Your Views

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Please remember you can also contribute to my Resources, Tricks and Tips, and Breeding Grounds pages by submitting the forms presented there.

Obi-Wan, 21st November, 1996.

O.K., after a few brief problems all forms on this site are now fully operational :-)

If you've got any suggestions concerning this site, or comments relating to TKG, I'd really like to hear them (use the form on the previous page).

David Tiberio, 22nd November, 1996.

More screenshots!.

(Obi-Wan's note: alright, alright already!!, more screenshots you want, more you'll get. But I need the hardware to do it, see. It's A1, top of my list, a future feature, ya just gotta give me a little more time, fella's. My people have gotta talk to the loansharks people, the loansharks people gotta beat up my people, hey pal I tells ya it's murder out there!. If anyone has any screenshots other than those released by Team 17, then please mail me).

Mikael Perrson, 27th November, 1996.

More extra levels/aliens/sounds to put in the game!
Thank you for a very good homepage.
Keep up the good work!

(Obi-Wan's note: Will do, if anyone has any extra levels, objects, textures, or indeed anything related to the game, I'd be very interested to include them in my resources page (use the form located there to send me info). If I see levels etc. on someone else's page and I want to include them on my own I usually like to contact the creator of that resource to gain their permission to include their work on my pages (as oppossed to providing a text link to an aminet site), so please include your e-mail address in your archives so I know who to contact).

Drew Kraus, 28th November 1996.

Looks good as is. :)

Henric Andersson, 30th November 1996.

Just keep it updated, and I'll be happy.
Great work, looks alot better than the first version I saw. So keep it up.

(Obi-Wan's note: thanks Henric, praise indeed coming from the Breed Master himself. I suggest everyone go and see Henric's site at, it's very comprehensive, well laid out, and should be at the top of every Breeders hotlist).

Steve Haigh, 1st December, 1996.

Seems fine as it is
Nice backdrop :-). I'll try it on aweb

Obi-Wan, 4th December 1996.

New TKG Images!!, Trawling through Amiga Format's CD 8 I came across their graphics that were included previously on the AF website (they still haven't contacted me about providing the original graphics). Some of the thumnails look real good on the screenshot's page, even though I had to rescale the images to fit with previous screenshots (thanks to the Dean brothers for ImageStudio). The larger pictures have been scaled up slightly to match those from T 17's site and so may look a little fuzzy. This is just a temporary measure until I can afford the Pro-Grab RT Plus, which will allow me to illustrate the tips and tricks page and also start up my Alien Gallery page (well that's the plan anyways).

Bartek Dramczyk, 8th December 1996.

Great Idea - keep working!

Amiga 4eVer

Michal Bartczak, 20th December 1996.

Objects, Wall Graphics, Alien Graphics, Levels, EVERYTHING!.

I'm waiting for AB3D III

(Obi-Wan's note: OK, If I've got time over Christmas I'll see about following the TKG amigaguide and Andy's tutorials in Amiga Format. If anyone else would like to see their work included in my resources page then use the form located there to send me info. If anyone has created stormtroopers and Imperial Officers etc,. I'd really like to know!!. What I want to see is something like Dark Forces on the Amiga - "there's one, set for stun...BLAM!!!").

Obi-Wan, 24th December 1996.

Whey-hey!!. I was just flicking through the latest issue of Amiga Format this morning, "Hang on, that graphic on page thirteen looks a little familiar", suddenly the spark of realisation leaps from my eyeballs to the grey squidgy matter currently residing in my cranial cavity (that be my brain that be) and I call out aloud "OBI-WAN IS IN AMIGA FORMAT!!, I HAVE ARRIVED!!". A deathly silence abruptly decends upon the newsagents, other customers stare agog at my sudden maddening outburst, and I feel the approaching warm security of a jacket, length of chain, padlock, and a small rubber cell. I pay the lady behind the counter and make haste my retreat into the sanity of the dawning day.

