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Readers Web Pages

Below are links to web pages of our readers and friends. Go on try a few, you never know what you will find!??!?!
Steve and Phils Home Page
It's Steve Smith and Phil Smith's home page, yea thats right their brothers who share an address. Some of you might remember Steve Smith as the author of F1GP-ED (no not Oliver Robberts one). He stoped support for it awhile back when he jumped to the PC.
Phil is a very talented HTML coder and examples of his work can be seen here. So if your after a HTML coder why not take a look? Oh I also went to college with Phil, but don't hold that against him.

Genesis BBS Home Page
The home page for Genesis BBS, a rather cool Amiga based BBS. If you want to see whats on offer there etc then take a look.

Bradley Smith
Its Bradman's home page. What, you've never heard of him? Shame on you visit his page right now or forever be dammed!

Asach Tu
Asach has been a long time user of my BBS (Channel X) and is an all round good bloke, so why not visit his home page and see what he is up to.

The Machine BBS
The Machine was one of the first BBS I called when starting out in the comms world and was also one of the reasons I chose Xenolink BBS Software.
The Sysop (Aaron Thorne) is a all round nice guy, most of the time, anyhow take a look at his page to see whats going on.

Eoghann Irving Amiga page
My Amiga pages contain forms for both Agnes and WebCrawler search engines. My views on the future for the Amiga, plus a questionaire on the shape of future Amigas. A rather nice "Amiga Made" logo for inclusion on peoples web pages. Plus of course loads of links.

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Contact Ben Gaunt/Webmaster for more information, ben.gaunt@pickled.demon.co.uk

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