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What is Miggybyte?

Did you say FREE!
Miggybyte is a FREE multimedia publication (disk mag to you and me) for the Amiga range of computers. It will run on any Amiga with at least 1mb of memory.

When is it published and where can I get it from?
Miggybyte is published bi-monthly and is available from
AmiNet and for those of you without full internat access its also available from a number of support BBS.

You can also dowload the latest issues of Miggybyte from here.
Click here to go to the file area.

What sort of GUI does it use?
Well simply click here to see a GIF of the GUI. This is the OCS version that runs on any Amiga.

Will you be doing an AGA version?
As we speak I (Ben Gaunt) am working on the AGA version of the GUI and if all goes well it should be available soon. The AGA version will need at least 2megs Chip Ram and the AmigaOS 3.0 or better.
The new GUI will have many extras, like graphics (128 colours) displayed in the docs and a much better tracker mod replay routine.

Can I help/join Miggybyte?
Yes see the section Miggybyte Needs you! for more information.

How can I contact a member of Miggybyte?
See the section Contacting a member of Miggybyte for more information.

So how did Miggybyte come about?
Miggybyte sprung from Channel X BBS and I was originally going to call it Byte, but as most of you know there is an American mag called this. Then one day a bloke calling himself Sigma Alpha showed up on the BBS and started waffling on about what a god he was in the Amiga world (which all turned out to be total bullshit), anyhow he came out with why not call the mag MiggyMag. So as you can see it soon became Miggybyte.

This left me to program the GUI used for Miggybyte, design the graphics, program the intro's, write some docs and even edit the mag. Then do my college project and exams!
The rest as they say is history.

What's the future of Miggybyte?
Well whats the future of the Amiga? Who knows as long as people use the Amiga and I'm alive Miggybyte will be arround. Unless I get into wedlock and then made to give up all this. What a nightmare, ugh!

Click! © 1996-1997 Pickled Fish
Contact Ben Gaunt/Webmaster for more information, ben.gaunt@pickled.demon.co.uk

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