G's Amiga Emulators










Here are a collection of....
...Interviews on this Site


    Interview with Martin Johansson (NOT Morgan), author of an SNES emulator for Amiga computers:
    Taken from AmigaEmulatorsCentral

    How far is your SNES emu?:
      So far I've implemented 251 of 256 opcodes and got about 10 small demos running (no scroll yet, but some 8x8 sprites like sinescroll and the BG's in mode1 seem ok). Morgan "A/NES" Johansson has given me tips on optimization and some code. Author of SNEeSe (Savoury SNaX) has helped alot by sending me a 65816 manual that he's written. The emulation is rather slow, because snes has many bg-layers and 128 sprites. It requires an Amiga with 68020 and 4 Mb, some of those preferable fastmem.

    Is there any date line where the first beta could be out?:
      I was planning on releasing a beta of it soon, maybe including my built-in debugger so people can spot bugs easy (and learn alot about snes-programming). But it will go slower if it has to check for breakpoints all the time so I don't know yet.

    Whats working right now? Any game?
      One of the first working demos was "Intro-2.smc" with sinescrolltext and background starscroller (both 8x8 sprites) and the logo "Arcadia". Two PD games startup but one uses mode0 and the other uses scrolling of BG1 and 16x16 sprites (none of those implemented yet). Super Mario world gets stuck in a loop somewhere (I think it's the statusflags fault).

    Who are you, anyway ? :D
      I'm a student at Chalmers University of Technology (Gothenburg, Sweden) and have much to do during the days (coding at night). It's just a sparetime hobby project. I already own a SNES with Superwildcard and have a PC with Snes9x running at decent speed. But I like programming on Amiga.

    Thanks alot for info!


    A Last Interview with Juan Antonio Gomez
    The briliant coder of AmiMSX2, AmiGameBoy, AmiMasterGear and AmiNES

    He has now the opportunity to work in a PC software company,
    and his time programing the Amiga is over.
    It's sad... but true :/

    Here is what He had to tell me:

    I guess that you are working on AmiGameBoy v0.9 now... :)
    Will v0.9 be the final version with Perfect emulation?
      Yes, but finally I decided spread v0.87 like my last version. It will be ready next end-week. (freeware) I need abandon the Amiga for job reasons, i will work like a PC Programmer soon, and i need ALL my time for learn a lot of things.

    When do you expect it to be finished?
      I don't know. v0.87 will be spreaded next end-week.

    How about AmiMasterGear....
    ...will you continiue on it after finishing AmiGameBoy?
      No, I abandon the Amiga, maybe in 1998...

    Have you though anymore about a AmiPC-Engine?
      I send you my actual compilation of AmiPC-Engine, it is a Alpha version and don't work, but some games like Gradious, Xevious and others you can look some graphics.

    When will you release the AmiMSX2 v0.5 demo to the Public?
      Finally i decided NOT make demo version of AmiMSX2, this is ONLY an upgrade for Registered users.

    Anyway... How is it going with your HomePage.....?
      It will be ready next week.

    thanks for informing us :)

      Some notes about my life:

      I failed in my students some years ago and currently i am working like a coffeour of a lorrie. Now i CAN learn about tree months for work like a PC programmer in a software company. I cannot lost this opportunity.

      I am sorry VERY MUCH for the Amiga, but i need buy a PC and dedicate all my time for him.

      I will include all my last version of my emulators in my web:


Hows it going on? Any gfx emulated yet?
    It's going just fine :) I'm currently developing the gfx-engine, and I HAVE SNES-gfx on screen, but nothing nice yet, as I'm solving a problem with VRAM adressing.

How fast is the CPU loop (compared to SNES?)
    The CPU-loop is currently rather slow, as I want compatiblity before I start to optimize.. I have a few techniques to speed up the CPU-core, as it's highly based on macro-usage. The CPU-loop is a jumptable, but as the 65816 is backwards compatible with the 6502, I have to check for those modes, and that slows things down.. The memory-accesses sux right now, as they contain several layers of code. The hardware though, is the fastest thing right now.

Is there some betatesters program?
    The one and only who I give betas is Morgan Johansson(Author of A/NES), as he was the one who got me into this. :) I will soon select a few beta-testers after the first release and get into bughunting and optimization..

Any release schedule?
    I will release a beta on aminet in a few weeks, when I have solved the gfx-problems, and optimized the gfxmodes. Mode 7 will NOT be supported in the first versions, as is deals heavily with rotating and zooming graphics, and I DON'T wanna mess with that before I get some speed in the other modes.
    Btw, I don't yet have a name for it, so i'll be open for any suggestions! :)

Thanks alot for this information, Jasper!


    A Interview with Jesper Svennevid...
    The maker of a Amiga SuperNES emulator....

    Could you tell me about it?
      Well.. What is there to tell? :) It's a emulator emulating a 65816 running in a SuperNES :) It started when I spoke to Orbit(A/NES developer) about a 6502 emulator that I wrote, and didn't have any use for it.. He tipped me about writing a SuperNES emulator, and well.. Here we are.. :) It will run on any Amiga equipped with at least a 68020 and AGA. It will utilize optimizations such as Cybergraphics, and hopefully(when I can afford it :) PPC, if made available to the computer.

    What is the Requirements?
      The requirements will be:
      Processor: MC68020 (030-060 preferred, PPC will be an option) Graphics: AGA (CGFX when I get it to work more effectivly) Memory: 512kB - 4MB (Depending on the size of the game)

    How fast will it be?
      Well.. The CPU is VERY fast right now, so the real bottle-neck will be graphics, but I hope that I'll solve that in some way. The PPC may solve a BIT of those problems :)

    When will it be finished?
      Hehe.. Now THAT's a question :) I will hopefully get the graphics running soon, so then I can start working with the more complex hardware-registers and instructions.

    When did you start and how far has you come?
      I started the development in the beginning of August, and have up til now developed 89 CPU instructions, 25 hardware registers and have started to mess with graphics and DMA.

    Does it work jet? (If it does, how good?)
      Well.. The CPU-works, and I can set colors and transfer gfx-data to VRAM. Too bad I can't display it. :)

    Well.... thats all. thanks for informing us :)

News-News-News-News ]



This site can never be perfect, If you have anything of information or programs that you think I could have use of, then send it to me. Anyway, I hope you had use of my page. Do you have any questions, mail me on gdwarf@applausenett.no

This page was made by Tomas "Gigant Dwarf" Amsrud 19.Oct.1997