Programming Reference


Special Characters
  • _IDL_SEQUENCE_octet (3255)
  • _IDL_SEQUENCE_PartKindInfo (3254)
  • A
  • AbortClone (392)
  • AbortCurrentTransaction (2809)
  • AbortRelinquishFocus (781), (1556)
  • abstract superclass (10)
  • ACCEL (3256)
  • accelerator table
  • adding accelerators to (1292)
  • removing part-specific accelerators (1363)
  • Acquire (1897)
  • AcquireActiveShape (611)
  • AcquireActiveWindow (2975)
  • AcquireAggregateClipShape (614)
  • AcquireBaseDraft (341)
  • AcquireBaseMenuBar (2978)
  • AcquireBasePopupMenu (2982)
  • AcquireBiasTransform (158)
  • AcquireClipShape (617)
  • AcquireContainer (2254)
  • AcquireContainingFrame (902)
  • AcquireContainingPartProperties (1559)
  • AcquireContentTransform (620)
  • AcquireCurrentMenuBar (2986)
  • AcquireCurrentPopupMenu (2989)
  • AcquireDocument (265)
  • AcquireDraft (346)
  • AcquireDraftProperties (395)
  • AcquireExtension (1432)
  • AcquireExternalTransform (623)
  • AcquireFocusOwner (107), (784)
  • AcquireFrame (398)
  • AcquireFrameShape (905)
  • AcquireFrameTransform (626)
  • AcquireFrontFloatingWindow (2992)
  • AcquireFrontRootWindow (2995)
  • AcquireFrontWindow (2998)
  • AcquireInternalTransform (908)
  • AcquireLink (403)
  • AcquireLinkSource (406)
  • AcquireODWindow (3001)
  • AcquireOwner (161)
  • AcquirePart (409), (911)
  • AcquirePersistentObject (412)
  • AcquireSourceFrame (2870)
  • AcquireStorageUnit (413)
  • AcquireUpdateShape (164)
  • AcquireUsedShape (914)
  • AcquireWindow (917), (3004)
  • AcquireWindowAggregateClipShape (629)
  • AcquireWindowContentTransform (632)
  • AcquireWindowFrameTransform (635)
  • action data (2805)
  • action history
  • clearing (2817)
  • defined (2807)
  • marking top of (2823)
  • removing current transaction from (2811)
  • action subhistory (2808)
  • ActionDone (224)
  • ActionRedone (227)
  • ActionUndone (230)
  • ActivateScriptComponent (1915)
  • active frame (872)
  • active shape (606), (2165)
  • ActiveBorderContainsPoint (638)
  • Add (840)
  • AddActionToHistory (2812)
  • AddClass (1918)
  • AddContainedPart (1959)
  • AddContainedPart method (1958)
  • AddContainer (1921)
  • AddDefaultMenuItemBefore (1880)
  • AddDefaultMenuItemLast (1883)
  • AddDispatchModule (288)
  • AddEventMgr (3785)
  • AddInstance (1924)
  • AddLast (1845), (2772)
  • AddMenuBefore (1260)
  • AddMenuBeforeEx (Windows) (1263)
  • AddMenuItemBefore (1266)
  • AddMenuItemLast (1269)
  • AddMenuLast (1272)
  • AddMenuLastEx (Windows) (1275)
  • AddMonitor (291)
  • AddNotebookSheet (OS/2) (2146)
  • AddPages (AIX) (2149)
  • AddProperty (2289), (2495)
  • address descriptor
  • class description (3558), (3656), (3685), (3690), (3695)
  • AddSink (3788), (3806)
  • AddSubMenuBefore (1278)
  • AddSubMenuBeforeEx (Windows) (1281)
  • AddSubMenuLast (1284)
  • AddSubMenuLastEx (Windows) (1287)
  • AddToAccelTable (1290)
  • AddValue (2294), (2500)
  • AdjustBorderShape (1562)
  • AdjustMenu (3559)
  • AdjustMenus (1565)
  • AdjustPartMenus (3007)
  • AdjustWindowShape (2873)
  • AIX platform canvas
  • display pointer association (69)
  • initializing with pixmap (84)
  • initializing with window (87)
  • validating graphics context (72)
  • validating pixmap association (75)
  • validating widget association (78)
  • validating window association (81)
  • AIXShell class (3652)
  • AnyLinkImported (1171)
  • ApplicationShell class (3554)
  • applying operations to all units (1462)
  • arbitrator
  • class description (102)
  • reference to (2047)
  • replacing (2099)
  • argc
  • getting (3516)
  • setting (3540)
  • argv
  • getting (3519)
  • setting (3543)
  • AttachSourceFrame (1568)
  • B
  • base draft (390)
  • base menu bar, reference to (2981)
  • base popup menu, reference to (2985)
  • BaseRemoved (581)
  • BeginClone (418)
  • BeginGetWindowProperties (3250)
  • BeginRelinquishFocus (787), (1571)
  • bias canvas (888)
  • bias transform (155)
  • bias, coordinate (157)
  • binding
  • reference to (2050)
  • replacing (2102)
  • binding, class description (130)
  • BOOL (3257)
  • Boolean (3258)
  • BreakLink (1574)
  • BreakLinkSource (1577)
  • bundled frame (873)
  • C
  • C++ considerations (39)
  • CanEmbed (233), (512)
  • CanIncorporate (513)
  • CanTranslate (2749)
  • canvas
  • adding to the update shape (185)
  • assigning a drawing structure for (206)
  • assigning a facet to (200)
  • assigning a print job for (209)
  • bias transform of (160)
  • class description (143)
  • copying content to parent canvas (1585)
  • creating (658), (3023)
  • drawing structure for graphic system (172)
  • dynamic (146), (188)
  • facet of (169)
  • invalidating (184)
  • offscreen (151), (191)
  • onscreen (152)
  • owner of (163)
  • print job for (177)
  • resetting the update shape (194)
  • setting the bias transform (197)
  • setting the owner of (203)
  • static (147)
  • subtracting an area from the update region (213)
  • transferring asynchronous images to (1582)
  • update shape of (166)
  • validating (212)
  • CanvasChanged (1580)
  • CanvasUpdated (1583)
  • CDATE (3259)
  • CDP parameter (3269)
  • CFA_* values (3289), (3349)
