TARDIST(1) TARDIST(1) NAME tardist - install a tar-encoded software distribution SYNOPSIS tardist tar_file DESCRIPTION Tardist unpacks a distribution, encoded as a tar file, runs Software Manager to allow installation of the distribution, then gives the user the option of deleting the distribution or saving it for future use. Tardist tries to use the directory /usr/dist (normally expected to be a world-writable directory for unpacking and storing distributions) as its working directory: it will unpack the tar file in a subdirectory of /usr/dist, and if the user elects to save, the files comprising the distribution will be merged with whatever is already present in /usr/dist. If /usr/dist is not present or is not writable, tardist will instead unpack the tar file in a subdirectory created in the same directory where the original tar file lives, i.e. if tardist was invoked as tardist /tmp/dist.tar, then it will create a subdirectory in /tmp. If neither /usr/dist nor the directory of the tar file are writable by the user, tardist will ask the user where to create the working directory for unpacking the distribution. After SoftwareManager has completed, tardist will give the option of saving the distribution. If /usr/dist is present and writable, then the files in the distribution will be merged into that directory. Otherwise, tardist will give the option of moving the distribution directory to a new name chosen by the user. FILES /usr/dist A directory writable by the user, in which the initial distribution will be unpacked and, optionally, saved. NOTES Tardist is intended to be called from a web browser, such as netscape, and passed a filename with the extension .tardist, probably located in the netscape tmp directory. If there is not enough room in tardist's working directory (either /usr/dist or the directory where the original tar file lives) to hold the software distribution being downloaded, tardist may not be able to install the distribution. SEE ALSO SoftwareManager(1M), tar(1), netscape(1).