I've asked for your suggestions and here they are!. Remember, each individual has their own style of play and there is no right or wrong way to approach a problem providing you survive to the end of the level and beyond. If you disagree with what is presented below please feel free to contribute to this page and use the form below.

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Fábio Goes

A On level A I wouldn't go out all fighting, but would clear section by section cautiously. I managed to finish it with 392 out of 400 possible health (unless there are more medipacks in some secret place?)
B I explored out level B but couldn't find anything worth the trouble, you'll spend every shell in looking for shell boxes and medipacks, so I find it better to head for the exit, collecting just a medipack in the central corridor and the blaster clip, not far from there. There are two medipacks near the end shaft also.
C You don't have to kill the priest!! make a dash to the passkey, get it and leave the chamber. It won't follow. As a matter of fact this IS irritating, if it would follow I might blow it with a mine :-) Of course, I would leave it as last thing. Leave the chamber and head for level D. It works.

I suppose you know the "secret chamber" on level C, in the rightmost corridor, just before the stairs you'll se a dented wall section. Press space and voila, 6 medipacs, 2 granade sets and 4 shotgun shell boxes.

The plasma seems quite useless, the Nasssty floaters dodge it quite easily, esp. the red ones, I must use a shotgun to see them off... do you agree here?.

(Obi-Wan's comment: It depends on where you meet them. In the open or a large room they are difficult to pin down - use a shotgun, however in a tight corridor they're a sitting target. If you used a shotgun you would have to wait for it to reload, with the plasma rifle you can fire several shots off in quick succession).

D For the Red Insectoid just soften her up with some 10 or 20 shots and THEN dash for the missle.

The missle I use as follows: leave a mine near the lair and fire a few blaster bolts to draw the thing in and turn in the corridor. Keep watching the mine, when it blows fire a rocket. The thing will run away, repeat the procedure, this time it will die :-)

E I just LOVE 'em mines, a pity you usually have so few!. I put them to good use on level E. When you enter the chamber of the RED door you'll find an yellow insectoid in a corridor. After you take him out, when you pass in front of a door in that corridor, surprise, surprise, a host of nasty gray/green robots close on your heels. So enter the corridor, drop a mine, pass in front of said door, drop another mine, run and just near the end of the corridor, mine again. You should take cover and wait for three explosions each followed by a series of squishing sounds, it completely wipes them out!.

I advise you to exaust the jet pack on a secret shaft on level E. When you're in the chamber in which you enter through the red door you'll see an enourmous red column climbing up. I decided to follow its course with the jet pack and BINGO! there is a secret shaft some three floors up, ontop of it you'll find some four medipacks and 24 granades. Should keep you happy through the remainder of the level :-)

Don't bother to fight the priests, just flick the switch (which activates the door) and then go for it. I couldn't find anything useful in the priest's chamber

F As for level F: start running as soon as the game starts, you'll make it to the lift AHEAD of the breed, go up, turn right, continue running on that promenade?, well whatever, just run. You arrive in a chamber where you can finally turn back, relax and shoot the breed one-by-one as they come in. THEN you re-charge your jet pack. One of the pillars of this chamber has a mirror-like hole which I discovered to be a jet pack recharger. Then you go back and explore the level, this time with no breed to bother, you'll find a teleport to the other half of the cliff crescent section, again with no breed. Then you enter a maze of corridors much like the end of level B or the uppermost section of C, just to find out you've got only 60 energy left and that your shotgun and plasma are gone...
5. "What are those legs? They're steel bullets How can you run? Like a Leopard How will you run? Like a Leopard Go!!"

Dash back through the corridor WITHOUT nearing the walls. You'll hear the doors opening as you pass by them. Drop mines if you wish but don't stop running and don't turn back until you hit the plazza and make a turn away from the corridor. The explosions you heard were yellow insectoids giving chase :) but they won't come into the plazza. Aproach the corridor (without exposing yourself) and throw in granades by bouncing them in the wall (DON'T STAND IN FRONT OF THE CORRIDOR TO THROW THEM). They'll roll forward and hit the insectoids. 2 or 3 will do. Go in again and collect shotgun shells where the insectoids were (behind those doors).

