
class FXGLViewer

Canvas, an area drawn by another object


Public Methods

[more] FXGLViewer(FXComposite* p, FXGLVisual* vis, FXObject* tgt=NULL, FXSelector sel=0, FXuint opts=0, FXint x=0, FXint y=0, FXint w=0, FXint h=0)
Construct GL viewer widget
[more] FXGLViewer(FXComposite* p, FXGLVisual* vis, FXGLViewer* sharegroup, FXObject* tgt=NULL, FXSelector sel=0, FXuint opts=0, FXint x=0, FXint y=0, FXint w=0, FXint h=0)
Construct GL viewer widget sharing display list with another GL viewer
[more]virtual void create()
Create all of the server-side resources for this window
[more]virtual void detach()
Detach server-side resources
[more]FXdouble worldPix() const
Return size of pixel in world coordinates
[more]FXdouble modelPix() const
Return size of pixel in model coordinates
[more]FXGLObject** lasso(FXint x1, FXint y1, FXint x2, FXint y2)
Return a NULL-terminated list of all objects in the given rectangle, or NULL
[more]virtual FXGLObject** select(FXint x, FXint y, FXint w, FXint h)
Return a NULL-terminated list of all objects in the given rectangle, or NULL
[more]virtual FXGLObject* pick(FXint x, FXint y)
Perform a pick operation, returning the object at the given x,y position, or NULL
[more]FXbool setBounds(const FXRange& box)
Change the model bounding box; this adjusts the viewer
[more]FXbool fitToBounds(const FXRange& box)
Fit viewer to the given bounding box
[more]void getViewport(FXViewport& v) const
Return the viewer's viewport
[more]void eyeToScreen(FXint& sx, FXint& sy, FXVec e)
Translate eye-coordinate to screen coordinate
[more]FXVec screenToEye(FXint sx, FXint sy, FXfloat eyez=0.0)
Translate screen coordinate to eye coordinate at the given depth
[more]FXVec screenToTarget(FXint sx, FXint sy)
Translate screen coordinate to eye coordinate at the target point depth
[more]FXVec worldToEye(FXVec w)
Translate world coordinate to eye coordinate
[more]FXfloat worldToEyeZ(FXVec w)
Translate world coordinate to eye coordinate depth
[more]FXVec eyeToWorld(FXVec e)
Translate eye coordinate to eye coordinate
[more]FXVec worldVector(FXint fx, FXint fy, FXint tx, FXint ty)
Calculate world coordinate vector from screen movement
[more]void setMaterial(const FXMaterial &mtl)
Change default object material setting
[more]void getMaterial(FXMaterial &mtl) const
Return default object material setting
[more]void setFieldOfView(FXdouble fv)
Change camera field of view angle (in degrees)
[more]FXdouble getFieldOfView() const
Return camera field of view angle
[more]void setZoom(FXdouble zm)
Change camera zoom factor
[more]FXdouble getZoom() const
Return camera zoom factor
[more]void setDistance(FXdouble ed)
Change target point distance
[more]FXdouble getDistance() const
Return target point distance
[more]void setScale(FXVec s)
Change unequal model scaling factors
[more]FXVec getScale() const
Return current scaling factors
[more]void setOrientation(FXQuat rot)
Change camera orientation from quaternion
[more]FXQuat getOrientation() const
Return current camera orientation quaternion
[more]void setCenter(FXVec cntr)
Change object center (tranlation)
[more]const FXVec& getCenter() const
Return object center
[more]void translate(FXVec vec)
Translate object center
[more]FXbool getBoreVector(FXint sx, FXint sy, FXVec& point, FXVec& dir)
Return boresight vector
[more]FXVec getEyeVector() const
Return eyesight vector
[more]FXVec getEyePosition() const
Return eye position
[more]void setHelpText(const FXString& text)
Change help text
[more]FXString getHelpText() const
Return help text
[more]void setTipText(const FXString& text)
Change tip text
[more]FXString getTipText() const
Return tip text
[more]void setOffset(FXdouble offs)
Change line offset
[more]FXdouble getOffset() const
Return line offset
[more]const FXHMat& getTransform() const
Return the current transformation matrix
[more]const FXHMat& getInvTransform() const
Return the inverse of the current transformation matrix
[more]void setScene(FXGLObject* sc)
Change the scene, ie.
[more]FXGLObject* getScene() const
Return the current scene object
[more]void setSelection(FXGLObject* sel)
Change selection
[more]FXGLObject* getSelection() const
Return selection
[more]void setProjection(FXuint proj)
Change the projection mode, PERSPECTIVE or PARALLEL
[more]FXuint getProjection() const
Return the projection mode
[more]void setViewLock(FXbool lock=TRUE)
Lock the viewer, ie.
[more]FXbool getViewLock() const
Return viewer lock status
[more]void setBackgroundColor(const FXHVec& clr)
Change window background color
[more]FXHVec getBackgroundColor() const
Return window background color
[more]void setAmbientColor(const FXHVec& clr)
Change global ambient light color
[more]FXHVec getAmbientColor() const
Return global ambient light color
[more]FXbool readPixels(FXuchar*& buffer, FXint x, FXint y, FXint w, FXint h)
Read the pixels off the screen as R,G,B tuples
[more]FXbool readFeedback(FXfloat*& buffer, FXint& used, FXint& size, FXint x, FXint y, FXint w, FXint h)
Read the feedback buffer containing the current scene, returning used and allocated size
[more]void setZSortFunc(FXZSortFunc func)
Change hidden-surface feedback buffer sorting algorithm.
[more]FXZSortFunc getZSortFunc() const
Return hidden surface sorting function
[more]void setMaxHits(FXint maxh)
Change the maximum hits, ie.
[more]FXint getMaxHits() const
Return maximum pickbuffer size
[more]FXbool doesTurbo() const
When drawing a GL object, if doesTurbo() is true, the object may choose to perform a reduced complexity drawing as the user is interactively manipulating; another update will be done later when the full complexity drawing can be performed again
[more]FXbool getTurboMode() const
Return turbo mode setting
[more]void setTurboMode(FXbool turbo=TRUE)
Set turbo mode
[more]void getLight(FXLight& lite) const
Return light source settings
[more]void setLight(const FXLight& lite)
Change light source settings
[more]virtual void save(FXStream& store) const
Save viewer to a stream
[more]virtual void load(FXStream& store)
Load viewer from a stream
[more]virtual ~FXGLViewer()

