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Covenant of Gaia
Church of Alberta
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Site Index

New or updated items are marked >.

* Home Page.
This is where it all begins.
* Home Page for Screen Readers.
Same content as the Home Page but rearranged for screen readers.
* What's New.
New and updated items since the last time.
> About the Covenant.
Who, what, when where and why we are.
* Articles of Faith.
The beliefs we hold in common.
* Our Church Logo.
The origin and meaning of our moontree.
* Contact Information.
Our E-mail, snail mail and telephone number.
* Event Dates and Times
Calendar of church events.
* The Fireweed Program.
A local Eclectic religious education program.
* Covenant History
How the Covenant started, where it is and where it's going.
> Covenant Frequently Asked Questions.
Answers to questions about the Covenant.
* Members and Membership.
About membership and some of our members.
> Joining the Covenant.
Membership requirements and procedures.
> Coven Hendrefydd.
One of our member covens.
* About Wicca.
Information about our religion.
* Choosing a Teacher.
What to look for in a teacher.
* Deities.
About our deities.
* God Sanctuary.
About God in his diverse aspects.
* Frequently Asked Questions.
Answers to questions about Wicca.
* Pagan Dictionary.
Words, words, words...
* U.S. Military Chaplains' Manual.
How the U.S. military views Wicca.
* Wheel of the Year.
Explanations of our holy days.
* Yule.
Around December 21.
* Imbolg.
February 2.
* Eostre.
Around March 21.
* Bealtaine (Beltane).
May eve.
* Litha.
Around June 21.
* Lughnasad.
August eve.
* Mabon.
Around September 21.
* Samhain.
November eve.
* Wiccan Ministers.
Our job description isn't what you might expect.
* Living in the World.
You can't be in circle all the time.
* Family Resources.
Things for Wiccan kids and their parents.
* Group Danger Evaluator.
Is that group you want to join good for you?
* Lost in the Woods.
Based on the Search and Rescue course for kids.
* Social Issues.
We wish didn't have them, but ignoring them won't help.
* Humour.
If we don't laugh at ourselves, someone else will gladly do it for us.
* Chocolate Ritual.
Need we say more.
* Cultural Temperature Scale.
What really happens at -40?
* Hacker's Tarot.
The Major Arcana for computer geeks.
* Lady Pixie Moondrip.
How to choose a politically correct Pagan name.
* Lightbulb Jokes.
Everyone has them. Some of ours are actually original.
* Miscellaneous Jokes.
Really, you don't want to know.
* Old Time Religion.
More verses to the perennial favourite.
* Wombat Wiccca.
Is that Old Gerald I hear spinning in his grave?
* Yuppie Pagans.
You may be a Yuppie Pagan if...
> About this Site.
All the things you might want to know about this site.
> Access Statistics.
Who's hitting us and how hard.
* Awards.
Some deranged people think we're cool.
* Graphic and Technical Credits.
Where we got our graphics and how the site was produced.
> Legalities.
Your legal rights and why it isn't our fault.
* Disclaimer.
Translation: It's not our fault.
> Religious Rights.
Link to a site listing the constitutional documents for many countries.
* Other Legal Resources.
Links to interesting things not having to do with religion.
* Charter of Rights.
Excerpt from the Canadian Charter of Rights.
* Criminal Code.
Excerpt from the Canadian Criminal Code about witches.
> Other Things.
An eclectic collection to titillate your fancy.
> Free Graphics.
Public domain graphics for Pagan sites.
* Guest Book.
See what others think of our site and leave a message at the beep...
* Interfaith.
Working with others in our community.
* A Christian Speaks on the Faith and Path of Wicca.
Guess what? We're already saved.
> Literature.
Stories, poems and essays for and about Pagans.
> Our Home.
Things about where we live.
> Links.
Links to other sites of interest. Arranged by area and topic.
* Web Rings.
Chains of related sites to which we belong.
> Site Index.
A beautiful collection of links to the rest of the site. Check it out!

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Copyright © 1997 Covenant of Gaia Church of Alberta. All rights reserved.
Last Modified: 1997 August 27.