TeX/LaTeX & related software Release Notes

This document contains the following major sections:

Make sure to read the SGI Freeware Legal Notice.

Some portions of the software contained in this release are covered by the GNU General Public License.

The makeindex program is covered by its own license.

Following is the release identification information for TeX/LaTeX:

Software Product: TeX/LaTeX
Release: 1.0 System Software Requirements: IRIX release 5.3 or greater

Online Release Notes

After you install the online release notes for a product (the relnotes subsystem), you can view the release notes on your screen. Using your favorite Web Browser (e.g. netscape) select the /usr/freeware/relnotes/index.html file for viewing.

Product Support

Freeware products are not supported by Silicon Graphics or any of its support providers. The software contained in this package is made available through the generous efforts of its authors. Although they are interested in your feedback, they are under no obligation to address bugs, enhancements, or answer questions.

The author of this product is: various

Installation Information

TeX/LaTeX (fw_tex) Subsystems

fw_tex includes these subsystems:

fw_tex.sw contains the software for TeX, LaTeX, and a number of related programs:
Reference pages for all the programs in fw_tex.sw.
Detailed documentation for some of the software in fw_tex.sw. Some of the documentation is in the form of .dvi files, and so requires either dvips or xdvi to be read.
Source for all the software and packages in fw_tex.sw. You shouldn't need this unless you want to modify the programs.

fw_tex Subsystem Disk Space Requirements

This section lists the subsystems (and their sizes in 512-byte blocks) of fw_tex.

If you are installing this product for the first time, the subsystems marked ``default'' are the ones that are installed if you use the ``go'' menu item. To install a different set of subsystems, use the ``install,'' ``remove,'' ``keep,'' and ``step'' commands in inst to customize the list of subsystems to be installed, then select the ``go'' menu item.

Note: The listed subsystem sizes are approximate. Refer to the Software Installation Administrator's Guide for information on finding exact sizes.

SubsystemSize (Kbytes)
fw_tex.sw.tex (default)17506
fw_tex.man.tex (default) 125
fw_tex.doc.tex (default) 1632
fw_tex.src.tex 15827

Installation Method

All of the subsystems for fw_tex can be installed using IRIX. You do not need to use the miniroot. Refer to the Software Installation Administrator's Guide for complete installation instructions.

Notes about this software

Here are some notes about the various programs that are included in this distribution:

First, you don't need to set any environment variables for any of the programs. You should only set TEX environment variables (e.g. TEXINPUTS) if you want to change where the programs look for certain files. This is almost always unnecessary. Check the reference pages for individual programs for the meaning of various environment variables.