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"Alien Breed 3D II - The Killing Grounds" was reviewed on the following configurations:
a) Vanilla flavoured Amiga 1200 (no Fast RAM).
b) Amiga 1200 with Blizzard 1230-III Turbo/50Mhz accelerator board and 8Mb Fast RAM.
c) Amiga 1200 with Blizzard 1260/50Mhz accelerator board and an extra 16Mb of Fast RAM.
The game reviewed was obtained free from Gordon Harwood Computers Limited in conjunction with their Blizzard board (buy a 1230-IV or 1260) offer. After ripping apart the mailing box and drooling over that huge slab of 060 heaven it was time to turn my attention to the saviour of the Amiga gaming scene. So what's in the box?, well 5 disks, a slim multi-lingual manual, a dreaded but necessary code booklet, and for those of you who bought the game without a blizzard board a voucher to save your hard earned dosh on said accelerators (although the latest fall in price of blizzard boards means the voucher is of little use unless you're considering a 1260 and even then it's not that great a deal - enough for a few pints and a prawn vindaloo).

Just pop in disk 2 and away you go. Read the installer doc, you're advised to disable any requester patcher programs (MultiCX 2.1 is singled out in particular) you may have running in the background as they may confuse the installer. Next it's time to decide which version of TKG to install, WHICH VERSION?, yep those nice chaps at Team 17 have included a 2Mb game suitably parred down to run in vanilla flavour and a more hefty sounding 4Mb extravaganza in the same box (good one, lads). So lets start the installer... ...dum de dum... eh?, what's wrong now "Insert disk TKG1 in any drive", what do you think I've done you pile of crap, hang on they've sent me a blank *#@%$!!! disk... ...where's Harwood's phone number!.

