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Poland. ABBYY FineReader 5.0 Pro was nominated as "Best Product, Category - OCR" by Polish IT magazine PC World Computer.

FineReader 5 Pro received 62,55% 
ReadIris Pro 6 - 37,26%
Recognita Plus 5 - 36,25%

January, 2002

Italy. "PC Professionale", the professional IT magazine in Italy of Mondadori group, has awarded FineReader 5.0 Office as the best OCR software for year 2001.






December, 2001

France. FineReader is named Nr.1 equal to OmniPage 11 in Micro Hebdo magazine in France.

"Give a page to scan to FineReader and it will restore it to you almost identical to the original. You can start the whole process from one button only or choose to proceed step by step (scan, read, spell check, save). In both cases, the separation between the different blocks is perfect (text, image and table). The recognition rate remains however inferior to Omnipage'ss. The spell checking step is therefore longer. But after a training period, this weakness will be lightened. In the meantime, Following the example of OP, FineReader offers a wide range of tools aimed to correct these small defects. And its price is clearly more attractive.

What the editor says

We like : Page layout retention, the good level of restoration of tables, the choice of saving formats
We don't like :Spell checking, the relative slowness

Rate : very good - for all users

Read the article


November, 2001.

November, 2001. Please readáthe article about new out-of-the-box form processing solution - ABBYY FormReader.

Version for Germany.

Version for UK.



November, 2001.
Bulgaria. PC World Bulgaria published a review about ABBYY FineReader 5.0.

Read the article



October, 2001.

USA. ABBYY FineReader OCR was included in Computer Shopper's (USA) Top 100 product in the software category (the only OCR software got selected).

Read the article.

"You may find it hard to get excited about OCR software, but ABBYY U.S.A. Software House's powerful FineReader 5.0 Pro certainly did the trick for us. This program, selling for around $90, offers a terrific combination of ease of use, accuracy, automation, formatting recognition, and output flexibility that we found tough to beat. "


October, 2001.

USA. Federal Computer Week (USA) published an article named "FineReader gives OmniPage run for money"

Read the article.

"This Russian import (the company's American division is ABBYY USA) does certain thingsùparticularly recognition and layout reproduction of complex pagesùbetter than the market-leading OmniPage Pro 11 from ScanSoft Inc."

"We found that FineReader did a somewhat better job than OmniPage of retaining formatting of the complex documents we used in testing."


October 15, 2001.



Switzerland. ABBYY FineReader 5.0 Pro won in the comparative test, held by Swiss magazine InforWeek.ch. 

Read the article.

-- German original --á
"Testsieger: FineReader Pro 5.0
Abbyys FineReader Pro 5.0 erlangte den ersten Platz, weil das Produkt über ein herausragendes Preis/Leistungsverhältnis verfügt. Zudem ist es der Firma mit der neuen Version gelungen, in punkto Erkennungsgenauigkeit nochmals zuzulegen, und die 1 : 1 Rekonstruktion der Seiten schnitt am besten ab. Eine sehr bedienerfreundliche Oberfläche und ein luxuriöser Korrektureditor unterstreichen dieses Resultat noch."


October, 2001.
Czechia. Czech magazine PC World published review of ABBYY FIneReader 5.0

"I could say that this program, comparing the other OCR programs I've ever met, reaches the best results. ... Being suitable as for professionals and also for nonprofessional users this software is a leader in its category."


September, 2001. 

USA. "The Office Letter" magazine published a comparative test of FineReader 5.0 and Omnipage 11.

Read the article.

"...ABBYY 's program is well-crafted and does a terrific job. Its step-by-step wizard is particularly helpful to OCR novices. The program costs $99; registered users can upgrade for $69. (http://www.abbyy.com)...
FineReader, on the other hand, made no recognition errors. Not one! I was amazed."


September, 2001.  


Germany. In comparative test, held by German magazine PC Shopping ABBYY FineReader 5.0 Pro received a "Best buy" award. 

-- German original -- 
"Ein zurzeit unschlagbares Preis-Leistungs-Verhaeltnis bietet FineReader Pro 5.0. Die Software unterstuetzt die meisten Sprachen und hat eine sehr niedrige Fehlerquote. FineReader Pro 5.0 erkannte im Test die meisten farbig hinterlegten Texte und setzte das komplizierte Layout der Spiegel-Seite am besten um. Der Testsieg wurde trotzdem verpasst, denn der in unserem Vergleich stark gewichtete PDF-Export brachte nur durchwachsene Resultate. Hier besteht fuer kuenftige Versionen Nachbesserungspotenzial."

