Last updated 14 Jul 1999

Jerboa User Interface

Signs tab

Signs tab

1 - Hide button

Use the hide button to hide the Jerboa dialog. You can access Jerboa again from Jerboa system tray icon.

2 - Signs/Bindings tab

Use this to move between signs tab and bindings tab.

3 - Sign list

Use this to select the sign displayed in sign view and used when clicking the "edit sign" or "delete sign" button.

4 - Edit sign

Press this to edit the sign currently selected in sign list.

5 - Edit sign

Press this to create a new sign.

6 - Delete sign

Press this to delete the sign currently selected in sign list.

7 - Test mode

Check this to start the test mode. In test mode you can see how Jerboa recognizes your drawn sign. This is also useful after you have created a new sign. In test mode Jerboa runs otherwise normal but it won't execute any scripts. When test mode is on, Jerboa shows sign marks in sign view.

8 - Sign view

The sign view shows you the figure of the sign currently selected in sign list. The black narrow line is the last sign drawn. Sign view shows sign marks when in test mode.

9 - Latest program

This read-only edit box shows you the program latest sign was drawn on.

Bindings tab

Bindings tab

1 - Hide button

Use the hide button to hide the Jerboa dialog. You can access Jerboa again from Jerboa system tray icon.

2 - Signs/Bindings tab

Use this to move between signs tab and bindings tab.

3 - Binding set

Use this to select a binding set. binding, program name, disabled, sign and script controls will be updated to show the settings of the selected binding set. This selection is also used when edit binding or delete binding button is pressed.

4 - New binding

Use this to create a new binding set.

5 - Edit binding

Use this to edit the binding set selected in Binding set.

6 - Delete binding

Use this to delete the binding set selected in Binding set.

7 - Program file

This shows the program file used with the selected binding.

8 - Binding

This droplist shows all bindings in the binding set selected in Binding set. When changed information in sign and script controls is updated.

9 - Sign

This shows the sign bound to binding set selected in Binding set and binding selected in binding.

10 - Script

This shows the script bound to binding set selected in Binding set and binding selected in binding.

11 - Disabled

This shows if the selected binding set is set to disabled.

Sign edit tool

Sign edit tool

1 - Signname

This is the name of the sign.

2 - Sign edit view

This view shows the marks of the sign being edited. When show figure. is on, sign edit view also shows the figure of the sign. In this view you can drag boxes at the end points of marks. You can select a mark by clicking one of its end point boxes. The selected mark will be drawn a bit brighter. To deselect the mark click on empty space.

3 - Ok

Exit sign edit tool and save changes.

4 - Cancel

Exit sign edit tool and discard changes.

5 - Show figure

Check this to see the figure of the sign being edited in the sign edit view.

6 - Mark

Press this to insert new mark. It will be placed befor the currently selected mark.

7 - Restriction

Press this to insert new restriction mark. It will be bound to the currently selected mark. If no mark is selected it will be bound to the virtual end mark.

8 - Delete

Press this to delete currently selected mark or restriction mark.

9 - Two sided

Check this to set currently selected mark two sided.

Binding edit tool

Binding edit tool

1 - Program name

This is the name of the binding set. This should be the name of the program with which this set will be used, but you can set it to anything you want.

2 - Program file

This is the program on which this binding set will be used. The <GLOBAL> will be used if no other binding set match. You can also drop down a list of currently running programs and select one of them.

3 - Browse

Use this to browse the program for the program.

4 - Disabled

Check this to set the selected program on disabled.

5 - Binding

Select the binding you want to edit here. You can also change the name of the selected binding by typing here.

6 - Sign

Select the sign you want to bind to the binding selected in binding here.

7 - Script

Write the script you want to be binded to binding in here.

8 - Sign view

This shows the sign selected in sign.

9 - Scan code monitor

Press this button to open the key code monitor. In key code monitor you can press any key on the keyboard, and the key code monitor will show you the virtual-key code and the scan code of that key.

10 - Check script

Press this to check the syntax of the current script.

11 - Ok

Exit binding edit tool and save changes.

12 - Cancel

Exit binding edit tool and discard changes.

System tray icon and menu

System tray menu

You can access the tray menu by clicking the right mouse button on the Jerboa system tray icon.

1 - Properties

This opens the Jerboa Dialog box. You can acces it also by double clicking on the Jerboa icon in the system tray.

2 - Disable Jerboa

This disables Jerboa and stops tracking the mouse thus allowing you to use the right mouse button for dragging. Clicking this again enables Jerboa.

3 - About

Shows the Jerboa about dialog.

4 - Exit

This exits and unloads Jerboa.

System tray icons

System tray menu

1 - Default

This is the default icon shown in system tray.

2 - Green

This icon is shown for a short period when Jerboa has recognized a user drawn sign, found binding for it and executed the bound script.

3 - Yellow

This icon is shown for a short period when Jerboa has recognized a user drawn sign but has not found binding for it.

4 - Red

This icon is shown for a short period when Jerboa didn't recognized a user drawn sign.

5 - Yellow cross

This icon is shown when Jerboa is disabled because a window that is defined disabled in binding set has the focus. After focus changes to window that is not defined disabled, Jerboa returns to normal mode.

6 - Red cross

This icon is shown when Jerboa is disabled by user. This can be done by clicking the disable in system tray menu. Click it again to enable Jerboa.