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Archive 2000
Slovak Republic. Computer Magazine PC REVUE/Slovak Republik published an article about FineReader 5.0. 

ôABBYY FineReader definitely belongs to the top among all OCR programs. àô

ôàFineReader´s performance during the test was excellent and free of any problems. Its success and accuracy in the text recognition process was very high, FineReader is suitable for home users or offices. The operation of program was well balanced and presented outputs were even by formatting nearly the same as original. àö

Text of the article

December, 2000á

Ukraine. ABBYY FineReader 5.0 received was awarded "Editor's Choice" in comparative test held by CHIP/Ukraine.

In English, from product description:
+ high accuracy of recognition
+ recognition of programming languages
+ user-friandly interface

In original, from product description:
+ Γ√±εΩα  ≥ε≈φε±≥ⁿ ≡α±∩ετφαΓαφΦ  ΣεΩ≤∞σφ≥εΓ
+ ≡α±∩ετφαΓαφΦσ  τ√ΩεΓ ∩≡επ≡α∞∞Φ≡εΓαφΦ 
+ ≤Σεßφ√Θ Φφ≥σ≡⌠σΘ± ∩εδⁿτεΓα≥σδ 

Download the article: Cover, Page 1, Page 2, Page 3, Page 4, Page 5, Page 6, Page 7, Page 8.


 December, 2000 


Poland. PC World Komputer (IDG, Poland) awarded FineReader 5.0 "Product of the year 2000". 

In original: 
"T E L E G R A M 

In English:
"T E L E G R A M 


December, 2000. 

Germany. ABBYY FineReader 5.0 was reviewed by online version of German Magazine PC Welt with resume: "FR 50 Pro is by far the best OCR-program in this price class". 

In original:
"Testurteil Finereader 5.0 Pro ist mit Abstand das beste OCR-Programm in dieser Preisklasse " 
"Das Gute ist noch besser geworden: Schon die letzte Version von Finereader sammelte viel Lob. Die neue Version aber lohnt nicht nur das Update, sondern den Wechsel von anderen OCR-Programmen."

In English: 
"Test result FR 50 Pro is by far the best OCR-program in this price class. " 
"What was good became even better. The old version of FR already received many good words. For this new version it not only interesting to buy the Update, it is worth to make the change from other brands of OCR programs"

Text of review.


December 21, 2000. 

USA. Document Imaging Report (USA) publishes an interview with Dean Tang, President and CEO of ABBYY USA. Read the Report


December 2000.

India. The Best Products of 2000 awards (Techies) as declared by PC World Magazine December 2000 issue for the OCR category goes to ABBYY FineReader 4.0. FineReader 4.0 wins a User's Choice in December issue of PC World/India. 

"From the early OCR programs that could only translate text into a single font and size, OCR softwares have come a long way. The reader's choice in this category was more or less expected from our side. Yes ! FineReader 4.0 Standard got over 70 percent of the votes. Next in the line was Caere Omni Page 10."


December 2000.

Italia. Italian magazine "PC OPEN" has a section devoted to all best products for the office (one or more product for each category). Since April 2000 FineReader is keeping a special place in this section and is highlighted as "HIGH TECH" product. 


December, 2000.

Germany. ABBYY FineReader 5.0 Pro received the award "Top Product" from PC Magazine/Germany with a score: 10 of 10 possible points. It happened few days after official launch of FineReader 5.0 OCR product line worldwide. 

In original: "Meinung: FineReader 5.0 uberzeugt auf ganzer Linie: Es ist das beste OCR-Programm, das wir je getestet haben."

In English: "Opinion: FineReader 5.0 convinces in all respects: It is the best OCR-software we ever tested." 

Text of the article


November, 2000

France. MOS Magazine/France published a review of FineReader 5.0 "FineReader 5.0, the champion of OCR" 

"Well reknown by many specialists as one of the most performing OCR program, FR with its version 5.0 is once again one step ahead in accuracy and offers large possibilities of OCR process and export formats".

Full text of the article.


September, 2000.

Italy. ABBYY FineReader 4.0 was estimated as an "excellent" product by PC WORLD ITALIA.

Valuation: "OTTIMO" = EXCELLENT, score 5 "W" out of 5 possible.

Read the full text of the article


July, 2000. 