Inherited from FXGLCanvas:

Public Methods

oFXbool isShared() const
ovirtual void destroy()
ovirtual FXbool makeCurrent()
ovirtual FXbool makeNonCurrent()
ovirtual FXbool isCurrent() const
ovoid* getContext() const
ovirtual void swapBuffers()

Inherited from FXCanvas:

Public Methods

ovirtual FXbool canFocus() const

Inherited from FXWindow:

Public Methods

oFXWindow* getParent() const
oFXWindow* getOwner() const
oFXWindow* getShell() const
oFXWindow* getRoot() const
oFXWindow* getNext() const
oFXWindow* getPrev() const
oFXWindow* getFirst() const
oFXWindow* getLast() const
oFXWindow* getFocus() const
ovoid setKey(FXuint k)
oFXuint getKey() const
ovoid setTarget(FXObject* t)
oFXObject* getTarget() const
ovoid setSelector(FXSelector sel)
oFXSelector getSelector() const
oFXint getX() const
oFXint getY() const
ovirtual FXint getDefaultWidth()
ovirtual FXint getDefaultHeight()
ovirtual FXint getWidthForHeight(FXint givenheight)
ovirtual FXint getHeightForWidth(FXint givenwidth)
ovoid setX(FXint x)
ovoid setY(FXint y)
ovoid setWidth(FXint w)
ovoid setHeight(FXint h)
ovoid setLayoutHints(FXuint lout)
oFXuint getLayoutHints() const
oFXAccelTable* getAccelTable() const
ovoid setAccelTable(FXAccelTable* acceltable)
ovoid addHotKey(FXHotKey code)
ovoid remHotKey(FXHotKey code)
oFXbool isShell() const
oFXbool isChildOf(const FXWindow* window) const
oFXbool containsChild(const FXWindow* child) const
oFXWindow* getChildAt(FXint x, FXint y) const
oFXint numChildren() const
oFXint indexOfChild(const FXWindow* window) const
oFXWindow* childAtIndex(FXint index) const
ostatic FXWindow* commonAncestor(FXWindow* a, FXWindow* b)
ovoid setDefaultCursor(FXCursor* cur)
oFXCursor* getDefaultCursor() const
ovoid setDragCursor(FXCursor* cur)
oFXCursor* getDragCursor() const
oFXint getCursorPosition(FXint& x, FXint& y, FXuint& buttons) const
oFXint setCursorPosition(FXint x, FXint y)
oFXbool isEnabled() const
oFXbool isActive() const
oFXbool hasFocus() const
ovirtual void setFocus()
ovirtual void killFocus()
ovirtual void setDefault(FXbool enable=TRUE)
oFXbool isDefault() const
ovoid setInitial(FXbool enable=TRUE)
oFXbool isInitial() const
ovirtual void enable()
ovirtual void disable()
ovirtual void raise()
ovirtual void lower()
ovirtual void move(FXint x, FXint y)
ovirtual void resize(FXint w, FXint h)
ovirtual void position(FXint x, FXint y, FXint w, FXint h)
ovirtual void recalc()
ovoid forceRefresh()
ovirtual void reparent(FXWindow* newparent)
ovoid scroll(FXint x, FXint y, FXint w, FXint h, FXint dx, FXint dy)
ovoid update(FXint x, FXint y, FXint w, FXint h)
ovoid update()
ovoid repaint(FXint x, FXint y, FXint w, FXint h)
ovoid repaint()
ovoid grab()
ovoid ungrab()
oFXbool grabbed() const
ovoid grabKeyboard()
ovoid ungrabKeyboard()
oFXbool grabbedKeyboard() const
ovirtual void show()
ovirtual void hide()
oFXbool shown() const
ovirtual FXbool isComposite() const
oFXbool underCursor() const
oFXbool hasSelection() const
oFXbool acquireSelection(const FXDragType* types, FXuint numtypes)
oFXbool releaseSelection()
oFXbool hasClipboard() const
oFXbool acquireClipboard(const FXDragType* types, FXuint numtypes)
oFXbool releaseClipboard()
