Last updated 15 Jul 1999

Copyright notice

Jerboa Copyright 1999 Olli Lyytinen. All rights reserved.

Jerboa is distributed as freeware. No money may be charged from it. You may redistribute the original Jerboa package in any form. Jerboa may also be redistributed in non-original form as long as all files from original package are included and information where to get the original package is included (Internet link to is sufficient). If you are going to include Jerboa on a cover disk of a magazine I would like to be informed first by e-mail at address .

Jerboa is provided "as is". The author(s) are not responsible for any damages Jerboa may cause.

You may distribute your own Jerboa signs and Jerboa binding sets any way you want. Original signs and binding sets may only be distributed within the original package or with other original files. The author(s) of Jerboa are in no way responsible of any damage third party or original Jerboa scripts may cause.

By running Jerboa you accept these terms.

Jerboa help

This is Jerboa online help. It contains the following parts:

You can access this help within Jerboa allmost any time by pressing the F1 key.

Newest version of Jerboa and this online help is available at the Jerboa website.

All feedback about this help and Jerboa itself can be sent to Please use the word "Jerboa" as the first word in the subject.

This help file is best viewed with Internet Explorer 4.0 or newer or Netscape Navigator 4.5 or newer using at least screen resolution of 800x600.

Miscellaneous information

I am currently looking for a good looking icon for Jerboa. If you send me your icon and I think it looks good, I will include it in next version of Jerboa and put your name somewhere. Before you start drawing your icons read the following list.

You may send your icon(s) to me as mail attachments to If you send more than one file, pack them in a ZIP archive.

You may send me your own signs and binding sets. I will then include them in next version of Jerboa or put them in the download page and put your name somewhere. If you wish you may put your name in the script file in a comment line. I will however take off all other information but your name, e-mail address, homepage address and correct comments. Please use the following syntax when putting your name in the script. I will reformat the script to this syntax or discard the whole script if you don't. You may ofcourse send them also anonymous. Put this information only to the script binded to the first binding. It would only be taking up memory if you put it in all scripts in the binding set.


If your binding set uses signs not in regular package, please send them also to me or give me a URL where to get the signs. Send signs and binding sets as mail attachement to If you send more than one file, pack them in to a ZIP archive. I will check every sign and binding set before making it available in Jerboa homepage. If I allready have similar signs or binding sets or if there are some other problems I won't make it available. I also might do some own minor changes (add a few restriction marks to a sign for example) to your sign/binding set.