G's Amiga Emulators










This is NEWS in September-97

This happened in September:
    Amigotchi v0.3 out! �Download

    New in v0.3
  • New start window with Load/New option.
  • No need to use DeckRunner program.
  • Sound option available!
  • Cry, eat, dirty, happy sounds implemented.
  • Live forever option operational.
    New in v0.2
  • Chose between a meal and an icecream when eating.
  • Live forever option.
  • Run new Amigotchi function.
  • "Light off when saving" bug solved.
  • Requester pops up when loading or saving without a name.
  • New start window with new and load options.
  • New MagicWB and NI icons.
  • New "type" option allowing several types of pets.Normal and Man icluded.
    Updated Add On for Amigotchi v0.3 �Download
  • Added Eating IceCream
  • Some Minor Changes
    CoolNESs v0.45 out! �Download
  • Fixed the sprites =).
    Now the sprites move smooth and Flip.
  • Faster Memory-access.
  • Minor speedup in CPU command SBC
    Just HAVE to Download it NOW!
    Virtual 2600 v0.81 out!
  • Bug fix in loading routine.
  • Okie Dokie playable again.
    Added A New Link...
    Fusion's NES ROMs

  • 590 Nes Roms
  • 18 SuperNes Roms
  • 16 Genesis Roms
    New in v0.36�...
  • Major CPU bugfix!
  • Small fixes (as usual!)
    New in v0.35�...
  • Now supports XPK packed files!
  • A/NES doesn't eat 1mb of fast memory anymore when started from an icon. ;)
  • Small soundfixes.
  • Small changes here and there.
25.09.97 Go
    Interview with Jasper Svennevid, coder of Amiga SNES emulator:
    Taken from AmigaEmulatorsCentral

    Hows it going on? Any gfx emulated yet?
      It's going just fine :) I'm currently developing the gfx-engine, and I HAVE SNES-gfx on screen, but nothing nice yet, as I'm solving a problem with VRAM adressing.

    How fast is the CPU loop (compared to SNES?)
      The CPU-loop is currently rather slow, as I want compatiblity before I start to optimize.. I have a few techniques to speed up the CPU-core, as it's highly based on macro-usage. The CPU-loop is a jumptable, but as the 65816 is backwards compatible with the 6502, I have to check for those modes, and that slows things down.. The memory-accesses sux right now, as they contain several layers of code. The hardware though, is the fastest thing right now.

    Is there some betatesters program?
      The one and only who I give betas is Morgan Johansson(Author of A/NES), as he was the one who got me into this. :) I will soon select a few beta-testers after the first release and get into bughunting and optimization..

    Any release schedule?
      I will release a beta on aminet in a few weeks, when I have solved the gfx-problems, and optimized the gfxmodes. Mode 7 will NOT be supported in the first versions, as is deals heavily with rotating and zooming graphics, and I DON'T wanna mess with that before I get some speed in the other modes.
      Btw, I don't yet have a name for it, so i'll be open for any suggestions! :)

    Thanks alot for this information, Jasper!
    Amigotchi v0.1
  • The name will be remebered in the name box fixing the save problem.
  • Several variables are now saved.
  • Autosave option operational.
  • Help window explaing the functions of the buttons.
  • More reaction to your actions.
  • Four different icons for MagicWB and NewIcons available at the homepage.
  • New animations added (birth,death and bath).
  • Pause function.
  • Iconify function.
    Updated Add On for Amigotchi v0.1
    AmiTamagotchi v0.5
  • Sound.
  • Enable options: "Feed", "Play", "Health meter", "Duck (Clean)", "Medicine" and "Discipline".
  • Save and Load options.
  • Time option with the type of tamagotchi.
    Tamigatchi Prototype 6
    A very good Tamagotchi Emulator
    AddOn for Amigotchi
    Amigotchi is out!
    It is a Tamagotchi simulator for the Amiga
    Try it out, it's realy fun!
    It also have some options that the Real thing doesn't have
    I realy like this one
    MagicWB Icons for it HERE!
    AmiTamagotchi is out too!
    This is more a Emulator than Amigotchi
    It is more like the real Tamagotchi
16.09.97 Go
    Virtual 2600 v0.8
  • New GUI added
  • Support for joysticks
  • Bit faster
    A/NES v0.34�
  • Small joypad bug fixed.
  • Keyfiles are now supported.
  • Minor speedup and fixes in the spriteroutines.
  • Bank-switching code optimized.
  • Triangle Wave soundchannel implemented.
  • Minor optimisation in PPU code.
    AmigaEmulatorCentral is removed again
    CoolNESs v0.44
  • Added Mapper#4.
  • Most Gfx seem okey now,
11.09.97 Go

    AmigaEmulatorCentral has moved!!!

    Here is what Emanuel Schleussinger,
    the editor of AEC had to say about it:

    Hope there is someone that already found out about my new page on Fortunecity.com, so hopefully at least some of you geeks will read this:
    This is the last article where I will mention Geocities. I am pissed off with them. Not only they deleted AEC because they managed to give another user the same 2megs of diskspace as me, no , when reproting this error, they didnt care, and they wouldnt reply, no, they would just kill my username, and make the AEC site address free to the world... thats why this SHITTY StarTrek Page is now on the location AEC was once on, because I couldnt manage to reserve the space again in time. I am PISSED with GeoCities, and , if you want to keep AEC going, PLEASE, all of you do me a favour:
    If you encounter a page linking to the old GeoCities AEC address, mail them, and give them the new one! I really hope this will work, if i will get NO visitors in the next weeks it could well be I stuff the page. Lets hope the best!

    AEC editor

    New URL: http://www.fortunecity.com/skyscraper/centre/113/

    Added two NEW links
  • The Emulators HQ - A Amiga Emulator Site
  • The Kod Homepage - A realy good place to go. I special like the RomCrawler. You just enter the name of the Game, and RomCrawler finds it for you.
    Added four NEW links
    Fixed some links.
    Explaned some links better.
    DarkNESs v0.20
  • Completely re-written in 100% asm
    (It is a lot faster than v0.13,
    but it is still the slowest NES emulator)
  • Added GUI
  • Added Line based refresh mode
  • Added Double Buffering
  • Added Screenmode requester
    CoolNESs v0.43�
  • Added CD32-joypad support.
  • Fixed the keyboardhandler.
  • Better sound.
    I have made some Icons for AmiGameBoy and AmiMasterGear
    There are MagicWB, SmalMWB, NewIcons and Normal
    It's acctualy some time since I made theese.
    But I had forgot to put em' here.
04.09.97 A/NES v0.33�
- A small (but major) CPU-bug fixed!
- CD32 joypad support!
01.08.97 A/NES v0.32�
- Sound suport
- A little sprite fix

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This site can never be perfect, If you have anything of information or programs that you think I could have use of, then send it to me. Anyway, I hope you had use of my page. Do you have any questions, mail me on gdwarf@applausenett.no

This page was made by Tomas "Gigant Dwarf" Amsrud 19.Oct.1997