  • data types (3290), (3350)
  • ChangeActiveShape (641)
  • ChangeCanvas (644)
  • ChangeContentExtent (920)
  • ChangedFromPrev (421)
  • ChangeFrameShape (923)
  • ChangeGeometry (647)
  • ChangeHighlight (651)
  • ChangeInternalTransform (926)
  • ChangeKind (1586)
  • ChangeLinkStatus (929)
  • ChangePart (932)
  • ChangePresentation (935)
  • ChangeSequenceNumber (938)
  • ChangeUsedShape (941)
  • ChangeViewType (944)
  • CheckComponent (1962)
  • CheckMenuItem (1295)
  • CheckValid (552), (584)
  • ChooseEditorForPart (131)
  • CI Labs (2)
  • class hierarchy (59)
  • class methods (47)
  • classes (46)
  • AIXShell (3654)
  • ApplicationShell (3556)
  • class description (3495)
  • DocumentManager (3693)
  • ODAIXCanvas (64)
  • ODAIXStandardCanvas (90)
  • ODAIXWindowCanvas (95)
  • ODArbitrator (100)
  • ODBinding (129)
  • ODCanvas (141)
  • ODClipboard (216)
  • ODContainer (259)
  • ODDispatcher (282)
  • ODDispatchModule (321)
  • ODDocument (338)
  • ODDraft (387)
  • ODDragAndDrop (502)
  • ODDragItemIterator (534)
  • ODDSConnection (3784)
  • ODDSEventMgr (3805)
  • ODDSEventMgrEnum (3829)
  • ODDSSink (3838)
  • ODDSSinkEnum (3848)
  • ODEmbeddedFramesIterator (549)
  • ODExtension (578)
  • ODFacet (600)
  • ODFacetIterator (760)
  • ODFocusModule (778)
  • ODFocusOwnerIterator (815)
  • ODFocusSet (837)
  • ODFocusSetIterator (854)
  • ODFrame (869)
  • ODFrameFacetIterator (1078)
  • ODHelp (1093)
  • ODInfo (1113)
  • ODLink (1125)
  • ODLinkManager (1168)
  • ODLinkSource (1188)
  • ODLinkSpec (1242)
  • ODMenuBar (1255)
  • ODNameSpace (1380)
  • ODNameSpaceManager (1415)
  • ODObject (1429)
  • ODObjectIterator (1459)
  • ODObjectNameSpace (1475)
  • ODOS2Canvas (1489)
  • ODOS2StandardCanvas (1512)
  • ODOS2WindowCanvas (1517)
  • ODPart (1522)
  • ODPersistentObject (1795)
  • ODPlatformCanvas (1826)
  • ODPlatformTypeList (1842)
  • ODPlatformTypeListIterator (1862)
  • ODPopup (1877)
  • ODRefCntObject (1894)
  • ODScriptComponent (1913)
  • ODScriptExtension (1953)
  • ODSession (2042)
  • ODSettingsExtension (2141)
  • ODShape (2162)
  • ODStorageSystem (2251)
  • ODStorageUnit (2274)
  • ODStorageUnitCursor (2452)
  • ODStorageUnitRefIterator (2477)
  • ODStorageUnitView (2492)
  • ODTemplates (2610)
  • ODTransform (2623)
  • ODTranslation (2746)
  • ODTypeList (2769)
  • ODTypeListIterator (2787)
  • ODUndo (2802)
  • ODValueIterator (2838)
  • ODValueNameSpace (2853)
  • ODWindow (2867)
  • ODWindowIterator (2952)
  • ODWindowState (2973)
  • ODWin32Canvas (3098)
  • ODWin32StandardCanvas (3124)
  • ODWin32WindowCanvas (3129)
  • ODwps (3163)
  • OpenDocShell (3494)
  • OS2Shell (3683)
  • WinShell (3688)
  • Clear (234), (514), (1201)
  • ClearActionHistory (2815)
  • ClearAllPromises (2299)
  • ClearRedoHistory (2818)
  • clip shape (607), (2166)
  • notifying the part of a change (1692)
  • clipboard
  • class description (218)
  • copying data to system clipboard (254)
  • exporting (245)
  • notifying that a draft was closed or reverted (239)
  • notifying that a draft was saved (242)
  • notifying when an action is done (226)
  • notifying when an action is redone (229)
  • notifying when an action is undone (232)
  • promises (223)
  • reference to (2053)
  • removing data in (236)
  • replacing (2105)
  • storage unit's content of (248)
  • update ID of (251)
  • Clone (422)
  • CloneDateInfo (3183)
  • CloneInto (1799), (2304), (2505)
  • CloneModificationInfo (3184)
  • ClonePartInfo (1589)
  • Close (947), (2876)
  • close event
  • handling (3624)
  • CloseAndRemove (2879)
  • CloseCleanup (3562)
  • CloseDocument (3696)
  • CloseDraft (3699)
  • CloseScripting (1927)
  • CloseWindow (3702)
  • CloseWindows (3010)
  • clsGetFacetFromHWND (3139)
  • clsGetODPartHandlerDisplayName (3150)
  • clsGetODPartHandlerName (3153)
  • clsGetODPartKinds (3156)
  • clsGetOLE2ClassId (3147)
  • clsGetWindowsIconFileName (3159)
  • COL parameter (3267)
  • CollapseDrafts (351)
  • CommitRelinquishFocus (790), (1592)
  • Component Integration Laboratories (CI Labs) (1)
  • considerations, programming (24)
  • constant names (22)
  • container
  • class description (261)
  • container suite (264)
  • creating (2259)
  • ID of (270)
  • name of (273)
  • reference to (2256)
  • setting the name of (279)
  • storage system of (276)
  • container properties (1529)
  • container suite (262)
  • ID of (138)
  • containing frame (874)
  • ContainingPartPropertiesUpdated (1597)
  • Contains (843), (1848), (2775)
  • ContainsPoint (654), (2173)
  • content extent (884)
  • contents property (1541)
  • ContentUpdated (951), (1204)
  • conventions
  • documentation conventions (8)
  • function descriptions (17)
  • method descriptions (16)
  • coordinate bias (156)
  • COP parameter (3263)
  • Copy (1298), (2174), (2640)
  • CopyAggregateClipRegion (OS/2) (655)
  • CopyBaseMenuBar (3015)
  • CopyBasePopup (3018)
  • CopyFrom (2177), (2643)
  • CopyPolygon (2180)
  • CopyRegion (2183)
  • Count (1851), (2776)
  • CountProperties (2308)
  • CountValues (2313)
  • CreateCanvas (656), (3021)
  • CreateConcreteCanvas (1829)
  • CreateContainer (2257)
