CU Amiga Demo Shot's
gunroom maze
bluerobot1 bluerobot2
greendevil2 greendevil1
greendevil5 greendevil6
greendevil2 greendevil3
triclaw triclaw2
redrobot acidroom
Team 17 Shot's
Amiga Format Shot's
torch torch
rocket2 assualtpic
mantispic mappict
rocket mappict

Thanks to Colin Barrett, James Caygill, and BKJ (Vulture) who responded to my plea for help on RAW format data to graphic file conversion.

I'd like to take this oppurtunity to state a special thank you to Colin Barrett who is currently writing a program to help me with this problem (instead of propping up the Student Union bar). A test pic has already been done.

Updated 2nd March 1997

Site created and maintained by Obi-Wan

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