Thank you Amiga Format for the kind mention of this site in your 'Net Corner' section. There are of course a growing number of Alien Breed - TKG sites appearing on the web that are just a click away from my Breeding Grounds page.

Merry Christmas to all you Breeders out there!!.

Iain Benson, 26th December 1996.

How about levels people have designed?. Good site!.

(Obi-Wan's note: I can't stress this enough, I'd really like to include your levels, utilities, animations, etc., on my resources page. If you want to reach a wider audience then upload it to aminet. If your a good writer or storyteller and want to write a TKG related story do so, send me the text file and I'll post it up for others to download and read).

Peter Corne, 30th December 1996.

Enjoyed this site very much. More tips for after level E.

Raymond Madden, 9th January 1997.

Since this is my first visit here, I'm not sure what else there should be. But I'll keep any questions I have in mind the next time I visit this site. Thanks for the opportunity to voice my opinions.

AB3DII - TKG is a great game! Another great game is Capital Punishment by ClickBOOM. These two programs truly demonstrate the great quality of games that are possible on the Amiga.

James Caygill, 20th January 1997.

More screen shots :), custom levels, weapons + Aliens

Site looks great, thnx for changing the text boxes, they now work fine.

Dave Chamberlin-Kidd, 24th January 1997.

Lots more stuff.

Cool so far.

Dan Hewitt, 24th January 1997.

More levels and music.

Al Eduardo, 25th January 1997.


Fábio Goes, 26th January 1997.

It is cool as it is!, it is very cool actually.

Yes, I've got my own section!, marvellous.

Spacelord, 12th February 1997.

More new levels to download

I think this homepage is very good maybe I have as a link on my own homepage..

Erik Kristoffersen, 13th February 1997.

Some tips&triks for AB3D too.. :)

This is the best (and only) site for AB3D2 I have seen...

(Obi-Wan's note: There are other great sites out there each with there own take on the game. If you've got the time look 'em up they're on my Breeding Grounds page).

Rik, 16th February 1997.

Different weapons (if available), music for the game, more levels, new graphics etc etc..

Alien Breed 3d 2 is the best 3d game available for any format it shits on quake. It is a bit slow though.

Alan Koepf, 21st February 1997.

Great site. I really needed this help with the game. Thanks

Henrik Johansson, 5th March 1997.

Gee... well i don't know!. Maybe the author ought to make some own levels to put in.. Why not put up the level maps at the 'tricks and tips'-site?

Nice graphics, lot's of classic screenshots.. ..but none of them really shows just how marvellous tkg is!

(Obi-Wan's note: Unfortunately I haven't got the time to tackle the level editors, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who got the editors bundled free with the game :-). I'm also limited to mostly using the "classic screenshots" as the screen saver facility available in the demo was removed from the commercial game. TKG prevents the user from accessing AmigaDOS and so this eliminates the possibility of using a software screen grabber. Now that the source code has been released hopefully someone with some programming ability will be able to restore the in-game screen grabber, if not the only solution left is to resort to expensive hardware (which I certainly can't afford - my priorities are a tower system, graphics card, SCSI card, OS3.1 etc.). I've managed to get some screenshots from the second CU Amiga demo with some help from Colin Barrett who created the custom converter for me (unfortunately I'm not allowed to distribute it), but if anyone has got screenshots, levels, etc for TKG then please use the form on my resources page or send me an email to tell me about it).

Andy , 20th March 1997.

Great site!

Have anyone managed to get the grenades on a shelf in the large central chamber on Level J? HOW?

Alan Koepf , 21st March 1997.

Keep writing the review/breakdown of game.

This site just gets better and better!. Keep up the great work.

(Obi-Wan's note: Thanks :-), well the review was the first page I put up and I still haven't got around to finishing it - has anyone else bothered to read it?. I'll make sure it'll get done real soon).

Hal Wigley, 19th May 1997.

I would like to see more game support for RTG boards like cybervision, picasso II & IV ect.

Peter Thompson, 28th July 1997.

cheats!!! ;)

Updated 8th August 1997

Site created and maintained by Obi-Wan

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