  • CreateCursor (2318)
  • CreateCursorWithFocus (2321)
  • CreateDocumentAsStationery (3705)
  • CreateDocumentInFile (3708)
  • CreateDocumentInMemory (3711)
  • CreateDocumentManager (3496)
  • CreateDocumentManagerIterator (3499)
  • CreateDocumentMenu (3657)
  • CreateDraft (357), (3714)
  • CreateDraftsSubmenu (3660)
  • CreateEditMenu (3663)
  • CreateEmbeddedFacet (659)
  • CreateEmbeddedFramesIterator (1600)
  • CreateEventMgrEnum (3791)
  • CreateFacet (3024)
  • CreateFacetIterator (662), (954)
  • CreateFocusSet (108)
  • CreateFrame (425)
  • CreateHelpMenu (3666)
  • CreateIterator (846), (1478), (2856)
  • CreateLink (1603)
  • CreateLinkSource (430)
  • CreateLinkSpec (433)
  • CreateLinksSubmenu (3669)
  • CreateMenuBar (3027), (3565)
  • CreateMenuBarEx (Windows) (3032)
  • CreateMenuItem (3672)
  • CreateNameSpace (1418)
  • CreateOwnerIterator (113), (793)
  • CreatePart (436)
  • CreatePlatformCanvas (665), (668), (671)
  • CreatePlatformTypeList (2260)
  • CreatePlatformTypeListIterator (1854)
  • CreatePlatformWindow (3037)
  • CreatePopupMenu (3040)
  • CreatePopupMenuEx (Windows) (3045)
  • CreateRootMenuBar (1606)
  • CreateShape (674), (957)
  • CreateShowAsSubmenu (3675)
  • CreateSinkEnum (3809)
  • CreateStorageUnit (439)
  • CreateStorageUnitRefIterator (2324), (2509)
  • CreateTemplate (2614)
  • CreateTransform (677), (960)
  • CreateTypeList (2263)
  • CreateTypeListIterator (2779)
  • CreateView (2327)
  • CreateViewMenu (3678)
  • CreateWindowIterator (3050)
  • CreateX11PlatformMenu (AIX) (1301), (1886)
  • creating (2858)
  • CTIME (3260)
  • D
  • data transfer
  • clipboard (220)
  • drag-and-drop (506)
  • data types
  • descriptions of (3253)
  • implicit pointer (31)
  • storage mapping (35)
  • DC_* values (3275)
  • DeleteDocumentManager (3502)
  • DeleteDocumentManagerIterator (3505)
  • DeleteDraft (3717)
  • DeleteDraftList (3720)
  • DeleteEventMgr (3794)
  • DeleteNameSpace (1421)
  • DeleteTemplate (2617)
  • DeleteValue (2330), (2512)
  • DeRegister (1965)
  • DeRegister method (1957)
  • DestroyX11PlatformMenu (AIX) (1304), (1889)
  • dialog box
  • display dialog box (1155)
  • information (3570)
  • direct manipulation (1652)
  • additional information (523)
  • clearing the content storage unit (516)
  • content storage unit of (519)
  • copying the dragged data to a part (1644)
  • drag information (526)
  • drag-and-drop class description (504)
  • fulfilling promises (1686)
  • initiating a drag operation (531)
  • moving the dragged data to a part (1645)
  • notifying a part that drop operation is complete (1653)
  • tracking drag operation (1635)
  • tracking drag operations (1632), (1638)
  • Dispatch (294), (326)
  • dispatch module
  • adding to the dispatch module dictionary (290)
  • class description (323)
  • dispatching events (328)
  • initializing (333)
  • installing as a monitor (325)
  • reference to (304)
  • removing from the dispatch module dictionary (312)
  • dispatch module dictionary (285)
  • dispatcher
  • class description (284)
  • dispatching events (296)
  • redispatching events (307)
  • reference to (2056)
  • replacing (2108)
  • terminating (301), (318)
  • DispatchEvent (3508)
  • Display (1307)
  • display frame (875)
  • DisplayFrameAdded (1609)
  • DisplayFrameClosed (1614)
  • DisplayFrameConnected (1617)
  • DisplayFrameRemoved (1622)
  • DisplayHelp (1096)
  • DisplayHelpIndex (1099)
  • DisplayHelpUsingHelp (1102)
  • DisposeActionState (1627)
  • DO_* values
  • DRAGINFO (3281)
  • docshell
  • argument parsing (3642)
  • creating (3606)
  • main event processing (3636)
  • opening (3639)
  • retrieving invocation (3618)
  • running (3621)
  • saving invocation (3648)
  • sending to root part (3645)
  • document
  • base draft in (343)
  • class description (340)
  • closing (3573), (3698)
  • consolidating change in a range of drafts (374)
  • container of (365)
  • copying a draft to the base draft (379)
  • creating (3707), (3710), (3713)
  • creating draft (3576)
  • creating drafts (359)
  • current user (2083)
  • draft history (3579)
  • draft of (348)
  • file name (3725), (3774)
  • ID of (368)
  • information (3582)
  • name of (371)
  • new (3585)
  • opening (3588)
  • page setup (3591)
  • printing (3594)
  • reference return (3728)
  • reference to (267)
  • removing a draft (478)
  • removing empty drafts (353)
  • revert (3762)
  • reverting (3597)
  • saving (3600), (3768)
  • saving as (3603)
  • setting the name of (384)
  • DocumentAbout (3568)
  • documentation conventions (9)
  • DocumentClose (3571)
  • DocumentDraftCreate (3574)
  • DocumentDraftHistory (3577)
  • DocumentInfo (3580)
  • DocumentManager
  • creating (3498)
  • creating iterator (3501)
  • deleting (3504)
  • deleting iterator (3507)
  • getting active (3513)
  • setting active (3537)
  • updating (3553)
  • DocumentManager Class (3691)
  • DocumentNew (3583)
  • DocumentOpen (3586)
  • DocumentPageSetup (3589)
  • DocumentPrint (3592)
  • DocumentRevert (3595)
  • DocumentSave (3598)
  • DocumentSaveAs (3601)
  • DoDeRegisterContainedPart (1968)
  • DoDeRegisterExtension (1971)
