Feb. 21, 1431
Joan of Arc brought to interrogation
Swears to tell the truth but not the whole truth

Without a lawyer and shackled hand and foot, the maiden warrior Joan of Arc was led into the courtroom today to face her first day of interrogation by a court of French clergymen headed by chief judge Pierre Cauchon, bishop of Beauvais.

Bishop Cauchon swore in the accused. "Swear to tell the truth concerning whatever will be asked you that has to do with the Catholic faith and with anything else that you know."

Joan replied, "About my father and mother, and everything that I have done I shall willingly swear; but never have I said or revealed anything about the revelations made to me by God except to Charles, my king. And even if you wish to cut my head off, I will not reveal them, because I know from my visions that I must keep them secret."