ovoid dropEnable()
ovoid dropDisable()
oFXbool isDropEnabled() const
oFXbool isDragging() const
oFXbool beginDrag(const FXDragType* types, FXuint numtypes)
oFXbool handleDrag(FXint x, FXint y, FXDragAction action=DRAG_COPY)
oFXbool endDrag(FXbool drop=TRUE)
oFXbool isDropTarget() const
ovoid setDragRectangle(FXint x, FXint y, FXint w, FXint h, FXbool wantupdates=TRUE)
ovoid clearDragRectangle()
ovoid acceptDrop(FXDragAction action=DRAG_ACCEPT)
oFXDragAction didAccept() const
oFXbool inquireDNDTypes(FXDNDOrigin origin, FXDragType*& types, FXuint& numtypes)
oFXbool offeredDNDType(FXDNDOrigin origin, FXDragType type)
oFXDragAction inquireDNDAction() const
oFXbool setDNDData(FXDNDOrigin origin, FXDragType type, FXuchar* data, FXuint size)
oFXbool getDNDData(FXDNDOrigin origin, FXDragType type, FXuchar*& data, FXuint& size)
ovirtual FXbool contains(FXint parentx, FXint parenty) const
ovoid translateCoordinatesFrom(FXint& tox, FXint& toy, const FXWindow* fromwindow, FXint fromx, FXint fromy) const
ovoid translateCoordinatesTo(FXint& tox, FXint& toy, const FXWindow* towindow, FXint fromx, FXint fromy) const
ovirtual void setBackColor(FXColor clr)
oFXColor getBackColor() const
ovoid linkBefore(FXWindow* sibling)
ovoid linkAfter(FXWindow* sibling)

Inherited from FXDrawable:

Public Methods

oFXint getWidth() const
oFXint getHeight() const
oFXVisual* getVisual() const
ovoid setVisual(FXVisual* vis)

Inherited from FXId:

Public Methods

oFXApp* getApp() const
oFXID id() const
ovoid setUserData(void* ptr)
ovoid* getUserData() const

Inherited from FXObject:

Public Methods

oconst FXchar* getClassName() const
oFXbool isMemberOf(const FXMetaClass* metaclass) const


Canvas, an area drawn by another object
o FXGLViewer(FXComposite* p, FXGLVisual* vis, FXObject* tgt=NULL, FXSelector sel=0, FXuint opts=0, FXint x=0, FXint y=0, FXint w=0, FXint h=0)
Construct GL viewer widget

o FXGLViewer(FXComposite* p, FXGLVisual* vis, FXGLViewer* sharegroup, FXObject* tgt=NULL, FXSelector sel=0, FXuint opts=0, FXint x=0, FXint y=0, FXint w=0, FXint h=0)
Construct GL viewer widget sharing display list with another GL viewer

ovirtual void create()
Create all of the server-side resources for this window

ovirtual void detach()
Detach server-side resources

oFXdouble worldPix() const
Return size of pixel in world coordinates

oFXdouble modelPix() const
Return size of pixel in model coordinates

oFXGLObject** lasso(FXint x1, FXint y1, FXint x2, FXint y2)
Return a NULL-terminated list of all objects in the given rectangle, or NULL

ovirtual FXGLObject** select(FXint x, FXint y, FXint w, FXint h)
Return a NULL-terminated list of all objects in the given rectangle, or NULL

ovirtual FXGLObject* pick(FXint x, FXint y)
Perform a pick operation, returning the object at the given x,y position, or NULL

oFXbool setBounds(const FXRange& box)
Change the model bounding box; this adjusts the viewer

oFXbool fitToBounds(const FXRange& box)
Fit viewer to the given bounding box

ovoid getViewport(FXViewport& v) const
Return the viewer's viewport

ovoid eyeToScreen(FXint& sx, FXint& sy, FXVec e)
Translate eye-coordinate to screen coordinate