  • DoDeRegisterObject (1974)
  • DoesPropagateEvents (963)
  • DoRegisterClass (1977)
  • DoRegisterContainedPart (1980)
  • DoRegisterObject (1983)
  • DoRegisterObjToComp (1986)
  • draft
  • base draft of (345)
  • build history list (3750)
  • class description (389)
  • cloning (420)
  • closing (3701)
  • closing all windows (3014)
  • consolidating change in a range of drafts (376)
  • copying to the base draft (381)
  • creating (3716)
  • creating drafts in a document (361)
  • creating frames (427)
  • deleting (3719)
  • document which create this draft (450)
  • DocumentManager (3522)
  • ID of (453)
  • maintaining weak persistent references (499)
  • marking as dirty (496)
  • notify draft closing (1176)
  • notify draft opened (1179)
  • notify draft saved (1182)
  • opening (3759)
  • permissions of (456)
  • reference return (3731)
  • reference to (350), (2348)
  • releasing the part of (465)
  • removing a frame from (471)
  • removing all changes (468)
  • removing empty drafts from a document (355)
  • removing from a document (476)
  • saving (3765), (3771)
  • saving to a previous draft (493)
  • stopping a cloning operation (394)
  • storage unit of (397), (415)
  • synchronizing windows (3095)
  • terminating a cloning operation (444)
  • write permission (3746)
  • writing data to storage (447)
  • draft key (391)
  • draft list
  • deleting (3722)
  • reference return (3734), (3737)
  • DraftClosing (237), (1174)
  • DraftOpened (1177)
  • drafts
  • submenu creation (3662)
  • DraftSaved (240), (1180)
  • drag-and-drop
  • reference to (2059)
  • rendering mechanisms and formats support (509)
  • replacing (2111)
  • RMFs and part registration (511)
  • drag-item iterator (507)
  • class description (536)
  • determining whether incomplete (543)
  • first storage unit in (540)
  • next storage unit in (546)
  • starting the iteration of (539)
  • DragEnter (1630)
  • DRAGIMAGE (3277)
  • DRAGINFO (3279)
  • DRAGITEM (3271)
  • DragLeave (1633)
  • DragWithin (1636)
  • Draw (680), (1639)
  • DrawActiveBorder (683), (966)
  • DrawChildren (686)
  • DrawChildrenAlways (689)
  • drawing environment (144)
  • DrawnIn (692)
  • DRF_* values (3274)
  • DRG_* values (3278)
  • DRM_* values (3273)
  • Drop (1642)
  • DropCompleted (1649)
  • DropContainedPart (1989)
  • DropContainer (1930)
  • DropInstance (1933)
  • DRT_* values (3272)
  • dynamic canvas (148)
  • E
  • EditInLink (969)
  • EditInLinkAttempted (1654)
  • editor
  • associating parts with an editor (133)
  • embedded frame (876)
  • embedded-frames iterator
  • checking for validity (554), (569)
  • class description (551)
  • creating (1602)
  • determining whether incomplete (566)
  • first frame in (558)
  • initiating (563)
  • invalidating (575)
  • next frame in (572)
  • starting the iteration of (557)
  • EmbeddedFrameSpec (1657)
  • EmbeddedFrameUpdated (1660)
  • EnableMenu (1310)
  • EnableMenuItem (1313)
  • encapsulation (55)
  • EndClone (442)
  • EndGetWindowProperties (3251)
  • EndScripting (1992)
  • Environment (3282)
  • errors
  • event
  • dispatching (298), (330)
  • redispatching (309)
  • event manager
  • accessing sinks (3811)
  • adding (3787)
  • adding OLE connection point (3802)
  • adding sinks (3790)
  • calling FireEvent (3814)
  • deletion (3796)
  • enumeration objects (3793)
  • frees enumerator (3826)
  • getting (3799)
  • sink connection (3823)
  • sink notification (3817)
  • sink removal (3820)
  • verifying unique IDs (3808)
  • event manager list
  • reference (3832), (3835)
  • event notification (3781)
  • event subtype
  • getting (3609)
  • event type
  • getting (3612)
  • event window
  • getting (3615)
  • EventMgrGone (3840)
  • events
  • dispatching (3510)
  • exception_type (3286)
  • exclusive focus (105), (819)
  • Exec (3604)
  • Exists (362), (1316), (1383), (2333)
  • ExistsWithCursor (2334)
  • Exit (299)
  • ExportClipboard (243)
  • extension
  • reference to the base object (589)
  • checking for validity (586), (597)
  • class description (580)
  • determining whether supported by objects (1437)
  • initializing (594)
  • invalidating (583)
  • reference to (1434)
  • releasing (1453)
  • external transform (608)
  • notifying the part of a change (1694)
  • Externalize (445), (1802), (2335), (2517), (3053)
  • ExternalizeComponentData (1995)
  • ExternalizeKinds (1663)
  • F
  • facet
  • active shape of (613)
  • adding to root frame (2944)
  • aggregate clip shape of (616)
  • attaching a canvas to (646)
  • canvas of (697)
  • changing the active shape of (643)
  • changing the clip shape of (649)
  • changing the external shape of (650)
  • changing the highlight state of (653)
  • class description (602)
  • clip shape of (619)
  • containing facet for (700)
  • content transform of (622)
  • creating (3026)
  • creating an embedded facet (661)
  • determining whether selected (733)
  • determining whether the frame is active (640)
  • drawing embedded facets (688), (691)
  • drawing the update shape (682)
  • drawing without generating an event (694)
  • external transform of (625)
  • facet geometry (605)