-- English translation -- 
"FineReader 5.0 Pro offers unbeatable value for money. The software supports most languages and has a very low error rate. FineReader 5.0 Pro recognised most of the texts with coloured backgrounds and transformed the complicated layout from the "Spiegel" the best. Unfortunately it wasn't awarded test winner as our test had a heavy weighting for pdf export and FineReader gave mixed results here. Here is an area to look at for future versions."

Comparative table.


September, 2001. 

Germany. Germany's most prestigious IT-magazine "C't" found ABBYY FineReader 5.0 Pro to be the best OCR currently available on the market.

-- English translation -- 

"FineReader has almost reached the goal of a 100% accuracy with a sample letter, the least complicated document. Unfortunately, it turned a T into an ôiö. One dot too many, so to speak. Nevertheless, this is an excellent performance, compared with the results of other programs and with its previous version.
Generally speaking, ABBYY, the producer of FineReader has raised up a notch its recognition quality. In 9 out of 12 test documents, FineReader has produced better results than its competitors. A black-and white scan is completely sufficient, since the gray scan doesnÆt offer any improvement but rather creates a disruption because of the additional characters it brings.. 
All three programs can be considered user-friendly. As far as the recognition goes, FineReader is the leader in almost all respects. "

Text of the article

Translation in English 


September, 2001. 


USA. E-DOC Magazine published an article about ABBYY at AIIMShow'2001.


September, 2001
USA. PC Magazine reviewed ABBYY FineReader 5.0 vs. Omnipage 11 with the score:
- FineReader 4 stars out of 5
- OmniPage 3 starts out of 5

ôOn our tests, FineReader 5.0 Pro did an outstanding job of preserving layout and formatting details with excellent accuracy. àà. For the magazine page, FineReader did a much better job than OmniPage.ö Alfred Poor, PC Magazine


September, 2001.
USA.  Mac╤entral online magazine published review about ABBYY FineReader 5 for Mac  public beta version. 

Read the article.


August, 2001.

Hungary. C World/Hungary published a review about FineReader 5.0 

"This is remarkable software, which can be used and learned easily." 

Read the article.


August, 2001.

Czechia. Czech magazine PC World published review  of ABBYY FIneReader 5.0. 

"... Concerning the correctness of the conversion the FineReader 5.0 is surely superior software, one of the best at the market and definitely the best we have recently met. FineReader 5.0 dealt easily with our testing templates without any problems - in an automatic mode we received the excellent results processing the text and complex documents. Using low-quality images there was some misprints but if you use manual setting also from those low-quality patterns you will receive a correct result. ..."


August, 2001.

USA. ABBYY FineReader 5.0 Pro beats new ScanSoft OmniPage Pro 11 in ZDNet Test. Read more

"FineReader 5.0 Pro jumps from unknown to leader of the OCR pack both in value and power."
"ABBYY's FineReader 5.0 Pro is threatening to shoulder it [OmniPage] aside ... this low-priced powerhouse [FineReader Pro] from a Russian vendor may make you switch from whatever OCR package you're using now." 


July 24, 2001.
India. In comparative test, held by Digit Magazine (India) FineReader 5.0 received "Best Performance" award with the score 90.93. 
Read the article. 

July, 2001.

USA.Philadelphia Inquirer/USA published an article about FineReader 5.0. Read more


July 27, 2001
UK. In the July Issue of PC Format (UK) ABBYY FineReader 5 Pro received it's first UK Gold Award.

"For and against
"+" Excellent recognition
"+" Multiple languages
"+" Good layout control
"+" PDF and HTML export
"-" Dark background problems

Rating - 91%"

Read the full article.


June 30, 2001
Italy. ABBYY FineReader 5.0 Pro is listed as the only OCR in the "Best tested products" section" by PC Magazine/Italy. Read abstract in Italian. Read the article


June 30, 2001
Italy. ABBYY FineReader 5.0 Pro is listed as the only OCR in the "Best software" section" by PC Open/Italy
Read abstract in Italian.  
Read the article on Italian

June, 2001.

E-DOC Magazine published an article about OCR technology, implemented in medical applications. 