France. ABBYY FineReader 4.0 wins in comparative test and receives an "Editor's Choice" from Windows News (France). 

" The best results obtained. With its reasonable price and performances, FineReader is number one... OCR results of texts in color and in columns are very satisfying. More over, the user interface is very clear."

"The winner of document layout restoration ... Very good in text and table recognition... Few minutes to recognize with FineReader... Nothing wrong with recognized tables exported to Excel, with a rate of 99,91 % in restoration. FineReader replicates lines, columns, numbers and characters as of their original place."

Download the article: pages 1-2, pages 3-4, pages 5-6


June, 2000. 

Germany. FineReader 4.0 Standard won in comparative test, held by German magazine PC Shopping, and received an "Editor's Choice" award. 

"The best application of our test definitely turned out to be FineReader by ABBYY Software House, distributed in Germany by MitCom. This application showed the best results in recognition of both Spiegel (journal) and Frankfurter Allgemeine (newspaper) pages. The export in PDF had also been very good. The quality and reasonable price of FineReader make it the winner of the PC-SHOPPING test. The runner-up was OmniPage. The Caere product made just too many errors in recognizing a book page and a page from Spiegel journal."


June, 2000. 


France. ABBYY FineReader 4.0 won first place in review held by Micro Hebdo magazine/France (ex-aequo with OmniPage). 

"FineReader is the revelation of this comparative test ... a real OP rival. Excellent in OCR. It is the only OCR program that offers the possibility to export in PDF format. It is better than OP for table recognition. It is a bit slow and the installation procedure is old-fashioned (diskette + CD). In spite of this and given its global performance, it does not prevent us from to award it the best quality/price ratio."

Read the article.


May, 2000

Belgium. FineReader is highly estimated by 
"De Standaard" Belgium (http://www.standaard.be/)

"Two conclusions. The first is that the software which is delivered with your scanner is as good as useless. The second is that fortunately there are good and inexpensive alternatives. Or actually one alternative. FineReader Standard 4.0 is not only cheaper, faster and more user-friendly than the competition, it also obtains a very high recognition ratio even when the original is of poor quality."


May, 2000

Belgium. ABBYY FineReader received award "Best Buy" from PC World Belgium in comparative test with IRIS (OCR Express/OCR2000).

"Both competitors succeeded in reconstructing a table, even under
difficult circumstances (the second table was taken from a fax and
printed on dark blue paper). But in order to reach the accuracy of
FineReader, the file proposed by ReadIris had to be manipulated since the program refused to recognize the contents of specific cells. In both cases all the recognized numbers were correct."

"Selecting a scanner does not present any problems but is more automated in FineReader, which encountered no problems whatsoever with either of the scanners used during the test. In ReadIris the scanner has to be selected from a list ... in which one of the scanners (an HP scanner!) was missing."


April, 2000

France. ABBYY FineReader 4.0 wins in comparative test (18 of 20 possible points) and receives an "Editor's Choice" from PC Magazine/France.

Read the article: Page 1, Page 2, Comparative table.


April, 2000


Italy.  FineReader 4.0 Pro is considered the "unbeatable" OCR in comparative test against OmniPage 10 by PC Open.
FineReader 4.0 Pro OmniPage 10 

Unbeatable with ôdifficultö documents

The first with high quality documents

Can save in PDF format

It chooses the most similar fonts



It does not chose the most similar fonts

Problems with small fonts

Colored images are a little too dark

Not precise in recognizing inverted text

Global score 9,7 of 10

Global score 9,2 of 10

Read the full text of the article (in Italian) 

Read the translation of comparative table (In English)


April 06, 2000


Poland. ABBYY FineReader 4.0 Professional wins in comparative test held by CHIP (Poland) and receives CHIP Tip Power award, FineReader 4.0 Standard receives CHIP Tip Econo award.


April 01, 2000


Belgium. ABBYY FineReader beat its competitors (Caere OmniPage Pro 10, IRIS ReadIRIS Pro 5.5, Recognita Plus 4.0 and ScanSoft Textbridge Pro 9.0) in comparative test and was awarded "Editors' Choice" by PC Professional (Belgium).

"FineReader's latest version is very convincing."

"When it comes to text recognition, FineReader is the best. " 

Please read the quotes below or full text of the article.


