.14ctelecommunications Release Notes Install tardist
sonono vers #makes a presentable score from your electroacoustic piece Release Notes Install tardist
sox10 1.0-ircamuniversal sound converter Release Notes Install tardist
tcl7.4p2embeddable scripting language Release Notes Install tardist
tk4.0p2X11 toolkit on TCL Release Notes Install tardist
tr8081.0.0Roland TR-808 Rhythm Composer Sound Sample Set Release Notes Install tardist
unzipno vers #archive utility Release Notes Install tardist
viewfax2.3X-based display program for viewing facsimile-oriented images Release Notes Install tardist
weblint 1.011syntax and minimal style checker for HTML Release Notes Install tardist
xearth1.0rotating globe Release Notes Install tardist
xfig3.1.4Drawing Program and friends Release Notes Install tardist
xkeycaps2.29 change your xmodmap files graphically Release Notes Install tardist
xlessno vers #file browsing Release Notes Install tardist
xli1.16xloadimage Release Notes Install tardist
xtail2.1eXtended tail of standard UNIX 'tail -f' Release Notes Install tardist
zipno vers #archive utility Release Notes Install tardist

Select any combo of files you'd like to send yourself a compressed tar image of. Executables/scripts are indicated with a trailing `*' character. (Depending upon the browser, it may be necessary to hold down the Ctrl key to select/deselect disjoint items.) a compressed tar image of the above-selected items.
OR, ...
a compressed tar image of the entire freeware2.0 directory.

Copyright © 1995-96, Silicon Graphics, Inc.