G's Amiga Emulators











This has happened the last 14 days:


    A/NES v0.9� Released
  • Sprites rewritten (MUCH faster).
  • Splitscreen scrolling.
  • Sound code rewritten.
  • Now in theory works on ECS!
  • Bank switching code optimised.
  • Minor code cleanup.
  • GUI rewritten!
    Wzonka-Lad v0.93 Released
  • Returned iconstartup.i as it seems to work perfectly now.
  • Fixed a major compability problem!!!
    DarkNESs v0.21 Released
  • Minor changes to GUI
  • Fixed bug in CPU emulation
  • Fixed Mapper 1
  • Added support for extended mapper numbers (Mappers > 15)
  • Added Mapper 16 (untested)
  • Changed NES timing
  • Lots of little optimizations
  • Changed location of darkNESs.prefs


    A/NES Announcement...
    Next version of A/NES to be released on Halloween ( 1st of November )

    Here is what the Authors had to say about it:
    As you might have noticed, there haven't been any releases of our emulator lately... That's because we've been busy working on A/NES to make it even better!

    We have now come to that point when we actually have, what we think, an updated version good enough to be released... It will be sent to all the people who has supported us by registering and thereby motivated us to continue our work ( Thanks, you know who you are )...

    All of you who haven't registered yet will be able to get a demo of our emulator, somewhat crippled... It can be downloaded from AmiNet or our official A/NES-page ( http://home2.swipnet.se/~w-28134/ANES/ ) and may be spread freely...

    Both the registered- and the demoversion is set to be released on Halloween ( 1st of November )...

    The newest feature in A/NES is the splitscreen-scroll... Unlike some other emulators which uses "fake" fullscreen-scroll, A/NES fully emulates the NES timings ( hblank, vblank, cycles ) which allows us to do splitscreen-scrollings... However, by doing this other emulators have seemed to run faster, but that's just because they ignore some of the emulation mentioned above...

    For our registered users we now can offer some speedup-options which may in some cases increase the speed by over 100%, making A/NES the fastest NES-emulator available today ( even with full emulation )...

    A/NES will also include some small updates and fixes, the GUI is re-made, still as easy to use, but even more system-friendly... The preferences screen is now finally included and has some nice features, only available for those who have been kind enough to register.

    They are also looking for PD-companies who are interested in selling A/NES and updates for them.
    Take contact with one of the following:

    So now it's only to wait...... for Halloween ;)


    Some more .smc Roms that Work with AmiSNESE and MySNES
    Take a look Here


    Amiga SuperNES Emulator �2 Released
  • Now supports any size on roms. (Only limited by the memory available)
  • Rendering-routines now display graphics on GFX-boards. (CGFX tested OK)
  • Removed the exclusive flag on the emulation screen.
  • Added user-control over frame skip and emulation speed.
  • Screen is now double-buffered to avoid flickering.
  • SNES PAL/NTSC modes emulated correctly.
  • Fixed bug in CPU, permitting 2 new rom's to display their graphics.
  • Starting to implement several BG's.
  • Mode 0 semi-implemented.
  • Configuration saved on exit. Last accessed path saved in configuration.
  • Builtin debugging system semi-implemented.
  • Graphics are now rendered in fastmem and then copied to chipmem. This gives great improvements when fastmem is available. Chip-only users will not lose speed on this, as within the copy, the BG-merge occurs.
  • DMA and hardware for OAM added.
  • VRAM accessing errors fixed.
    Two .smc Roms that Work with AmiSNESE and MySNES
    Intro2 & Sonic
    Problems Remembering my URL...?
    Try this one instead.....

    This is just a pointer but could be usefull.
    It will also remain the same if I move this site :)


    Wzonka-Lad v0.92 Released
  • A huge bug caused Wzonka-Lad to fail on systems with no Wzonka-Lad.KEY.
  • Made the memory allocation / deallocation routines fool proof. Now the game window doesn't flash after a game has been started.
  • A fast bug fix - version.
    BK0010 emul. v1.6 Released
  • Video refresh routine updated (extended memory mode implemented)
  • Fixed bug in ROL(B) and ROL(B) commands implementation
  • Spaces in front of dot in file names (suffix of filename) now deleted
  • English documentation updated
  • Point in left upper corner removed ;)


    Six Emulators Added...
  • AFX-64 alfa31 - A Fast C64 Emulator
  • BK0010 v1.5 - Emulates the Russian BK0010
  • ABeeb v0.9.1 - An Amiga BBC Micro emulator
  • TRaSh80 v0.8 - An TRS-80, Model I emulator
  • trs80 - An TRS-80, Model III emulator
  • 6502 - Emulates a 6502.


    M.A.M.E v29.0� Released
  • Fixed: Fixed a bug in the asm drawgfx() that caused invisible spaceships in Galaga.
  • Removed: Removed the REMOVELINES option. It wasn't really useful.
  • Fixed: Games using dynamic palettes were really slow on AGA.
  • Upgraded: Upgraded to M.A.M.E. 0.29.


