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Archive 1998-1994



The German magazine PC Direkt awarded Editors' Choice to FineReader 4.0 Professional.


 1998, December

Presto! OCR named PC Computing 1998 Most Valuable Product (MVP) Award Finalist.

"PC Computing’s editors reviewed thousands of products, and Presto! OCR Pro 3.0 is one of only three OCR named as finalists in the OCR category," notes PC Computing editor Wendy Taylor.

"Presto! OCR Pro 3.0 stands out as a great choice for business technology buyers because it offers the right combination of performance and usability that adds real value in today’s competitive, productivity-oriented business environment."


1998, December




The German magazine PC Go! appreciated as   "Sehr Gut" system  FineReader 3.0 Professional.

"Das Texterkennungsprogramm FineReader V3.0 Professional tut das, was es konnen soll, sehr gut: Vorlagen in Texte fur den PC umwandeln. Es erkennt auch Auszeichnungen wie fett und kursiv und ubernimmt sogar das Originallayout."


1998, October

The American magazine ZD Net awarded a 5-Star Editors' Choice to FineReader 4.0 Professional.

"Even text from less-than-ideal sources can be translated with good results. FineReader Professional features an intuitive interface that's easily grasped without the need to consult the extensive documentation. Five large buttons are provided for you to scan, mark blocks, recognize, check results, and save your work. Output can be exported to external databases and spreadsheets, and the document layout can be saved. Features include extensive multilingual support, spell-checking, graphic manipulation tools, zoom support, and much more. FineReader Professional is a solid entry in the OCR field. "


1998, August
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The Slovenian magazine WIN.INI awarded a logo of Editorial Recommendation to FineReader 4.0 Professional.


FineReader is selling as Presto! OCR Pro in US and Canada. The American magazine Windows Magazine have selected Presto! OCR Pro 3.0 to receive the prestigious 1998 Win 100 award.


1998, August

The German magazine PC Shopping awarded Editors' Choice to FineReader 3.0 Professional. OmniPage 8.0 Pro, TexBridge 98 Pro, CuneiForm OCR 3.1, Recognita Plus 4.0, TypeReader, docWorks, and ReadIris OCR also took part in the test.


1998, July

FineReader is selling as Presto! OCR Pro in US and Canada. PC Magazine Editor's in Chief, Michael Miller personally picked top 5 technologies/products that he thinks are significant to boost productivity. Presto! OCR Pro 3.0 got picked in the OCR category.

"This ... package has a very accurate OCR engine. Unlike some competitors, it does a great job of retaining your document’s original format after the scanning and OCR process is complete."


1998, May

FineReader is selling as Presto! OCR Pro in US and Canada. Presto! OCR Pro 3.0 system was acknowledged as one of the three best OCR system by test of PC Magazine. Presto! OCR shared the second place for accuracy (98,7%) left behind TypeReader 4.0 Professional (98,1%), OmniPage 8.0 Pro (97,6%), Recognita 3.2 Plus (97,2%), CuneiForm OCR 3.0 (96,8%) and OCR Master (90,3%) and yielded to TextBridge 98 Pro (98,8%).

"... a new entry in the OCR field, Presto! OCR Pro 3.0 is coming on strong. Based on the FineReader OCR engine, Presto! OCR Pro was a surprise standout on our accuracy test."


1998, May

FineReader is selling as Presto! OCR Pro in US and Canada. The American magazine ZD Internet Magazine awarded Editors' Choice to Presto! OCR Pro 3.0 . OmniPage 8.0 Pro, TexBridge 98 Pro, PrimeOCR, and Acrobat Capture also took part in the test.

"FINAL ANALYSIS. Presto! OCR is our pick. Its accuracy and document format retention was the best of all the packages tested. It's extremely easy to use and has a great error-checking module."


1998, January

FineReader is selling as Presto! OCR Pro in US and Canada. The American magazine PC World called Presto! OCR Pro 3.0 as one of the three best OCR system with OmniPage Pro 8.0 Φ TextBridge Pro 98.

