First release of The Killing Editor.
Dan Saeden has now released his gaming hints to aminet in the form of a HTML guide. Includes information on weaponry, aliens, and level solutions.
GREAT NEWS!!. In conjunction with Team 17, Christian Nylen of Vision 64 Entertainment has been given permission to rework the game editors. From what is planned it looks like a user-friendly and intuitive "all-in-one super editor" may soon be available :-).
The source code is now available on the Aminet (dev/asm) in six parts for a total of 24.2 Mb (I guess the missing 35.8 Mb are graphic files and other stuff). Links to the source archives can be found on my resources page.
The TKG source code can now be found on Amiga Format's AFCD11.
The rumors are true, the entire library of TKG source (60 Mb) is now available on CU Amiga Magazine's Super CD-ROM 8. Also included are graphic and sound files not previously released in the game or taken from previous Alien Breed games. This is an absolute treasure trove, there are plenty of texture files for those of you who are seeking to experiment with the game editors.


Removed any hypertext links to Chris Nylen and his The Killing Editor project, it seems this editor is no longer in development. For those of you that would still like to see what it was all about I've put the archive on my own website. You can now download it from the resources page. Updated Andy's tips and the guestbook.
My apologies for not updating this site lately. There have been a couple of new levels released recently. Updated the resources and tips pages.
Updated news, resouces, editor, and breeding grounds pages for the first release of Christian Nylen's The Killing Editor. Also updated tricks&tips page.
Added link from the resources page to Jason Frecknall's Minigun object found on aminet.
Changed the link from my Breeding Grounds page to Dan Saeden's new website address for his TKG guide.
Inluded a link to aminet from my resources page for Dan Saeden's AB3DII_Guide.lha and AB3DII_Guide_S.lha archives.
Included information on Christian Nylen's The Killing Editor (TKE) project and updated the tricks & tips section with info sent in by Fábio Goes.
I've included a TKG folder icon in my latest NewIcon set. If your interested, the archive is available from either my resources page or my Amiga page
At last IBrowse 1.1 is here :-D so I've started to spruce up the pages a bit, added mailto subjects, and where needed background colours in tables (don't worry, I'm not going to add frames). From what I've seen of IBrowse 1.1 I'm suitably impressed, it even displays my graphics properly.
Updated the resources page to include links for the source code archives.
Created this news page, opened the alien gallery, and updated my Guestbook.

Updated 8th August 1997

Site created and maintained by Obi-Wan

drawer drawer drawer drawer drawer drawer drawer

Game Resources

Screen Shots

Tricks & Tips

Alien Gallery

Game Review

Guest Book

Breeding Grounds