Computer Magazine  
FineReader's recognition accuracy with texts is very high and the errors are truly minimal. The original layout is nicely retained, even with more difficult documents.

Appreciation :
+ Accurate character recognition
+ Extensive language support
- Requires a lot of memory
- Some layout-errors may affect the final result 

May, 2001
Italy. PC Open/Italy publishes review of FineReader 5.0. 

"...absolute leader among OCRs and champion in recognizing "difficult" documents".
"It was already the champion among OCRs, and this version 5.0 further enhances its features. Its recognition engine is the best on the market." 
"In all this perfection it is difficult to find weaknesses..."

Full text of the article (In Italian)
translation in English 

April, 2001
Italy. FineReader 5.0 Office wins PC Professionale/Italy Editor's choice: VIP (Very Important Product).

Competitors: Omnipage Pro 10, Textbridge Pro Millennium, ReadIris Pro 6.

"...offers unique performances, for example the complete editing of the text (included formatting) and export in PDF format, ideal for archiving." 
"... definetely superior to all competitors practically from all examined points of view"
"... FineReader 5 is undoubtedly the most valid product among the tested ones, and deserves the VIP title"
" ... highly reliable both in text recognition and page layout analisys..."

Full text of the article (In Italian) 
Translation in English
Comparative table 


April, 2001
Italy. PC Pratico/Italy names FineReader "A "fine" and precise text connoisseur".

In Italian:
"... se si parla di Fine Reader, la qualità è assicurata. " Il prodotto in prova, date le prestazioni e le funzioni messe a disposizione, oltre al gran numero di lingue e strumenti adottati, può ben definirsi un prodotto di qualità..."

In English:
"... if you talk of Fine Reader, quality is assured."
"The tested product, if you consider performances and available features , besides the several languages and tools, can undoubtedly be defined a quality product..."

ò La quantità di lingue (ben 121 !) e alfabeti supportati (= number of languages (even 121!) and alphabets supported)
ò L'efficacia nel riconoscimento (= recognition effectiveness)
ò Strumenti avanzati di analisi dell'immagine (= advanced image analysis tools)

ò L'interfaccia può essere migliorata (= interface can be improved)


April, 2001
Turkey. Turkish magazine CHIP published a review of FineReader 5.0  

ABA Journal (USA) published a review of FineReader 5.0 

April 2001

DataNews nr 12 - 30th
OCR another step closer to perfection.
Can a good product be further improved? FineReader proves that it is possible. Especially poor quality originals are more accurately recognised.

Computer Idee 29
FineReader goes one step further (than the competition) and does not only recognise the text of the document but also its complete layout.

Appreciation :
User-friendliness *****
Functions *****
Price/quality ****


March, 2001
Italy. FineReader 5.0 Office participated in comparative test, held by PC Magazine/Italy and received a "Best Buy" award. 

In English: 
FineReader Pro 5.0 is the programme that on the whole showed the best results: it deserved the "Best Buy" award because it allows to handle even the most difficult documents. It can be used by anyone, from the very basic level (by means of the Scan&Read wizard) up to the professional use. 
Tables can be handled with results at the highest level and extremely complex documents can be recognized and their layout maintained with high quality output, even if in this case OP is a little step forward. This a product of the youngest generation that managed to climb up to the top of its category. 
PRO: Excellent performances; easy but powerful interface; several new functions. 
(CONTRA: Zoom viewing problem) 
has all you need, allows a complete monitoring of the process. 

FineReader 5.0 Office:
text 1 column:    * * * * *
text multifont:    * * * * *
magazine page: * * * *
fax:                    * * * *
Inverted text:    * * * *
Tables:               * * * * *

final evaluation for FineReader 5.0: * * * * * (5 stars)
Omnipage 10 received:                    * * * *    (4 stars)
Textbridge Pro received:                  * * *       (3 stars)

Read the article : Pages about FineReader 5.0 (1, 2), comparative table


March, 2001


Germany. Two German magazines - ComputerEasy and PC Professionell - tested and awarded FineReader 5.0. 

ComputerEasy (in German) : "Aufgrund guter Erkennungsraten verdienter Testsieger." 

ComputerEasy (in English): "Worthy winner on account of it's excellent recognition rate."


In German: "Aufgrund guter Erkennungsraten verdienter Testsieger."

In English: "Worthy winner on account of it's excellent recognition rate."