Presto! OCR Pro

"most features offered by its better-known competitors – Caere's OmniPage Pro 8.0 and Xerox's TextBridge Pro 98 – and adds at least one they don't."


1998, January

FineReader is selling as Presto! OCR Pro in US and Canada. The English magazine Personal Computer World awarded Editors' Choice to Presto! OCR Pro. OmniPage 8.0, TextBridge 98, TypeReader 4.0 Professional, and Recognita Plus also took part in the test.

"Good Points: Cheap and accurate.
Bad Points: Not the most sophisticated.
Conclusion: Best value-for-money dedicated OCR program."


1998, January

FineReader was acknowledged as one of the three best OCR systems.
FineReader 3.0 Professional system shared the second place with OmniPage (Caere, US) in a test of PC Intern magazine. These two systems left behind TextBridge Pro 96 (Xerox, US) and CuneiForm OCR 3.0b (Cognitive Technologies, US) and yielded to Recognita Plus (Recognita, Hungary).


1998, January

International Economic Forum and the World Link magazine considers ABBYY one of the 30 most rapidly changing companies of Central and East Europe. On the summit of counties of Central and East Europe ABBYY got a diploma “An award for top-performance as a rapidly growing company”.


1997, December

Samsung Electronics grants ABBYY a certificate “Best Samsung R&D Partner”.


1997, September

ABBYY (BIT Software) gets a “National Reward” for the contribution into development of information technologies”.


The publishing house “Open systems” grants FineReader 3.0 the premium “For the most elegant solution in the field of information technologies”.


1997, July

FineReader 3.0a Enterprise got the “Designed for Intel MMX” logo.


1997, March

The test of “Examination” (Izwestiya newspaper): “The average recognition results of CuneiForm (CuneiForm’96) is 7-8 times worse than the results of FineReader (FineReader 3.0). CuneiForm also missed words and did not recognize some tables at all (especially the tables printed on matrix printer), although the option “Recognize Tables” was active”.


1997, February

The test of the InformReview almanac: “According to our data, CuneiForm works faster, but FineReader 2.0 of BIT Software makes in average 2-3 times less mistakes than CuneiForm 2.0 and CuneiForm 95. We would probably choose the product of BIT Software for our future work.


1997, February

FineReader 2.0 is registered as standard software for use by the Administration of Moscow Province.


1996, December

FineReader 2.0a awarded title Program of the Year by "Personal Programs" Magazine


1996, October

FineReader 2.0a becomes the first Russian application to receive the "Designed for Windows 95" stamp of quality from Microsoft Corporation.


1996, March

The results of test conducted by the Mir PK magazine: “On all kinds of texts FineReader turned out to be the best OCR system… “Fontain image transformation” proved its advantages”.


1996, February

FineReader 2.0 receives certification from the Russian Ministry of Defense.



According to the test of the InformReview almanac on texts of different quality FineReader 2.0 Standard displayed 3 times better results than other systems.



According to the test conducted by the Hard’n’Soft magazine, 3 of 4 categories of documents were recognized by FineReader 2.0 Standard better than by other OCR programs.


1995, December

In accordance with the test of the CompuTerra magazine on 90 per cent of documents of different printing quality FineReader 2.0 Standard displayed better recognition quality than other OCR systems.


1995, October

In accordance with the test of the CPS company on 80 per cent of documents FineReader 2.0 Standard showed better recognition quality than other OCR systems.


1995, August

FineReader 1.2 is acknowledged as "Windows Compatible".


1995, August

The FineReader system wins a certificate of quality from CompuLog.


1995, July

The FineReader system wins first prize at Borland-Contest 94.


1995, May

The Lingvo system wins a prize at the international software competition, Borland-Contest 93, organized by the European branch of BORLAND corporation and the Association of Borland user groups.


1994, July

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