Last updated 4 Jul 1999


What are Bindings?

Bindings are used to attach a script with a sign, and program. A binding set consists of several bindings and program name. The program name is used to determine which binding set is to be used. Target program is the program under the mouse when sign draw is started. Note that this program is not necessarily on top, and it may not have keyboard focus. A binding consists of a defined sign and a script. When the user draws a sign, Jerboa first checks if the drawn sign matches any defined sign. If a match is found, Jerboa tries to find a binding set with same program file name as the target program. If this is found, Jerboa checks if this binding set has a binding with the sign that mathed the drawn sign. If a match is found, Jerboa runs the script with this binding.

The program name is the executable name of a program. This is not necessarily .EXE type. For example for MS-DOS prompt it is WINOA386.MOD. The name in binding set may contain whole path with executable or just the executable or part of path with executable. The program name in binding set is compared to the end part of the program name of the target program if program name in binding set is shorter than the program name of the target program.

A binding can also be in disabled mode. This means that when the program specified by the program in binding set gains focus, Jerboa automatically disables mouse tracking, thus allowing further use of the right mouse button. This is useful in programs where holding down the right mouse button has some important function. Jerboa is automatically enabled when that program loses focus (supposing that the new focus does not belong to other program set to disabled).

If a program is set to disabled it is somewhat peculiar to use any bindings. This is however possible. Jerboa is disabled when this program receives focus but using this binding set does not require that the program specified in binding set has focus. This binding set is used if the mouse is on the specified program even if it does not have focus.

Creating own bindings

Creating own bindings and binding sets is pretty easy. The hardest part is the scripts. First you need to go to the "bindings" tab. You may select an existing binding set from the "binding set" dropdown list. You can then view bindings of this set by selecting a binding from the "bindings" dropdown list. You can also edit this binding set by pushing the "edit binding" button or delete this set by pressing the "delete binding button". To create a new binding set press the "new binding" button.

In binding edit dialog you can edit all settings of the binding. The target program can be written in "program" dropdown box or you can select a program from it. The "program" dropdown box lists all currently running programs in system. You can also use the "..." button to browse the program.

The <GLOBAL> is a special program name. A binding set with program name <UNDER> is used if no other match is found.

You can set the disabled mode to this binding set with the "disabled" check box. To edit a binding in this binding set, first select the binding in the "binding" dropdown box. You can also edit the name of the binding in this box. Then select the sign binded to this binding with the "sign" dropdown list. Then write the script. The box at right shows the figure of currently selected sign. Use the "check script" button to check that the syntax of the script is correct. Press the "ok" button to accept changes and "cancel" to discard changes.

The "scan codes" button opens key code monitor. In this dialog you can press any key and it shows the virtual-key code and scan code of that key. This is useful when working with SENDKEY in script.