Read the text of the article


March, 2001


Ukraine. On the EnterEX exhibition, held in Kiev, Ukraine ABBYY FineReader 5.0 was named öThe Best Software". Last year EnterEX named Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional as ôThe Best Softwareö.





February, 2001


Poland. FineReader 5.0 Office participated in comparative test, held by PC Format/Poland and received a "PC Format Platinum Medal"

The other programs, participating in this test are:
ReadIris 4.17
ReadIRIS Pro 6.0
TypeReader Professional 6.0
Recognita Standard OCR 4.0
Recognita 5.0
Text Bridge Pro Millenium
FineReader 5.0 Office 

"Without doubt the best of tested programs is FineReader 5 Office, which undisputed have overtaken all competitors. It was amazing in all the tests, even though there were analysed low quality documents, documents printed out
dot-matrix printer.
It saved the better from tested programs layout of documents and pictures.
Received document was really copy of original."

"It is clear, that FineReader can be classified as a new category product and it is an only representative of this category for the time being."

Read the article: Page 1, Page 2, Page 3, Page 4, Page 5, Page 6


February, 2001


France. PC Achat/France published a review on ABBYY FineReader 5.0 Pro and awarded it ôProduct of Exceptionö.

ôThis last release of FineReader could change drastically the OCR market.
The new interface design favours simplicity... Recognition rates are excellent : 98 % on complex documents and 100 % on regular documents out of 25 tested... The OCR process on tables is really impressive : colums and cells layout are perfectly respected and the content is immediately usable once exported into your spreadsheet. The manual process allows to enhance the accuracy rate on the most complex documents (multi colum texts, small characters, images...). The tools to define the blocks are easy to handle and precise, and the numerous zoom levels allow to work in a very comfortable way. The page layout is perfectly exported into Word.... You also have the possibility to export into HTML and PDF formats with perfect layout retention.ö

Read the article 

February, 2001


France. PC Magazine/ France published review on ABBYY FineReader 5.0 Pro awarded it ôEditorÆs Choiceö

ôFineReader 5.0 is very easy to use and its interface handy... The richness of the export formats is impressive : doc, xls, rtf, txt, txt Unicode, html, html Unicode, dbf, csv and pdf. FineReader 5.0 can support vertical and inverted texts which is much more rare... Here is a technology (IPA) that could change completely the OCR sectorö.

Read the article


January, 2001


Germany. "Chip"/Germany publishes a review of FineReader 5.0 Pro. 

In German: 
"Eines der besten OCR-Programme. FineReader 5.0 Pro ist die ideale Anwendung für alle, die viel mit Texterkennung zu tun haben."

In English: 
"One of the best OCR-Software. FineReader 5.0 Pro is the ideal application for those who have to work a lot with text recognition."

Full text of the article


Germany. ABBYY FineReader 5.0 Pro received the award "Best Buy" ("Kauftipp") from PC GO!/Germany

In German
"FineReader ist eine leistungsfähige und vielfältige
Texterkennung. Es kommt mit vielen Sprachen zurecht, liest sowohl farbige
als auch schwarzweiße Texte ein und ist darüber hinaus leicht zu bedienen."


February, 2001

United Kingdom. IT-publisher VNU/UK placed a review of FineReader 5.0

Product Summary
╗ Ease of Use           ***** (5 stars)
╗ Features                 ****  (4 stars)
╗ Value For Money     ****  (4 stars)
╗ TextQuality            ***** (5 stars)
╗ Image Quality        ***** (5 stars)
╗ Documentation      ***** (5 stars)
╗ Overall                   ***** (5 stars)

January 17, 2001
Germany. www.compuserve.de  published review of ABBYY FineReader 5.0

In German: 
FineReader Pro 5.0 liefert hervorragende Ergebnisse, wenn es um
Texterkennung geht. Doch nicht nur das magische Auge, vor allem die
vorbildliche Benutzerführung macht dieses OCR-Programm zum Highlight =

Wenn alle Programme so zuverlässig wie der FineReader wären, leerten sich
die Leserbriefecken in den Fachzeitschriften.
(Frank Gotta) =

In English: 
FineReader Pro 5.0 produces outstanding text recognition results. Not only
the magic eye, but also the way it guides the user through the programme
makes this OCR-software a joy to use.

If only all programmes were as reliable as FineReader, then
the readers wouldn't have to write as many letters to the magazines!


January, 2001

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