class FXHMat

Homogeneous matrix (single-precision version)

Public Methods

[more] FXHMat()
[more]FXHMat& operator=(const FXHMat& other)
Assignment operators
[more]FXHVec& operator[](FXint i)
[more] operator FXfloat*()
[more]FXHMat& eye()
Set identity matrix
[more]FXHMat& ortho(FXfloat left, FXfloat right, FXfloat bottom, FXfloat top, FXfloat hither, FXfloat yon)
Orthographic projection
[more]FXHMat& frustum(FXfloat left, FXfloat right, FXfloat bottom, FXfloat top, FXfloat hither, FXfloat yon)
Perspective projection
[more]FXHMat& left()
Multiply by left-hand matrix
[more]FXHMat& rot(const FXQuat& q)
Multiply by rotation about unit-quaternion
[more]FXHMat& rot(const FXVec& v, FXfloat c, FXfloat s)
Multiply by rotation c,s about axis
[more]FXHMat& rot(const FXVec& v, FXfloat phi)
Multiply by rotation of phi about axis
[more]FXHMat& xrot(FXfloat c, FXfloat s)
Multiply by x-rotation
[more]FXHMat& yrot(FXfloat c, FXfloat s)
Multiply by y-rotation
[more]FXHMat& zrot(FXfloat c, FXfloat s)
Multiply by z-rotation
[more]FXHMat& look(const FXVec& eye, const FXVec& cntr, const FXVec& vup)
Look at
[more]FXHMat& trans(FXfloat tx, FXfloat ty, FXfloat tz)
Multiply by translation
[more]FXHMat& scale(FXfloat sx, FXfloat sy, FXfloat sz)
Multiply by scaling


Homogeneous matrix (single-precision version)
o FXHMat()

oFXHMat& operator=(const FXHMat& other)
Assignment operators

oFXHVec& operator[](FXint i)

o operator FXfloat*()

oFXHMat& eye()
Set identity matrix

oFXHMat& ortho(FXfloat left, FXfloat right, FXfloat bottom, FXfloat top, FXfloat hither, FXfloat yon)
Orthographic projection

oFXHMat& frustum(FXfloat left, FXfloat right, FXfloat bottom, FXfloat top, FXfloat hither, FXfloat yon)
Perspective projection

oFXHMat& left()
Multiply by left-hand matrix

oFXHMat& rot(const FXQuat& q)
Multiply by rotation about unit-quaternion

oFXHMat& rot(const FXVec& v, FXfloat c, FXfloat s)
Multiply by rotation c,s about axis

oFXHMat& rot(const FXVec& v, FXfloat phi)
Multiply by rotation of phi about axis

oFXHMat& xrot(FXfloat c, FXfloat s)
Multiply by x-rotation

oFXHMat& yrot(FXfloat c, FXfloat s)
Multiply by y-rotation

oFXHMat& zrot(FXfloat c, FXfloat s)
Multiply by z-rotation

oFXHMat& look(const FXVec& eye, const FXVec& cntr, const FXVec& vup)
Look at

oFXHMat& trans(FXfloat tx, FXfloat ty, FXfloat tz)
Multiply by translation

oFXHMat& scale(FXfloat sx, FXfloat sy, FXfloat sz)
Multiply by scaling

This class has no child classes.
FXHMat operator+(const FXHMat& a,const FXHMat& b)
FXHMat operator-(const FXHMat& a,const FXHMat& b)
FXHMat operator-(const FXHMat& a)
FXHMat operator*(const FXHMat& a,const FXHMat& b)
FXHMat operator*(FXfloat x,const FXHMat& a)
FXHMat operator*(const FXHMat& a,FXfloat x)
FXHMat operator/(const FXHMat& a,FXfloat x)
FXHMat operator/(FXfloat x,const FXHMat& a)
FXHVec operator*(const FXHVec& v,const FXHMat& m)
FXHVec operator*(const FXHMat& a,const FXHVec& v)
FXVec operator*(const FXVec& v,const FXHMat& m)
FXVec operator*(const FXHMat& a,const FXVec& v)
FXfloat det(const FXHMat& m)
FXHMat transpose(const FXHMat& m)
FXHMat invert(const FXHMat& m)
FXStream& operator<<(FXStream& store,const FXHMat& m)
FXStream& operator>>(FXStream& store,FXHMat& m)

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