
class FXStringDict

String dictionary maps a character string to a character string.


Public Methods

[more] FXStringDict()
Construct a string dictionary
[more]const FXchar* insert(const FXchar* ky, const FXchar* str, FXbool mrk=FALSE)
Insert a new string indexed by key, with given mark flag
[more]const FXchar* replace(const FXchar* ky, const FXchar* str, FXbool mrk=FALSE)
Replace or insert a new string indexed by key, unless given mark is lower that the existing mark
[more]const FXchar* remove(const FXchar* ky)
Remove entry indexed by key
[more]const FXchar* find(const FXchar* ky) const
Return the entry indexed by key, or return NULL if the key does not exist
[more]const FXchar* data(FXuint pos) const
Return the string at position pos
[more]virtual ~FXStringDict()

Inherited from FXDict:

Public Methods

oFXint size() const
ovoid size(FXint m)
oFXint no() const
oconst FXchar* key(FXuint pos) const
oFXbool mark(FXuint pos) const
oFXint first() const
oFXint last() const
oFXint next(FXint pos) const
oFXint prev(FXint pos) const
ovoid clear()

Protected Methods

ovirtual void* createData(const void*)
ovirtual void deleteData(void*)

Inherited from FXObject:

Public Methods

oconst FXchar* getClassName() const
oFXbool isMemberOf(const FXMetaClass* metaclass) const
ovirtual void save(FXStream& store) const
ovirtual void load(FXStream& store)


String dictionary maps a character string to a character string. The inserted strings are copied when they're inserted.
o FXStringDict()
Construct a string dictionary

oconst FXchar* insert(const FXchar* ky, const FXchar* str, FXbool mrk=FALSE)
Insert a new string indexed by key, with given mark flag

oconst FXchar* replace(const FXchar* ky, const FXchar* str, FXbool mrk=FALSE)
Replace or insert a new string indexed by key, unless given mark is lower that the existing mark

oconst FXchar* remove(const FXchar* ky)
Remove entry indexed by key

oconst FXchar* find(const FXchar* ky) const
Return the entry indexed by key, or return NULL if the key does not exist

oconst FXchar* data(FXuint pos) const
Return the string at position pos

ovirtual ~FXStringDict()

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