2000, March.

Belgium. Netwerk Magazine (Belgium) published review about FineReader:

"Scanning and recognizing of magazine texts with images and text in different font types and sizes is often a nightmare for OCR products, but FineReader manages really well. "

Read the full text of the article.


2000, March.

 Italy. ABBYY FineReader is considered to be the best OCR on the market by PC PROFESSIONALE (Mondadori). Please read the quotes below or full text of the article (on Italian) 

"àwe tested the three main software in the OCR category, distributed in Italy: Fine Reader 4 Professional by ABBYY, TextBridge Pro 9.0 by Scansoft and the brand new Omnipage Pro 10.0 by Caere. 

à only FineReader allows exporting in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF)...

FineReader 4 Professional is the software that offered the best results as far as complex format maintaining of documents is concerned. 

...We were very impressed by the capability of FineReader to maintain original formatting of documents, recognizing columns, tables and images.

During our test FineReader showed to be the best OCR in todayÆs market as far as the recognition (and therefore export) of complex formatted pages, with tables and images, is concerned." 

Full text of the article (1st part, 2nd part)


2000, March 

Germany. In comparative test, held by ComputerBild (Germany) FineReader 4.0 Standard received the first place and award "Test Sieger" (The Test Winner).

"FineReader delivers the best results."

"FineReader Standard" is the only program which contains a spell-checker to improve the recognition quality."

"The Test Winner" Fine Reader offers the best recognition results and can handle different typefaces, type sizes, and formats, distinguishing between normal, bold and underscored text."


2000, March 

France. ABBYY FineReader was nominated for Windows News award "Product of the year". 

"...Each year Windows News awards the products that will mark the year. For the year 2000, over all the hardware and software products that we  tested, 90 of them were selected. Because of its original feature, its quality and technical excellence, your product was distinguished and is among the winners in our purchasing guide..." 


2000, February

In comparative test held by PC WORLD Hong Kong - ABBYY FineReader 4.0 Standard received the "Best Buy" award. 

"...The quality of FineReader's work with tables is remarkably high... Overall, FineReader produced the most consistent set of results... But the package walked away with our "Best Buy" because it's most impressive in its ability to mirror very closely the layouts of our variety of test documents - including handling text wrapped around images."


2000, January

In comparative test, held by PCGo! magazine (Germany) - ABBYY FineReader 4.0 was awarded the first place with remark: "sehr gut". 

ABBYY FineReader - sehr gut (very good - best buy)
Data Becket TextScan 2000 - ausreichend (sufficient)
Scanning Suite Omnipage Pro 9.0 - gut (good)
Pagis Pro 3.0 Scanning Suite- sehr gut (very good - best buy)
PaperPort OCR - gut (good)


1999, December

In comparative test, held by PC Professionell magazine (Germany) - ABBYY FineReader 4.0 was awarded the first place with remark: sehr gut. 
FineReader Professional 4.0 - sehr gut (very good)
OmniPage Pro 9.0 - gut (good)
TextBridge Pro 9.0 - befnedigend (sufficient)
Recognita Plus 4.0 - befriedigend (satisfying)
Readiris Pro 5.0 - gut (good)

"As for the recognition FineReader 4.0b Pro is by far the strongest program"

1999, December

In comparative test, held by the most popular computer science magazine in Greece - RAM Magazine ABBYY FineReader 4.0 was awarded the first place with degree 10 out of 10. 

"FineReader is, by far, the best OCR S/W of this test (the rest OCR programs were: Recognita Plus 4.0, ReadIris Pro 5.0 and a Greek program called ôAnagnostis 3.2 Proö). The precision of recognition is, sometimes, 100%, not only in Greek, as well as in Greek-English texts"


1999, October

held in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, ABBYY FineReader 4.0 received Golden Medal Award.

International Fair - Plovdiv is committed to organize the biggest, most prestigious fairs and specialized exhibitions in Bulgaria. Around 4 700 companies from 50 countries participate annually in events staged by International Fair - Plovdiv. Over 600 000 attendees visit the Fair Ground.

In Bulgaria ABBYY FineReader is distributed by David Holding company.


 1999, October

Tests Tests Archive (2000) Tests Archive (1999) Tests Archive (94-98)

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