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Links to Other Sites of Interest

[Black Panther]
Now that's a familiar!

Descriptions in quotes are taken directly from the home page of that site. Non-quoted descriptions are solely the personal opinion of the webmaster.

Each site on this page was included solely because it contains useful or though-provoking information. No consideration was given as to affiliation, sectarianism, or political correctness (ours or theirs).

Please read our disclaimer and feel free to suggest any links you think should be here.

New or updated items are marked >.
* Western Canada.
* Eastern Canada.
* North America.
* Europe.
* Miscellaneous.
> Research Sites.
> South Pacific.
* Special Interest Links.
* Web Rings.

Western Canada

* Aquarian Tabernacle Church (Canada) The ATC is a mono-trad Wiccan church based in Seattle, Washington but also has a Canadian chapter based in the Vancouver area. Nice people. Their Spring Mysteries Festival is wonderful.

* Harvest Moon Magazine A Pagan magazine from Saskatchewan.

* Hecate's Loom "Hecate's Loom exists for the purpose of providing a forum for the creative expressions of Paganism inclusive of Witchcraft, Goddess spirituality, Gaia Consciousness, Shamanism and other Earth-based religious philosophies."

* Horned Owl Publishing A Victoria B.C. "publisher specializing in books on earth-centered spirituality - We are dedicated to publishing a variety of handbooks and chapbooks, books for families who are raising their children in these spiritual paths, books for both seeker and the sage. Cup of Mari Anu by Yvonne Owens, illustrated by Kevan Lane Miller; The Law Enforcement Guide to Wicca by Kerr Cuhulain. Wholesale inquiries welcome.

* The Minstrel "...To provide networking and information, a forum for pagan culture, and to bring about discussion and dialogue...The Minstrel is a submission-oriented publication, dependent on response from the community and is unaffiliated with any group or organization."

* Temple of the Lady "The Temple of the Lady is dedicated to the Goddess. We are a multi-denominational Pagan/Wiccan Temple serving the Pagan community. The Temple presently has congregations in The Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island, and members across British Columbia and beyond."

Eastern Canada

> Lady Marion's Wiccan/Pagan Pages A site in Ottawa with information on a variety of topics, including a pretty comprehensive listing of Canadian Pagan sites, the Celts, Pagan parenting, Pagan rights and more.

* Pagan Awareness League "It is time to stand up for what it is. It is time to stand up for what we believe in. No more will we allow false facts and untruths to be spoken unchallenged. The time has come for the truth to be shared, for the misinformation to be shattered. We here pledge to stand up for the truth, stand up for fairness and equality. Our goal is simple and understated, we will not rest until religious freedom means freedom for all."

* Pagan Federation/Fédération paiënne (Canada) A nice Canadian site still partly under construction. Links to other Canadian sites. Soon to have downloadable archives and a Canadian Pagan's contact list. Affiliated with Pagan Federation (UK).

> Where the Wild Things Are "Material on Wicca and Celtic Paganism that goes well beyond the 101 level, with a bit of an academic slant. Also conservation biology, environmental activism, anarchism, and more, including a sizeable collection of my (sometimes rather acidic) opinion columns from a local gay/lesbian magazine."

* Wiccan Church of Canada A mono-tradition Wiccan church based in Toronto, Ontario.


* Pagan Federation (UK) A UK group that "exists to provide contact between groups and genuine seekers of the Old Ways..." Also "works for the rights of Pagans to worship freely and without censure."

* PINE (Pagan Information Network Éire) "...to set up a contact network between active Pagan, Wiccan and Magical groups and individuals in both the Republic and the North of Ireland... to act as an 'Introduction Agency' for those seeking Pagan, Wiccan, and Magical groups who have had limited experience of such... act as a contact reference for both the media and the policing authorities..."

* The Druid Grove
* Order of Bards Ovates and Druids
This organisation has been around since 1717. Its aims are: "1. To help us develop our potential - spiritual, intellectual, emotional, physical and artistic. 2. To work with the natural world, to cherish and protect it, and to cooperate with it in every way - both esoterically and exoterically."


* Yahoo Paganism Hotlist The master listing of Yahoo Paganism sites.

* Yahoo Wicca and Witchcraft Hotlist Another fine list from Yahoo.

North America

* Arachne's Web There are over 800 Pagan links at this site sorted by topic. Have fun and don't stay up too late.

* Ár nDraíocht Féin: A Druid Fellowship "ADF is a national religious organization devoted to creating a public tradition of Neopagan Druidism."

* Aquarian Tabernacle Church The ATC is a mono-trad Wiccan church based in Seattle, Washington. It is currently legally recognised in 3 countries including Canada. Their big event is the Spring Mysteries Festival. I've been going for at least six years and I still get something new from each one.

* Church of All Worlds (CAWeb) "The Church of All Worlds is an organization of individuals who regard the Earth and life on it as sacred. Living in harmony and understanding with life's myriad forms is a religious act. While we prescribe no particular dogma or creed, our commonality lies in our reverence and connection with Nature and with Mother Earth, seeing her as a conscious living entity." Publishers of Green Egg.

