
class FXQuat

Quaternion (single-precision version)


Public Methods

[more] FXQuat()
[more] FXQuat(const FXVec& axis, FXfloat phi=0.0)
Construct from axis and angle
[more] FXQuat(FXfloat roll, FXfloat pitch, FXfloat yaw)
Construct from euler angles yaw (z), pitch (y), and roll (x)
[more] FXQuat(FXfloat x, FXfloat y, FXfloat z, FXfloat w)
Construct from components
[more]FXQuat& adjust()
Adjust quaternion length
[more]void setRollPitchYaw(FXfloat roll, FXfloat pitch, FXfloat yaw)
Set quaternion from yaw (z), pitch (y), and roll (x)
[more]void getRollPitchYaw(FXfloat& roll, FXfloat& pitch, FXfloat& yaw)
Obtain yaw, pitch, and roll

Inherited from FXHVec:

Public Methods

oFXfloat& operator[](FXint i)
oconst FXfloat& operator[](FXint i) const
oFXHVec& operator=(FXColor color)
oFXHVec& operator=(const FXHVec& w)
oFXHVec& operator+=(const FXHVec& a)
o operator FXfloat*()
o operator FXColor() const

Protected Fields

oFXfloat v[4]


Quaternion (single-precision version)
o FXQuat()

o FXQuat(const FXVec& axis, FXfloat phi=0.0)
Construct from axis and angle

o FXQuat(FXfloat roll, FXfloat pitch, FXfloat yaw)
Construct from euler angles yaw (z), pitch (y), and roll (x)

o FXQuat(FXfloat x, FXfloat y, FXfloat z, FXfloat w)
Construct from components

oFXQuat& adjust()
Adjust quaternion length

ovoid setRollPitchYaw(FXfloat roll, FXfloat pitch, FXfloat yaw)
Set quaternion from yaw (z), pitch (y), and roll (x)

ovoid getRollPitchYaw(FXfloat& roll, FXfloat& pitch, FXfloat& yaw)
Obtain yaw, pitch, and roll

This class has no child classes.
FXQuat exp(const FXQuat& q)
FXQuat log(const FXQuat& q)
FXQuat invert(const FXQuat& q)
FXQuat conj(const FXQuat& q)
FXQuat operator*(const FXQuat& p,const FXQuat& q)
FXQuat arc(const FXVec& a,const FXVec& b)
FXQuat lerp(const FXQuat& u,const FXQuat& v,FXfloat f)

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