    AmiPet v1.10� Released
  • Totaly debuged, all reported bugs removed.
  • 2 extra states added (GFX).
  • Font sensitive window.
  • Last window position saved.
  • New pet from menu.
  • Revised death routine!


    Amiga SuperNES Emulator Beta Release 1
    The First Release of this New SuperNES emulator.
    Requires: AGA, 68020, 1.5MB RAM, reqtools.library
    Author: Jesper Svennevid/chip@ramses.ml.org
    Prize: Free!
  • Graphics mode 1(1 plane currently)
  • Colour fading
  • 76 opcodes(alot have been removed thanks to bugs)
  • Running on OS-screen!


    AmiTamagotchi v0.53 Released
  • Bugs fixed
  • Animation of "Play" add
  • Low CPU usage
  • Load and Save option
  • Timer now works well
  • And more.....
    GBRipper v0.2 Released
    This is a Program that Ripps the graphic out of GameBoy Roms.
    I havn't got it working myself though.


    Three New Links
  • Gameboy Games - Over 570 GameBoy Roms.
  • ArcEm - A Arcade Emulator
  • MySNES - The First SNES emulator for Amiga
    Have two things to say:
  1. Sign The Guestbook...!!!!
  2. Send me cheats, hints, Savegames and codes for NES, GameBoy, MasterSystem, GameGear and SuperNES games, this for my uppcoming Cheat page... Just send me anything you got.

    Do it easy... Fill out this form


    Lots of Lots on Changes on Site
  • Redesigned a lot. (Guess you diddn't notice).
    If it looks weird, then tell me. A snapshot would be fine to.
  • Made a new bisection - Reviews
    It's acctualy nothing there right now,
    but it is a page for Testing of Emulators.
  • Fixed (Removed) Some Broken Links.
    Added a GameBoy Emulator to Site
    The GBuk.
    It's slow but preaty good. Something for Emulator collectors.
    AmiGameBoy v0.86�
    This is a minor update from v0.85� with better sound.
    Just wanna inform about that this is NOT the last version of this emulator. There will be a v0.87 out soon.


    PC-Task v4.3 Released
  • Windows 95 support
  • Much of BIOS converted to 80x86 for compatability/simplicity.
  • Large amount of non time critical code converted to C for portability.
  • Added DMF (Distribution Media Format) support for DFx:
  • Faster cybergraphics routines for SVGA 256 after # frames.
  • Fixed SVGA 256 color modes some pixels being changed in wrong location with Dynamic.
  • Code page support improved.
  • Options default gfx is now VGA.
  • Options extendedmem now up 63 and jumps in 1 Meg when > 1Meg.
  • Fixed bug in EGA/VGA with some bitplanes in immediate mode full update when scrolling etc.
  • Improved SVGA Video7 compatability so univbe can be used to give Video VESA (VBE) support for software that requires it.
  • Improved RealTimeClock support.
  • VIDEOBIOSFILE keyword added and BIOSFILE better supported.
  • TECHNICAL keyword added creates "ram:PCTtech.txt" for tech support.
  • CACHESIZEOVERRIDE added to set cache size for speeding up certain software eg Win95 likes 4+ Meg (CACHESIZEOVERRIDE=$400000).
  • Many small compatability improvements.


    New Amigotchi Released �Dowload
  • Now it grows from young to old.
  • Lots of bugs fixed.


    Wzonka-Lad v0.90 Released. �Dowload
    Loads of New stuff in this Version:
  • Rewrote the whole GUI! Now gadtools.library is used instead of custom images.
  • Fixed some very rare user interface bugs. GBS loader doesn't give anymore those two enforcer hits when loading an unpacked data file, and it behaves much better now.
  • The hardware filter is now returned to its original state after a pause if the audio is turned on.
  • Removed the iconstartup.i code as it started to give me enforcer hits out of blue. The emulator can still be executed from a icon, but a script must be used (done so by default).
  • Added battery RAM (VGB, AmiGameBoy) support, a different Palette Editor executable, graphics card indirect support via window mode, audio quality selector and an easy path selector.
  • WIN+SCR is replaced by Window on Workbench screen driver, and it's now resizeable, too!
  • The emulator runs now on Workbench! Replaced the old window scheme with a new one.
  • Now every driver allocates its own memory, unlike the old versions where all the memory required by the drivers was allocated on startup, shrinking the memory requirements.
  • Now all AGA modes should have a maximum refresh value.
  • Removed all debug capabilities.
    I put AmiPC-Engine on this Page �Dowload
    This cause there have been some People asking for it.
    It is only a Alfa version but you can see the Grphic in some Games
    Something for AmiEmuLovers.

�=� Started with this page 04.07.97 �=�
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This site can never be perfect, If you have anything of information or programs that you think I could have use of, then send it to me. Anyway, I hope you had use of my page. Do you have any questions, mail me on gdwarf@applausenett.no

This page was made by Tomas "Gigant Dwarf" Amsrud 01.Nov.1997