* Circle Sanctuary "Circle Sanctuary, or Circle, is a non-profit nature Spirituality center serving Wiccan, Shamanic, Goddess, Druidic, Celtic Mystic, and other Pagan folk worldwide." Some interesting bits, like the Pagan Academic Network. Check it out.

* Covenant of the Goddess "Purpose: The Covenant of the Goddess was founded in 1975 to increase cooperation among Witches and to secure for Witches and covens the legal protection enjoyed by members of other religions."

* Jaz's Pagan Page A personal home page with lots of links, information and graphics. Also some Pagan fonts!

* Mage's Guide to the Internet An archive of archives. Assorted links, FAQs and stuff.

* PagaNet Another site with a ton o' links.

* Rowanhold Bardic Circle "Rowanhold Bardic Circle (ULC) is a neo-Pagan group devoted to the exploration of the Bardic Arts. We are a pan-Trad group engaged in research, study, and performance of the traditional neo-Pagan, pre-Christian and early Celtic Christian Bardic Tradition."

* Witches' League For Public Awareness (WLPA) "The [WLPA] is a proactive educational network dedicated to correcting misinformation about Witches and Witchcraft." Started by Laurie Cabot in Salem, Mass. Lots of links.

* Witches' Voice "A news and Education Network."

* World Pagan Network "Pagans helping Pagans find the contacts, rituals, meetings or even the best part of town for a Pagan to live. There is no charge of fee for this service."

Research Sites

* The Encyclopedia Mystica "An encyclopedia on occult, mysticism, magic, paranormal and more ..."

* The Encyclopedia Mythica "An encyclopedia on mythology, folklore and legend."

* IMBAS: Celtic Reconstructionist Paganism These people are serious in their research, so you might try them for authentic Celtic stuff. Cool archives.

* Joan's Witch Directory This superb site contains a host of historical information about witches. "To learn about the people accused of witchcraft is not easy. Their confessions were usually given under torture. If one is to believe anything from Malleus Maleficarum, which was used as the handbook for capturing and prosecuting witches, it would be that the witches were mostly midwives, knowledgeable in the use of herbs and medical procedures that weren't approved by the church. The witches were also the men and women who followed Pagan religions, which threatened the control by the Catholic church. However, the history of what followed the publication of this book suggests that the victims were more diverse, and included men and devout Christians. Following is material I have found of interest on this subject. These mostly consist of excerpts I have come across in my readings and reference lists I have put together."

* Kathryn Huxtable's Pagan Page A personal page with lots of Pagan information and a killer bibliography.

* Lysator The world famous Lysator Academic Computer Society in Sweden. Check out the Aphrodite mailing list for women Witches, the religion archives, the Skeptical pages, the Lothlòrien gallery, the SF/Fantasy archive, the Occult archives, the Neopagan archives...

* Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance Almost (over?) 500 articles on virtually every facet of current religious thought. This is one of perhaps a handful of sites that actively promote religious tolerance. You may wish to consider their plea for ideas about finding financial assistance.

> University of Würzburg archives on International Constitutional Law Full texts of the constitutional documents of most of the world's countries. A good starting point for researching religious tolerance worldwide.

* The Virtual Pomegranate An online journal "to provide a scholarly venue for the forthright and critical examination of Neopagan beliefs and practices." Not to be missed.

> Where the Wild Things Are "Material on Wicca and Celtic Paganism that goes well beyond the 101 level, with a bit of an academic slant. Also conservation biology, environmental activism, anarchism, and more, including a sizeable collection of my (sometimes rather acidic) opinion columns from a local gay/lesbian magazine."

* Witchcraft Bibliography "This is version 4.3 of The Witchcraft Bibliography Project. It grew out of, and is still about half, the work of Jeffrey Merrick, University of Wisconson-Milwaukee. His purpose was to collect and disseminate bibliographical information about books and articles in many languages about witchcraft in early modern Europe."

South Pacific

> Laren's Place of the Web Tons of information about Australian Paganism, a Book of Shadows, killer graphics (see our Free Graphics page), history, media coverage, ...

* Pan Pacific Pagan Alliance "Through its affiliation with the Pagan Federation (est. 1971), Europe's largest Pagan organisation, and networking arrangements with the Covenant of the Goddess (USA) and Pagans for Peace (Canada), the Pagan Alliance is part of a global network of responsible and authoritative Pagan organisations."

Special Interest Links

We have several lists of sites that cater to special interests within Wicca. The links below will take you to these lists.

* Interfaith Links

* (Mostly) Irish Celtic Links

* Kids

* Parents

Web Rings

These are the webrings to which we belong.

* Circle of Illumination

* Earth Wisdom

* Silver BroomStick

* Spirit Ring

* Witches Webring

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Copyright © 1997 Covenant of Gaia Church of Alberta. All rights reserved.
Last Modified: 1997 August 27.