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Links to RISC OS related sites.

If you are new to RISC OS then here are a few links to sites you might find of interest

This is deliberately kept short. We don't want to overwhelm you with dozens of links to places that RISC OS enthusiasts think are wonderful but which would only confuse a newcomer. Regard these as the primary entry points to the RISC OS world and from these you will find your way to almost everything else.


From these you will find news, reviews, chat and lots of links to other interesting places.

  Drobe Launchpad
Probably the best portal into the RISC OS world. Well laid out site with lots of links and often lively discussions about RISC OS related topics.

  The Icon Bar
Used to be the primary RISC OS site, but not updated as frequently as Drobe. Well worth a visit as there are lots of useful links, downloads and forums.

Run by Paul Vigay (see below), this is an invaluable site for the 'newbie' RISC OS user. Lots of info about RISC OS in general (click on the RISC OS button on the top of the screen).

Not as good as the sites listed above but probably worth a look.

Some places you ought to visit

  Stuart Tyrell Developments
Suppliers of USB and networks cards and systems and they are also experts in keyboard/mouse switches for RISC OS systems.   Advantage Six
Sister company to S.T.D. (above) formed primarily to produce computer systems and embedded systems using ARM processors. As well as the A75 and the new A9 they also supply the A6 range which use Virtual Acorn to give high performance RISC OS machines using cheap PC hardware.

Specialists in internet and games software for RISC OS and producers of Uniprint, which makes printing to a PC printer over a network or from Virtual Acorn much easier. They are also now produing a computer based on Virtual RPC, the RISCube,

  Virtual Acorn
The place to go it you want to run RISC OS on a Windows PC, especially if you can't wait any longer for a RISC OS portable . . . . . .

  Paul Vigay's web site
Despite the anti-Microsoft rants (probably justified, but a bit off-putting if you're a contented Windows user) and stuff about crop circles (not all RISC OS users are like that) this site is well worth a visit.

  Acorn Arcade
News, reviews, features and info about games on RISC OS. There's even a forum where you can exchange hints and tips, ask for help, etc.

  Acorn Gaming
The longest running site devoted to games on RISC OS computers.

The RISC OS educational resources site. Lots of software and other resources for use on Acorn/RISC OS computers in education. Primarily intended as a source of information and resources for teachers but don't be put off it you don't work in education, there's a lot of general interest items.

A categorised directory. Like all such RISC OS sites now it tends to be a bit out of date (though they have now noticed that iSV Products is part of APDL and acknowledge that RISC World exists) and is not necessarily comprehensive but it's probably the best there is and you could spend many happy hours clicking on links here. You'll probably find your way to most of the other RISC OS dealers and, after looking at their prices, come rushing back to APDL.

Other interesting sites

Not necessarily about RISC OS, in fact, not necessarily directly about computing.

  • Red Squirrel. No, not the Acorn emulator, that's This One, in case you're interested. This is one of those sites with lots of interesting stuff, some of it even about computers, and from a RISC OS enthusiast.
  • The Register. All the news and gossip about the computer industry and other hi-tech areas and also the home of the BOFH.
  • Slashdot. Another news site.
  • Operation Clambake. All about another insidious cult. Probably not as damaging as the one immediately above in global terms, but you have to wonder how they manage to con people into joining.

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