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Covenant of Gaia
Church of Alberta
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What's New

1997 September 21
The Free Graphics page now links to the wonderful set of Pagan graphics that were created by Laren in Australia as well some Classical Pagan graphics from (of all places) MicrosoftTM.

The access statistics page has some new software. If you notice any problems with it, please let us know.

The Legalities page now has a link to a site giving the full texts of the constitutional documents of most countries so you can start researching the religious rights in those places. This site also appears in our Links: Research Sites listing.

The INDEX(SITE INDEX) link at the top of each page now takes you to the right part of the site index, not just to the top of the site index document.

There are more international contacts in the Covenant FAQ.

Check out the new Literature as well.

The Members and Membership page has some clarifications: We are willing to talk to anyone who wishes more information. You don't have to be seeking membership.

1997 August 27 (Version 5)
This version marks the introduction of a new, scalable format. Changing or adding documents is now much easier than it was in Version 4 and we shouldn't have to do another face lift for a long time. Please let us know what you think of the new look.

Navigation around the site should be simpler. All documents are arranged in circles: Pushing the PREVIOUS or NEXT button enough times will get you back to the start of that circle. Each page has five navigation buttons:
The entire site has been reorganised. All the old contents are still here and there are a lot of new documents in this version: Deities, interfaith, law and social issues to name a few. The links, dictionary and family resources have been updated.

We now comply with the Canadian Federal web access guidelines for the disabled. The Social Issues page has the details.

1997 June 11 (Version 4)
New background, new navigation buttons, new pictures, more links, general tidying, new literature and dictionary sections. Content rated by the Recreational Software Advisory Council for the Internet (RSACi).

1997 April 8 (Version 3)
Added a member page, guest book, wheel of the year.

1997 March 4 (Version 2)
Added member page area, new links, SIG links, technical credits. Updated the Teachers and Family Resource pages.

1997 Feb 16
Lots of small changes and bug fixes here and there. New background wallpaper. Do you like it?

1997 Feb 14
New page access counter is on-line. Tidied the links page & added two new links. Our first award (Family-Friendly)! Yippee!

1997 Feb 12 (Version 1)
First version of the web site finished.

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Copyright © 1997 Covenant of Gaia Church of Alberta. All rights reserved.
Last Modified: 1997 September 21.