oFXVec screenToEye(FXint sx, FXint sy, FXfloat eyez=0.0)
Translate screen coordinate to eye coordinate at the given depth

oFXVec screenToTarget(FXint sx, FXint sy)
Translate screen coordinate to eye coordinate at the target point depth

oFXVec worldToEye(FXVec w)
Translate world coordinate to eye coordinate

oFXfloat worldToEyeZ(FXVec w)
Translate world coordinate to eye coordinate depth

oFXVec eyeToWorld(FXVec e)
Translate eye coordinate to eye coordinate

oFXVec worldVector(FXint fx, FXint fy, FXint tx, FXint ty)
Calculate world coordinate vector from screen movement

ovoid setMaterial(const FXMaterial &mtl)
Change default object material setting

ovoid getMaterial(FXMaterial &mtl) const
Return default object material setting

ovoid setFieldOfView(FXdouble fv)
Change camera field of view angle (in degrees)

oFXdouble getFieldOfView() const
Return camera field of view angle

ovoid setZoom(FXdouble zm)
Change camera zoom factor

oFXdouble getZoom() const
Return camera zoom factor

ovoid setDistance(FXdouble ed)
Change target point distance

oFXdouble getDistance() const
Return target point distance

ovoid setScale(FXVec s)
Change unequal model scaling factors

oFXVec getScale() const
Return current scaling factors

ovoid setOrientation(FXQuat rot)
Change camera orientation from quaternion

oFXQuat getOrientation() const
Return current camera orientation quaternion

ovoid setCenter(FXVec cntr)
Change object center (tranlation)

oconst FXVec& getCenter() const
Return object center

ovoid translate(FXVec vec)
Translate object center

oFXbool getBoreVector(FXint sx, FXint sy, FXVec& point, FXVec& dir)
Return boresight vector

oFXVec getEyeVector() const
Return eyesight vector

oFXVec getEyePosition() const
Return eye position

ovoid setHelpText(const FXString& text)
Change help text

oFXString getHelpText() const
Return help text

ovoid setTipText(const FXString& text)
Change tip text

oFXString getTipText() const
Return tip text

ovoid setOffset(FXdouble offs)
Change line offset

oFXdouble getOffset() const
Return line offset

oconst FXHMat& getTransform() const
Return the current transformation matrix

oconst FXHMat& getInvTransform() const
Return the inverse of the current transformation matrix

ovoid setScene(FXGLObject* sc)
Change the scene, ie. the object being displayed.

oFXGLObject* getScene() const
Return the current scene object

ovoid setSelection(FXGLObject* sel)
Change selection

oFXGLObject* getSelection() const
Return selection

ovoid setProjection(FXuint proj)
Change the projection mode, PERSPECTIVE or PARALLEL

oFXuint getProjection() const
Return the projection mode

ovoid setViewLock(FXbool lock=TRUE)
Lock the viewer, ie. prevent mouse-based viewing operations

oFXbool getViewLock() const
Return viewer lock status

ovoid setBackgroundColor(const FXHVec& clr)
Change window background color

oFXHVec getBackgroundColor() const
Return window background color

ovoid setAmbientColor(const FXHVec& clr)
Change global ambient light color

oFXHVec getAmbientColor() const
Return global ambient light color

oFXbool readPixels(FXuchar*& buffer, FXint x, FXint y, FXint w, FXint h)
Read the pixels off the screen as R,G,B tuples

oFXbool readFeedback(FXfloat*& buffer, FXint& used, FXint& size, FXint x, FXint y, FXint w, FXint h)
Read the feedback buffer containing the current scene, returning used and allocated size

ovoid setZSortFunc(FXZSortFunc func)
Change hidden-surface feedback buffer sorting algorithm. This can be used for move/draw printed output depth sorting.

oFXZSortFunc getZSortFunc() const
Return hidden surface sorting function

ovoid setMaxHits(FXint maxh)
Change the maximum hits, ie. the maximum size of the pick buffer. When set to less than or equal to zero, picking is essentially turned off.

oFXint getMaxHits() const
Return maximum pickbuffer size

oFXbool doesTurbo() const
When drawing a GL object, if doesTurbo() is true, the object may choose to perform a reduced complexity drawing as the user is interactively manipulating; another update will be done later when the full complexity drawing can be performed again

oFXbool getTurboMode() const
Return turbo mode setting

ovoid setTurboMode(FXbool turbo=TRUE)
Set turbo mode

ovoid getLight(FXLight& lite) const
Return light source settings

ovoid setLight(const FXLight& lite)
Change light source settings

ovirtual void save(FXStream& store) const
Save viewer to a stream

ovirtual void load(FXStream& store)
Load viewer from a stream

ovirtual ~FXGLViewer()

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