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     DW   offset   INIT         ; Initialize device for output

     ES:BX  --> Device Information Table


This vector is used to change an already INSTALLed device from text mode to
graphics mode. This vector should also initialize any default palettes and
drawing mode information as required. The input to this vector is a
device information table (DIT). The format of the DIT is shown below and
contains the background color and an initialization flag. If the device
requires additional information at INIT time, these values can be appended
to the DIT. There in no return value for this function. If an
error occurs during device initialization, the STAT field of the Device
Status Table should be loaded with the appropriate error value.

; ************** Device Information Table Definition **************

struct  DIT
        DB      0               ; Background color for initializing screen
        DB      0               ; Init flag; 0A5h = don't init; anything
                                ;   else = init
        DB      64 dup 0        ; Reserved for Borland's future use
                                ; additional user information here
DIT     ends

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson