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Webrings are collections of web sites that point to each other in a circle so that starting anywhere in the ring and visiting the "next" site will eventually bring you back to where you started. The Covenant of Gaia site is a member of the following webrings.

[Circle of Illumination] [Next Site]
This Circle of Illumination site is owned by the Covenant of Gaia.
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This Earth Wisdom Ring Site is owned by the Covenant of Gaia
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This Silver Broomstick Web Ring site is owned by the Covenant of Gaia.
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This Spirit Ring site is owned by the Covenant of Gaia.
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[Witches Webring] [Next Site]
This Witches Web Ring site is owned by the Covenant of Gaia.
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Copyright © 1997 Covenant of Gaia Church of Alberta. All rights reserved.
Last Modified: 1997 September 1.