Folder Filter panel

To bring up the Folder Filter panel, use the Filter Folders command.

This panel allows folders to be excluded. This can be used to speed up scanning by excluding folders that you are not interested in.

To add a folder to the list, press the New button.

You can then either type in the path to the folder you want to exclude, or press the ... button to bring up a folder browser panel. If you type in the path to the folder, the full path including the drive letter must be entered. It is also possible to use the standard wild-card symbols * and ? in the name to match several folders. * matches any characters, although it will not match through a folder separator \. ? matches any one character, except a folder separator \.

To change a folder, double click it in the folder list box and make the change required.

To remove a folder, select it in the folder list box and press the Remove button.

To remove all folder patterns, press the Remove All button.

Note that excluded folder are no longer shown in the folder browser or the file browser. They will reappear if the filtered folders list is cleared.

Also note that whenever any changes are made to the list of excluded folders, any folder-size information and duplicate file data already gathered is cleared. If you have not made any changes to the excluded folders after bringing up this panel, you should press Cancel instead of OK to prevent any existing data being cleared.

Predefined folder groups

The system folder is always available in the predefined folder groups pop-up list.

If there are any groups of folders that you commonly want to exclude, these can be entered into a file called foldergroups.txt in SpaceMan 99Æs installation folder. This file starts with the name of the first group on one line, followed by lines containing the folders making up that group, and ending in a blank line. The next group then follows, and so on until the end of the file. This file is read when the Folder Filter panel is brought up, and the groups defined in this file appear in the predefined folder groups pop-up list. Selecting one of these and pressing the Add button will add all the folders in that group to the list of excluded folders.