  • facets and canvases (610)
  • frame of (708)
  • frame transform of (628), (637)
  • handling mouse events (711), (745)
  • highlight state of (714)
  • invalidating the active frame border (727)
  • invalidating the canvas (724)
  • metaclass description (3138)
  • moving behind a sibling facet (739)
  • moving in front of a sibling facet (736)
  • part information for (717)
  • PM window handle of (703)
  • reference to (2886), (2895), (3141)
  • removing an embedded facet (742)
  • selecting (751)
  • setting part information (748)
  • updating the active frame border (685)
  • updating the canvas of (754)
  • validating the canvas of (757)
  • window aggregate clip shape of (631)
  • window content transform of (634)
  • window of (720)
  • facet hierarchy, creating
  • facet iterator
  • class description (762)
  • creating (664)
  • determining whether incomplete (769)
  • first facet in (766)
  • moving to the next sibling (775)
  • next facet in (772)
  • starting the iteration of (765)
  • facet widget
  • FacetAdded (970), (1668)
  • FacetRemoved (975), (1671)
  • FCF_* (3421)
  • FIELDINFO (3287), (3288)
  • file
  • exists (3633)
  • opening (3753), (3756)
  • files, header (27)
  • FireEvent (3812), (3843)
  • First (537), (555), (763), (820), (857) , (1081), (1463), (1865), (2480), (2790) , (2841), (2955), (3830), (3849)
  • FIT parameter (3265)
  • focus (2286)
  • Focus (2340)
  • aborting a request to relinquish ownership of (783)
  • defined (104)
  • determining whether exclusive (803)
  • owning frame of (786)
  • relinquishing ownership (789), (792)
  • relinquishing ownership of (1596)
  • removing the owner of (812)
  • setting the owner (806)
  • transferring ownership (809)
  • focus context (2287)
  • counting values in (2315)
  • defined (2456)
  • removing data from (2418), (2583)
  • size of data in (2375), (2548)
  • focus module
  • class description (780)
  • initializing (800)
  • reference to (116)
  • focus set
  • adding a focus to (842)
  • class description (839)
  • creating and initializing (112)
  • determining members of (845)
  • removing a focus from (851)
  • focus-owner iterator
  • class description (817)
  • creating (795)
  • determining whether incomplete (831)
  • first frame in (823)
  • initializing (828)
  • next frame in (834)
  • starting the iteration of (822)
  • focus-set iterator
  • class description (856)
  • creating (848)
  • determining whether incomplete (863)
  • first focus set in (860)
  • next focus set in (866)
  • starting the iteration of (859)
  • FocusAcquired (1674)
  • FocusLost (1677)
  • FocusWithCursor (2343)
  • frame
  • accepting drag-and-drop events (1045)
  • acquiring (402)
  • adding a facet (974)
  • adding to part's list of display frames (1613), (1621)
  • adjusting border shape of (1564)
  • allowing to be bundled (1051)
  • assigning a new part to (934)
  • assigning a window to (1072)
  • assigning part information (1057)
  • assigning the presentation of (1060)
  • associating source frame with display frame (1570)
  • changing the content extent of (922)
  • changing the frame shape of (925)
  • changing the internal transform (928)
  • changing the link status of (931)
  • changing the presentation of (937)
  • changing the sequence number (940)
  • changing the view type (946)
  • class description (871)
  • cloning part information in storage (1591)
  • closing (950)
  • container properties of (1561)
  • containing frame of (904)
  • content extent of (982)
  • creating from embedded parts (1758)
  • creating in a draft (429)
  • deleting events (896)
  • determining whether a root frame (1025)
  • determining whether a subframe (1028)
  • determining whether able to delegate unhandled events (965)
  • determining whether accepts drag-and-drop events (1012)
  • determining whether an overlaid frame (1022)
  • determining whether being dragged (1009), (1042)
  • determining whether bundled (1015)
  • determining whether frozen (1016)
  • determining whether in limbo (1019)
  • displaying information (894)
  • flags and link status (901)
  • frame geometry (882)
  • frame groups (898)
  • frame hierarchy (891)
  • frame shape of (907)
  • group ID of (985)
  • internal transform of (910)
  • invalidating (1003), (1006)
  • link status of (988)
  • notifying that the part changed (953)
  • part information in (991)
  • part of (913)
  • presentation of (994)
  • reading into memory (3074)
  • reference to (2872), (2898)
  • removing a facet (979)
  • removing from a draft (473)
  • removing from memory (949), (1031)
  • removing from part's content (1751)
  • removing from part's list of display frames (1626)
  • removing from persistent storage (1032)
  • removing root frame (2883)
  • requesting a new frame shape (1035)
  • requesting new frame shape (1761)
  • reshaping root frame (2875)
  • resizing the display frame (1036)
  • resolution required for printing content of (1697)
  • scripting ID of (461)
  • scrolling into view (1766)
  • sequence number of (997)
  • setting as a subframe (1066)
  • setting as able to delegate unhandled events (1063)
  • setting as the content model of a part (1054)
