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Vector Descriptions

The following information describes the input, output, and function
of each of the functions accessed through the device vector table.

        DW      offset INSTALL          ; device driver installation
     DW   offset   INIT         ; Initialize device for output
     DW   offset   CLEAR        ; Clear the graphics device
     DW   offset   POST         ; Exit from graphics mode
     DW   offset   MOVE         ; Move the current drawing pointer
     DW   offset   DRAW         ; Draw a line from the (CP) to (X,Y)
        DW      VECT            ; Draw line from (X1,Y1) to (X2,Y2)
        DW      BAR             ; fill and outline rectangle (CP),(X,Y)
        DW      PATBAR          ; fill rectangle (X1,Y1), (X2,Y2)
        DW      ARC             ; Draw an elliptical arc
        DW      PIESLICE        ; Draw an elliptical pie slice
        DW      FILLED_ELLIPSE  ; Draw a filled ellipse at (CP)
        DW      PALETTE         ; Load a color entry into the Palette
        DW      COLOR           ; Load the current drawing color.
        DW      FILLSTYLE       ; Set the filling pattern
        DW      LINESTYLE       ; Set the line drawing pattern
        DW      TEXTSTYLE       ; Hardware text style control
        DW      TEXT            ; Hardware text output at (CP)
        DW      TEXTSIZ        ; Determine the height and width of text
        DW      FLOODFILL       ; Fill a bounded region using a flood fill
        DW      GETPIXEL        ; Read a pixel from the graphics screen
        DW      PUTPIXEL        ; Write a pixel to the graphics screen
        DW      BITMAPUTIL      ; Bitmap Utilities Function Table
        DW      SAVEBITMAP      ; Write from screen memory to system memory
        DW      RESTOREBITMAP   ; Write screen memory to the screen.
        DW      SETCLIP         ; Define a clipping rectangle
        DW      offset COLOR_QUERY      ; Device Color Information Query

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