6. Aproach the OTHER corridor with your left to the wall. You won't see a thing, but there is another yellow insectoid in the end of this corridor, which makes a smooth curve. Hiding in the inner side of this curve, aproach as much as you can the room on the end of the corridor without exposing yourself by FACING its end. Throw a granade in bouncing it on the right wall in the same way you did before. Count to three. Throw another, you'll hear a scream. Another -- a squishing sound. Now follow the corridor and you'll find a dead giant yellow insectoid lying in its end.

7. This room has four connections, all oposed to each other. One you have come in by. To your right the green key door corridor. To your left the red key door corridr. In front of you a dark flooded chamber with some 8 green devils lurking in wait. Now starts the hard part, if you did as I said you won't have lost a single bit of health up to now.

8. Go in the chamber CAUTIOSLY and attrack a couple of green devils (if they don't come after you shoot them and they'll give chase). Retreat to one of the white corridors witch end up in either marked doors. I prefer to fight them there because I can fire the plasma in rapid volleys and they can't dodge it. If you prefer to use the shotguns you may fight them in the very chamber or retreat into the big room for more dodging space. Keep going in in order to fech some more and doing as I said. The more green devils you kill the less trouble you'll have in the SUICIDE PART. :)

9. Enter the flooded chamber and look into the abyss. You should be in the left corner, facing the right corridor down in the lower section, with your rocket launcher ready and pointing down. DON'T JUMP IN THERE YET. Wait until a Yellow insectoid passes by down there and let him have it! It may also happen that more green devils show up (I never killed all of them, there seems to be A LOT in there, but after you kill some 8 the others will not get so eager to come after you -- which is good and bad, you have breathing room but can be caught off guard. Now, if the SECOND yellow insectoid takes forever to show up activate the map and get ready for the SUICIDE RUN.

10. Make sure you're not bent down and jump. TURN RIGHT, THEN LEFT, THEN LEFT. I don't think you'll do it right the first time because you don't know the level, but it SHOULD work once you know WHERE the green key is. I usually find the green key without running into the remaining devils or the remaining yellow insectoids. They're at the end of a corridor which you'll find by following the general directions I gave you and then looking up and ACTIVATING THE ROCKET PACK in order to enter it. THAT'S THE ONLY WAY IN -- FLYING! Get the key and return from where you came FLYING again to return to the chamber where you first tackled the green devils. If you fail to find the right place or run into opposition, keep running (so that you take few shots) and you'll find a starway which will lead to a corridor which has a teleport outta there at the end. Put up a bit of resistance when you reach it so that the breed clutters up around the area (they won't come in). Get into the teleport and return down there to get the green key. They'll be waiting for you to the LEFT of from where you jump down (the teleport corridor). The key is to the RIGHT of where you jumped down. RIGHT, LEFT, LEFT, ok?

11. You did it. Beware, now there are green devils around. Those who didn't get killed will have come out of the lower sections and will be wandering through the upper section of the level looking for you. BEWARE. Go to the green door, duck down ready your rapid firing PLASMA (2) and open the door running backwards and firing forward. Stand up and walk over the MIRIAD of red puppies you've just killed in order to get the YELLOW key.

12. Go to the yellow door (at the end of the corridor on the opposite side of the plazza) where you got those coveted mines, remember?

13. Open it and spread some mines in the claustrophobic corridor you'll see. Approach the other door. When you read the "uh-oh" message turn 180 degrees and RUN FOR YOUR LIFE. Open the door and DASH BACK until you get some distance between you and the THOUSAND puppies which are giving chase. Then you turn back and push forward kiling them with your shotgun, robocop-style.

14. Open the door and retreat in order to draw in another wave. There are lots of puppies and some 6 panties or triclaws, as you prefer. Now finally go into the chamber and retrieve two medipacks and the RED key.

15. Go to the red key door - beware of the dogs behind it -- and ket the (!) key. Open the (!) door falling back and firing the rocket launcher. There are TWO priests in there. Open the door, fall back fire and the door closes. Do that a couple of times and you won't get much hurt.

16. Go in destroy the uplink and teleport yourself to level N. (for Nasty :)

THE UPPERMOST SECTIONS OF THE LEVEL HAVE PLENTY OF (EASIER) HOT FIGHTING AND ARE NOT NECESSARY. Stand in front of the stairways from the plazza. Take the LEFT one. When you reach the top you'll draw a wave of robots and blue insectoids and dogs. Go down the stairs and rocket their ass as they show up.

Go up again and explore the level. There are two other waves like this, when you see them coming retreat a bit and rocket'em.

If you have trouble with the blue insectoid up in a shaft throw some granades up.

Come back through the RIGHT set of stars. When you hear the sound of a door opening fall back and rocket the red robot as it comes by. You'll do this twice. Now you see why the left starway came first, when you go DOWN the right set of stairways the robots come from your side, so you can aways leave a mine and fall back or fall back and fire a rocket. If you WENT UP the right set of stairs you'd meet these robots HEAD ON.

After doing your exploring you'll find several ammo crates and a key to a door which holds more ammo crates and medipacks. But you'll also spend a lot of ammo, so it's up to you whether to go up or not.


On level N there is a chamber with a number SIX on the wall. If you happen to have passkey 6 it will open the wall revealing a secret chamber with 5 medipacks. Beware thoguh, there will be 3 blue insectoids waiting for you when you step out of the chamber.

MIND YOU, the key has TWO FUNCTIONS: it opens door SIX and it ALSO opens the wall in the chamber where you see a number six written on the wall. The acess to this chamber is not through door six.

Franck Aniere

B To kill the Red Robot try sneaking up behind it, drop a mine, and retreat to a safe distance. Fire the shotgun, and it'll head straight for you across the mine. Goodbye Red Robot!!.

Rask Ingemann Lambertsen

B Here is a trick for killing the red robot on level B: When you start, pick up the ammo boxes and run for the room around the channel in which the red robot starts. You can find it by running to the right, then taking a left turn, then right, then left again (don't turn right into the orange corridor, or you'll die a horrible death). If you're good at running and avoiding shots, you probably won't be hit, otherwise you'll be hit 2-3 times (not a big deal).

You'll see a room opening up below you, with a channel in the middle. Brake as you get there so you fall into the room instead of the channel. You'll see a bright white light in the left side of the channel - that is from the red robot. Quickly switch to the energy blaster, aim downwards three times and approach the edge before the red robot leaves (if he does, just fire a shot and he will come back). If you stand in the right distance from the edge, you can now easily kill the red robot with 10 or so shots from the energy blaster, without being hit at all. Listen for it's screams to confirm that you are really hitting it. When you have killed it, you can grab the medikit and the extra blaster clips on the other side, then jump back across the channel and pick off the grey/blue robots one by one, using the shot gun or energy blaster as you find appropriate. If you think this wastes too much ammo, wait for a lot of robots to be in the channel, then drop a mine into it as you jump across it. After this, you will have killed a lot of robots, including the red one, and maybe you didn't even take a single hit! This is possible because the room with the channel in the middle is safe, except for the side where you find the medikit and ammo, you can actually get hit on that side, but otherwise, it is almost perfect. You can now proceed to the rest of the level, having killed half the aliens without risking your health very much. Not bad, eh?

G Run out of the room immediately and duck into the airduct. Kill the blue robots from there. The two red robots appear unable to turn around in the corridor, they have to go all the way to the room at the end of the corridor. Use this (and a couple of grenades ;-) to your advantage.

Take out as many aliens as possible from the airducts. The long range abilities of the assault rifle comes in handy in one of the airducts. Don't jump into the room with the lava pit, think about selecting the right weapon and using it the right way instead.

In the outdoor section, once you have cleared the ledge and the room at the end of it, it makes for a good stand. Lure the aliens out of the two remaining openings and immediately run for the elevator. Run down the ledge at varying speeds so the aliens can't easily hit you and get into safety. The aliens will clump up at the elevator, so use the energy blaster, saving the big shots for later.

In the final stages of this level, make sure you that you have completely cleared the room behind the windows before walking up the stairs. Don't be afraid of using the jetpack to get a good look behind the windows, there is a recharger at the end of the corridor. After killing the third green floater, use the automapper to find the secret ledge and complete the level.

H My first impression of this level was similar to that of level B when I had just completed level A. It looks impossible at first, but then you recover from the shock. Actually, this is one of the easiest levels.

The trick here is not to be overwhelmed, so approach the key slowly, and as soon as the first of the red whasps appears, start retreating slowly, while you shoot at it with the plasma gun, sidestepping like mad all the time. The red whasps don't fire many shots as long as you hit them and because you are sidestepping, even fewer will hit you. Take out the second whasp the same way.

The two yellow insects and the two red robots are easily taken out one at a time with grenades, you shouldn't get hit doing this. After that, you can collect all the goodies on that level. The grenades are a bit diffucult to see, so use a 1x1 resolution (and full screen, if possible) when examining this level.

J Use the automapper to find the secret room. When you open the door with the red key behind it, stand in the doorway so the door can't close. With a bit of luck, you should be able to shoot into the big room with e.g. the plasma gun. If not, take a step back, let the door close, open the door and take a step forward until you get it right. You will now be standing in a good position to shoot the green floaters when they show their heads and you can also kill some robots in the small rooms on the other side. They won't be able to hit you, so take advantage of this, it will help you later on at the expense of some ammo. Beware of triclaws and remember that they can't open doors. If the green floaters won't fly past the opening, throwing a grenade into the room might stir them up and using hit-and-run tactics on them certainly will.

Having cleared the big room, pick up the red key (particularly if your jet pack is uncharged) and jump into the big room. Close to the knife switch there is a ledge with some extra grenades, you can only get them using your jet pack.

What happens now depends on if your jet pack is still working. If you have some fuel left in it, use it to get onto the ledge of the other side of the room and skip the next paragraph, saving yourself some serious trouble.

If you don't have any more fuel in the jet pack, use the teleporter at the ground level. Behind the red door, grenade the two red robots. The center room is full of nasty robots (blue, grey and green), but you need to enter it to get the yellow key. Clever use of grenades and the bounce lazer will help you here. Get the yellow key and open the yellow door, behind which you find a teleporter that takes you to the second ledge in the big room.

You are now standing on a ledge with a teleporter in one end. Go to the other end and use the elevator. If you still have some jet pack fuel are you are willing to use it, you can immediately take the corridor to the right (skip the next paragraph) but the green key downstairs isn't difficult to get.

Take the corridor to the left, past the teleporter. You might want to drop a grenade or two down the staircase before entering the "basement". Mine the door close to the goodies and the green key before picking up the key, then exit the "basement" and continue down the corridor.

After killing some blue insects, green floaters and triclaws, you spot two tempting looking mines. Kill the priest in the room to your left before you pick them up, though. If you picked up the green key, the whole staircase will be moving up and down and you can walk up to get the final key. Otherwise, use the jetpack one step at a time to get it. Run back and use the teleporter on your right.

Back in the room you entered the level in, you can now complete the final part of the level. Use the automapper to see which weapon is appropriate and complete the level.


For constant speed define the CAPS LOCK key as "RUN".
You can stop doors from closing by standing right under them.
E Near the end, before you meet the priests, use the jetpack behind the pillar, there is a secret room full of goodies just under the ceiling.
I This level you should be able to complete by only using the shotgun.

Ignore the large hall (with six pillars, close to the start) and the yellow insect eho lives there. Killing this insect is just a waste of ammo.

The red pass key will release the priest. After taking it - run to the chamber with the lift, tkae the lift up and run into the small room with two medipacs. After a while the priest will wander off.

After taking the yellow key, use the jetpack briefly to get one step further up (to the wellow door). By doing this you�ll avoid the nasty red robot completely. (Note! You will need some fuel in the jetpack on the next level, to get some grenades there).

Take the blue key, lower the red lift, enter it, raise it and run down the gorge, then head for the exit.

K The green/grey robots are released by triggers which are placed in the middle of the corridors. So go down one side (close to the wall) of the corridors. The robots won�t be released and you will save some ammo (and health?)

When teleported from the teleporter behind door 2, jump over the trigger in the first corridor, (the trigger releases aliens from one of the 4 corners of the level).

Walk backwards when you enter the last teleport.


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Updated 8th August 1997

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