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Great Amiga Web Pages

Listed below are links to some of the best Amiga related web pages on the internet.

Listed in this order,

Amiga Hardware
Amiga Software
Amiga Programmers
Amiga Resources
Amiga Misc

Amiga Hardware

Amiga Technologies
The home page of the Amiga, here your find all the latest news about the Amiga and the various Amiga models being produced. Also a load of links to other Amiga releated pages.

Phase V Digital Products
Phase V make some of the best Amiga expansion boards for the Amiga, there so good that Phase V has shot to fame in the Amiga world and are now planning on developing their own line of Amiga computers.

New company setup by ex-Amiga Technologies president, aim to build a Amiga clone. Have many ex-Amiga people including Dave Haynie designer of the AAA chipset and many Amigas.

Quikpak are a US based (I think?) Amiga makers and sellers, they also produce some good Quikcam utils etc for the Amiga

Amiga Software

Click Boom
Click Boom is the entertainment software team of Pxl computers of Canada. They are perhaps know for one of the best, if not the best fighting game to hit the Amiga. Capital Punishment, for AGA Amigas with at least 2meg ram and 15meg's free on your hard drive.
Captial Punishment is infamous for its violence, blood and nudity. Yes I said nudity, there is a fighter called Demona who takes great pleasure in showing off here nipples and other parts! *** BUY THIS GAME ***
ClickBOOM are still producing Amiga software so pop in and see whats new.

Team 17
One of my favorite Amiga game publishers has to be Team 17 they have published classic games like, Alien Breed, Alien Breeed 3D, Alien Breed 3DII - The Killing Grounds (Doom beater) and the all time classic Worms. Sadly they seem to be droping the Amiga.

Vulcan Software
This software house has grown from the success of the classic Valhala graphic adventure games. The Valhala series of games were the first to use speach throughout.
They also publish many other titles and best of all they price their titles at very reasonable rates.
Also if your a games programmer you might like to give them a look, as they might just publish you software for you!

Bitmap Brothers
Remember these titles, Speedball 1 and 2, Chaos Engine 1 and 2 and the classic GODS! Well there all Bitmap Brothers games and if you want to know more then go take a look.

Voyager is a very good freeware WWW browser for the Amiga range of computers, it needs MUI. Supports most of the HTML commands.

ALynx is for those Amiga users who don't have loads of memory or WB3 or better. It will allow you to browse the internet but doesn't support all the HTML features and graphics are limited.

IBrowse is one of the top Amiga web browsers if not the top one. It supports most of the HTML standards including ANIM Gifs. Needs MUI.

AWeb is a WWW browser for the Amiga published by AmiTrix Development. It doesn't use MUI so its faster than most other browsers and uses less memory. Also my personal favorite, at the moment.

Thor is an Amige mail utility, it can be used for email, newsgroups, BBS, offline reading and posting. In fact this is what I use for all my mail needs on the Amiga. At the moment anyhow.

F1 Lienceware
F1 Lienceware produce some quality software for the Amiga at a price everyone can afford. If you program software and want to get it published then why not consider lienceware?

Impulse Inc / Imagine 3D
Impulse Inc produce Imagine, one of the best known 3D generating programs on the Amiga and probably the most popular. Just take a look at AmiNet and all the free object and texture files that are available for it.

Amiga Programmers

Red When Excited Ltd (Blitz)
Red now own Blitz and are working on upgrading the software and they also supply many extras for Blitz. Blitz has been used to produce many top Amiga titles, Worms, Skidmarks, Roadkill just to name a few.
It supports AGA and OCS Amigas and intution. If your after a easy to use language then take a look.

The BASIC Archives - Home Page
REXX Information
Dr. Ice's E Page
Amiga E Encyclopedia
The Amiga Assembler Page
The online Dos Reference page

Amiga Resources

The Amiga has always been popular with PD and Shareware authors and demo coders around the world. Thus many sites on the internet have poped up where you can download all the new files, the best of these sites are the AmiNet ones. If its on the Amiga and its PD/Sharware its most likely on AmiNet.

The Amiga Web Directory.
If your going to have a links to Amiga WWW pages then I suppose I should start with the best, `The Amiga Web Directory'. Here you will find 100's of Amiga related links.

Area 52
Here you will find a search engine with a difference, it only searches Amiga related links. Also here are the Amiga Online Reference Manual v4 and the Amiga Internet Applications List.

AMIGA UK Internet Service Providers Support
This page contains special support for Amiga users wishing to access the internet with their Amiga. New or a seasoned user of the net your find this page has something for you.

This search engine only shows links that have an Amiga related topic. Very handy for filtering out the rubbish!

Amiga Misc

With the Amiga being such a popular computer many magazines have sprouted to provide support, reviews and news on every thing related to the Amiga, in my humble opinion the best being CU-Amiga.
They also have the best cover mounted CD's that have appeared on any of the Amiga rags so far.

Amiga Format
What can I say, Amiga Format the most popular Amiga Magazine in the world? The web site isn't too bad too.

Amiga Report
Now one of the longest running Amiga freeware magazines, it comes in Amiga Guide format and containes much Amiga news etc. Mostly USA based though.

Amiga Review
This site is for Amiga Review magazine, the newest UK based paper publication aimed at the serious users of the Amiga computer. You can find information about the magazine, a list of what's inside the latest issue, an on-line order form, links, the latest news and features too.

Amiga Gamer
This site is for Amiga Gamer magazine. The just launched sister of Amiga Review magazine. Amiga Gamer is the only Amiga games magazine available and you can find out hat's inside plus all the latest news on this site.

#Amiga Undernet IRC Channel
The Amiga channel on the Undernet where you will find many of the Amiga community hang out. Like me :)

#Amigacafe Undernet IRC Channel
Another popular Amiga IRC channel where all sorts of Amiga topics are lobbed about. Oh and Fosters likes to kick and ban! ;)

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Contact Ben Gaunt/Webmaster for more information, ben.gaunt@pickled.demon.co.uk

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