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        DW      LINESTYLE       ; Set the line drawing pattern

     AL         Line pattern number
     BX         User-defined line drawing pattern
     CX         Line width for drawing


Sets the current line-drawing style and the width of the line. The line
width is either one pixel or three pixels in width. The following table
defines the default line styles:

   Code         Description                      16 Bit Pattern
  AL = 0      Solid Line Style                  1111111111111111B
  AL = 1      Dotted Line                       1100110011001100B
  AL = 2      Center Line                       1111110001111000B
  AL = 3      Dashed line                       1111100011111000B
  AL = 4      User-defined line style

If the value in AL is four, the user is defining a line style in the BX
register. If the value in AL is not four, then the value in register BX is

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