  • setting source frame (2932)
  • setting the containing frame (1039)
  • setting the used shape (943)
  • setting the view type (1069)
  • updating the active frame border (968)
  • used shape of (916)
  • validating (1075)
  • view type of (1000)
  • window of (919)
  • frame border
  • indication within (730)
  • frame geometry (883)
  • frame groups (899)
  • frame hierarchy (892)
  • frame negotiation (889)
  • frame shape (885), (2167)
  • frame-facet iterator
  • class description (1080)
  • creating (956)
  • determining whether incomplete (1087)
  • first facet in (1084)
  • next facet in (1090)
  • starting the iteration of (1083)
  • FrameShapeChanged (1680)
  • fulfilling promises (1684)
  • FulfillPromise (1683)
  • function descriptions (19)
  • G
  • geometry mode (2169)
  • GeometryChanged (1687)
  • GetActiveDocumentManager (3511)
  • GetAppContext (AIX) (3056)
  • GetArbitrator (2045)
  • GetArgc (3514)
  • GetArgv (3517)
  • GetBase (587)
  • GetBinding (2048)
  • GetBoundingBox (2186)
  • GetCanvas (695)
  • GetChangeTime (1129), (1207)
  • GetClipboard (2051)
  • GetComponentData (1936)
  • GetContainer (363)
  • GetContainerSuite (136)
  • getContainingExt (1998)
  • GetContainingFacet (698)
  • GetContentExtent (980)
  • GetContentStorageUnit (246), (517), (1132), (1210)
  • GetCursor (2522)
  • GetDataFromDragManager (520)
  • GetDC (Windows) (3101)
  • GetDescription (1135)
  • GetDescription (OS/2) (1213)
  • GetDispatcher (2054)
  • GetDispatchModule (302)
  • GetDisplay (AIX) (67), (3059)
  • GetDocument (448), (3726)
  • GetDocumentManagerOfDraft (3520)
  • GetDraft (2346), (3729)
  • GetDraftList (3732), (3735)
  • GetDragAndDrop (2057)
  • GetDragAttributes (OS/2, Windows) (521)
  • GetDragReference (524)
  • GetEntry (1481), (2859)
  • GetEventMgr (3797)
  • GetEventSubType (3607)
  • GetEventType (3610)
  • GetEventWindow (3613)
  • GetExecString (3616)
  • getExtName (2001)
  • GetFacet (167)
  • GetFacetHWND (701)
  • GetFacetUnderPoint (2884)
  • GetFacetWidget (704)
  • GetFileName (3723)
  • GetFocusModule (114)
  • GetFrame (706)
  • GetFrameGroup (983)
  • GetGC (AIX) (70)
  • GetGenerationNumber (2349), (2525)
  • GetGeometryMode (2189)
  • GetHandleMouseEvents (709)
  • GetHelp (2060)
  • GetHighlight (712)
  • GetID (268), (366), (451), (1805), (2352) , (2528), (2887)
  • GetIDFromStorageUnitRef (2355), (2531)
  • GetInfo (2063)
  • GetISOTypeFromPlatformType (2752)
  • GetLinkStatus (986)
  • GetMatrix (2646)
  • GetMATRIXLF (2649)
  • GetMenu (1319)
  • GetMenuItem (1322)
  • GetMenuItemText (1325)
  • GetMenuText (1328)
  • GetMetafileExtent (Windows) (3104)
  • GetName (271), (369), (1386), (2358), (2534)
  • GetNameSpaceManager (2066)
  • GetOffset (2361), (2537), (2654)
  • GetOffsetAsPoint (2657)
  • GetOleWrapper (3738)
  • GetParent (1389)
  • GetPartInfo (715), (989)
  • GetPartKindName (3741)
  • GetPermissions (454)
  • GetPersistentObjectID (457)
  • GetPixmap (AIX) (73)
  • GetPlatformCanvas (170)
  • GetPlatformCanvasType (1832)
  • GetPlatformPrintJob (175)
  • GetPlatformShape (2192)
  • GetPlatformTypeFromISOType (2755)
  • GetPlatformWindow (2890)
  • GetPreScaleOffset (2660)
  • GetPresentation (992)
  • GetPrintResolution (1695)
  • GetPromiseValue (2364), (2540)
  • GetProperty (2367), (2457), (2543)
  • GetPS (OS/2) (1492)
  • GetRealPart (1698)
  • GetRefCount (1900)
  • GetRegion (2195)
  • GetRootFacet (2893)
  • GetRootFrame (2896)
  • GetRootWindowCount (3062)
  • GetScale (2663)
  • getScrComp (2004)
  • GetScreen (AIX) (3065)
  • GetScriptComponent (2007)
  • GetSequenceNumber (995)
  • GetSession (2266), (2370), (3523)
  • GetSheetHandles (Windows) (2152)
  • GetSize (2373), (2546)
  • GetStorageSystem (274), (2069)
  • GetStorageUnit (1808), (2549), (2620)
  • GetStrongStorageUnitRef (2376), (2552)
  • GetSystemType (1835)
  • GetTotalRootWindowCount (3068)
  • GetTranslation (2072)
  • GetTranslationOf (2758)
  • GetType (1392), (2075), (2379), (2557), (2666)
  • GetUndo (2078)
  • GetUpdateID (249), (1138), (1216)
  • GetUserName (2081)
  • GetValue (2382), (2560)
  • GetValueIndex (2460)
  • GetValueType (2463)
  • GetViewType (998)
  • GetWeakStorageUnitRef (2385), (2563)
  • GetWidget (AIX) (76)
  • GetWindow (718)
  • GetWindow (AIX) (79)
  • GetWindow (OS/2) (1495)
  • GetWindow (Windows) (3107)
  • GetWindowCount (3071)
  • GetWindowState (2084), (3526)
  • GetWindowSystemData (3529)
  • Go (3619)
  • GPI matrix
  • retrieving (2653)
  • setting (2725)
  • graphics system
  • canvas drawing structure for (174)
  • print job for (179)
  • H
  • Handle (3298)
  • HandleCloseEvent (3622)
  • HandleEvent (1701)
  • HandleMenuEvent (3625)
  • HasCanvas (721)
  • HasExtension (1435)
  • HasGeometry (2198)
  • HasMatrix (2669)
  • HasNameSpace (1424)
  • HasPlatformCanvas (180)
  • HasPlatformPrintJob (181)
  • HasWindow (1836)
  • HasWriteAccess (3744)
  • HBITMAP (3299)
  • header files (25)
  • help
  • class description (1095)
  • displaying help (1098), (1104)
  • displaying help index (1101)
  • initializing (1107)
  • reference to (2062)
  • terminating (1110)
  • Hide (2899)
  • hierarchy, object class (60)
  • HighlightChanged (1706)
  • HMODULE (3300)
  • HPOINTER (3301)
  • HPS (3302)
  • HRGN (3303)
  • HSTR (3304)
  • HWND (3305)
  • I
  • ICON_CLEAR (3310)
  • ICON_DATA (3309)
  • ICON_FILE (3307)
  • ICON_RESOURCE (3308)
  • ICONINFO (3306)
  • IDL prototypes (13)
  • SOM development (14)
  • implicit pointer (20)
  • implicit pointer data types (28)
  • IncrementGenerationNumber (2390), (2568)
  • information
  • class description (1115)
  • displaying Properties notebook (1120)
  • reference to (2065)
  • replacing (2114)
  • inheritance (48)
  • InitDateInfo (3185)
  • InitDispatchModule (331)
  • InitEditor (1939)
  • InitEmbeddedFramesIterator (559)
  • InitExtension (590)
  • InitFocusModule (796)
  • InitFocusOwnerIterator (824)
  • InitHelp (1105)
  • initialization
  • Initialize (3747)
  • initializing
  • dispatch module (335)
  • embedded-frames iterator (561)
  • extension (592)
  • focus module (798)
  • focus set (110)
  • focus-owner iterator (826)
  • link specification (1249)
  • menu bar (3031), (3036)
  • object (1442)
  • part (1713), (1718)
  • persistent object (1815), (1820)
  • popup menu (3044), (3049)
  • reference count (1907)
  • session (2091)
  • settings extension (2159)
  • transform (2676), (2697)
  • InitModificationInfo (3186)
  • InitObject (1438)
  • InitOLEConnectionPointContainer (3800)
  • InitOpenDocShell (3532)
  • InitPart (1709)
  • InitPartFromStorage (1714)
  • InitPersistentObject (1811)
  • InitPersistentObjectFromStorage (1816)
  • InitPlatformCanvas (AIX) (82)
  • InitPlatformCanvas (OS/2) (1498)
  • InitPlatformCanvas (Windows) (3110)
  • InitPlatformWindowCanvas (AIX) (85)
  • InitPlatformWindowCanvas (OS/2) (1501)
  • InitPlatformWindowCanvas (Windows) (3113)
  • InitRefCntObject (1903)
  • InitScriptComponent (1942)
  • InitScriptEditor (2010)
  • InitScriptExtension (2013)
  • InitScriptFromStorage (2016)
  • InitSession (2087)
  • InitSettingsExtension (2155)
  • InitTransform (2672)
  • InitWindowSystem (3628)
  • InsertSubmenu (1331)
  • InsertValue (2393), (2571)
  • instances (51)
  • internal transform (886)
  • Internalize (2396), (2574), (3072)
  • InternalizeHistory (3748)
  • Intersect (2201)
  • intrinsic content (1526)
  • Invalidate (182), (722), (1001)
  • InvalidateActiveBorder (725), (1004)
  • InverseTransform (2204)
  • Invert (2677)
  • InvertPoint (2682)
  • InvertShape (2685)
  • IsActive (2902)
  • IsAutoUpdate (1219)
  • IsDragging (1007)
  • IsDroppable (1010)
  • IsDynamic (186)
  • IsEmpty (2207)
  • IsEqualTo (1443)
  • IsEventInActiveBorder (728)
  • IsFloating (2906)
  • IsFocusExclusive (117), (801)
  • IsFocusRegistered (118)
  • IsFrozen (1013)
  • IsInitialized (1837)
  • IsInLimbo (1017)
  • IsIntegerOffset (2688)
  • IsItemChecked (1334)
  • IsItemEnabled (1337)
  • IsItemHidden (1340)
  • IsMenuEnabled (1343)
  • IsNotComplete (541), (564), (767), (829), (861) , (1085), (1467), (1869), (2484), (2794) , (2845), (2959)
  • ISO type
  • platform-specific type of (2757)
  • IsODWindow (3075)
  • IsOffscreen (189)
  • ISOString (3311)
  • IsOverlaid (1020)
  • IsPromiseValue (2399), (2577)
  • IsRealPart (1719)
  • IsRectangular (2208)
  • IsRegistered (1141)
  • IsResizable (2909)
  • IsRoot (1023)
  • IsRootWindow (2912)
  • IsSameAs (2209), (2689)
  • IsSelected (731)
  • IsShown (2915)
  • IsStrongStorageUnitRef (2402), (2578)
  • IsSubframe (1026)
  • IsValid (567), (595), (1346)
  • IsValidFileName (3631)
  • IsValidID (462)
  • IsValidStorageUnitRef (2405), (2579)
  • IsWeakStorageUnitRef (2408), (2580)
  • K
  • knowledge, prerequisite (6)
  • L
  • Last (2962)
  • LHANDLE (3312)
  • link
  • accessing previously created links (405)
  • breaking link connections (1576)
  • breaking link source from all connected links (1579)
  • class description (66), (92), (97), (1127), (1491) , (1514), (1519), (3100), (3126), (3131)
  • content storage unit of (1134)
  • description of (1137)
  • destination (1195)
  • determining whether links should be shown (1775)
  • determining whether part is registered with (1143)
  • displaying link border (1158)
  • highlighting (2929)
  • locking (1146)
  • multiple link destinations (1196)
  • registering destination part (1149)
  • removing from a draft (481)
  • setting description of (1152)
  • showing source content (1159)
  • source (1192)
  • unlocking (1162)
  • unregistering destination part (1165)
  • updating content of link destination (1730)
  • link destination (1193)
  • link manager
  • class description (1170)
  • replacing (2117)
  • link source
  • accessing previously created link sources (408)
  • assigning update ID (1206)
  • class description (1190)
  • clearing content of (1203)
  • content storage unit of (1212)
  • creating (1605)
  • creating in a draft (432)
  • data transfer (1198)
  • description of (1215)
  • determining whether link is broken (1724)
  • determining whether to update (1781)
  • determining whether update mode is automatic (1221)
  • display dialog box (1236)
  • displaying content of (1769)
  • locking (1224)
  • new since last saved (1185)
  • removing from a draft (484)
  • setting description of (1230)
  • setting source part of (1233)
  • setting update mode (1227)
  • time of last update (1131), (1209)
  • unlocking (1239)
  • update ID of (1140), (1218)
  • update since last saved (1173)
  • updating (1662)
  • link specification
  • class description (1244)
  • creating for a part (435)
  • initializing from storage (1247)
  • writing to prefocused storage unit (1252)
  • LinkBroken (1722)
  • LinkStatusChanged (1725)
  • LinkUpdated (1728)
  • LINK386 (41)
  • Lock (1144), (1222), (2413)
  • LONG (3313)
  • lose geometry (2171)
  • M
  • M_ODFacet class (3134)
  • M_ODPart class (3142)
  • MainLoop (3634)
  • MAP parameter (3268)
  • mapping of data types, storage (33)
  • MarkActionHistory (2821)
  • MarkedChanged (2019)
  • matrix
  • inverting (2681)
  • modifying (2684)
  • postmultiplying (2702)
  • premultiplying (2707)
  • reading from storage (2710)
  • replacing (2722)
  • MATRIXLF (3314)
  • memory
  • checking for availability (2271)
  • memory recovery
  • releasing unneeded memory (1448)
  • menu bar
  • adding accelerators to accelerator table (1294)
  • adjusting (3009)
  • checking menu items (1297)
  • class description (1257)
  • copying (1300), (3017)
  • create default (3567)
  • creating (1303), (1608), (1888)
  • creating and initializing (3029), (3034)
  • determining whether menu exists (1351)
  • determining whether menu is enabled (1345)
  • determining whether menu is valid (1348)
  • determining whether menu item exists (1318), (1354)
  • determining whether menu item is checked (1336)
  • determining whether menu item is enabled. (1339)
  • determining whether menu item is hidden (1342)
  • displaying (1309)
  • displaying menu-item text (1377)
  • disposing of (1306), (1891)
  • enabling (1312)
  • enabling menu items (1315)
  • handle to menus (1321)
  • hiding menu-item text (1368)
  • inserting menu items (1268), (1271)
  • inserting menus (1262), (1265), (1274), (1277), (1280) , (1283), (1286), (1289)
  • inserting submenus (1333)
  • installing (3087)
  • menu structure (1324)
  • menu text (1330)
  • menu-item text (1327)
  • reference to (2980), (2988)
  • removing menu items (1360)
  • removing menus (1357)
  • removing part-specific accelerators from accelerator table (1365)
  • setting menu text (1374)
  • setting menu-item text (1371)
  • menu event
  • handling (3627)
  • menu item See menu bar
  • MenuExists (1349)
  • MENUITEM (3315)
  • MenuItemExists (1352)
  • menus
  • document creation (3659)
  • edit creation (3665)
  • help creation (3668)
  • item creation (3674)
  • links creation (3671)
  • show as creation (3677)
  • Undo/Redo (3651)
  • updating (3561)
  • view creation (3680)
  • message queues (36)
  • metaclasses (52), (3132)
  • M_ODFacet (3136)
  • M_ODPart (3144)
  • method descriptions (18)
  • methods (53)
  • monitor
  • adding to the dispatch module dictionary (293)
  • defined (287)
  • removing from the dispatch module dictionary (315)
  • MoveBefore (734)
  • MoveBehind (737)
  • MoveBy (2690)
  • MPARAM (3316)
  • MRESULT (3317)
  • N
  • name space
  • class description (1382)
  • creating (1420)
  • deleting (1423)
  • name of (1388)
  • parent of (1391)
  • reading from storage (1397), (1400)
  • reference to (1426)
  • removing entries from (1406)
  • setting type of (1403)
  • testing for existence (1385)
  • type of (1394)
  • writing to a file (1409)
  • writing to storage (1412)
  • name space manager
  • class description (1417)
  • name-space manager
  • reference to (2068)
  • replacing (2120)
  • needs geometry (2172)
  • NeedSpace (2269)
  • NewShape (2210)
  • NewTransform (2693)
  • Next (544), (570), (770), (832), (864) , (1088), (1470), (1872), (2487), (2797) , (2848), (2965), (3833), (3852)
  • NO_EXCEPTION (3283)
  • nonexclusive focus (106), (818)
  • nonpersistent frame (877)
  • notices (3855)
  • O
  • object
  • class description (1431)
  • determining equivalence (1445)
  • initializing (1440)
  • notifying that subclass must override required methods (1456)
  • releasing unneeded memory (1450)
  • object classes (61)
  • object iterator
  • class description (1461)
  • creating object iterator for entries in (1480)
  • determining whether incomplete (1469)
  • first entry in (1466)
  • next entry in (1472)
  • starting the iteration of (1465)
  • object references (11)
  • object specifier
  • creating (1659)
  • object-name space
  • adding new entries (1486)
  • class description (1477)
  • objects from (1483)
  • objects (54)
  • OD_TEMPS (2613)
  • ODACCEL (3318)
  • ODActionData (3319)
  • ODActionType (3320)
  • ODAIXCanvas class (62)
  • ODAIXStandardCanvas class (88)
  • ODAIXWindowCanvas class (93)
  • ODArbitrator class (98)
  • ODBinding class (127)
  • ODBoolean (3321)
  • ODByteArray (3322)
  • ODCanvas class (139)
  • ODClipboard class (214)
  • ODClipboardKey (3323)
  • ODCloneKind (3324)
  • ODCloneKindConsts (3325)
  • ODCommandID (3326)
  • ODContainer class (257)
  • ODContainerID (3327)
  • ODContainerName (3328)
  • ODContainerSuite (3329)
  • ODContainerType (3330)
  • ODContour (3331)
  • ODCoordinate (3332)
  • ODCreateTemplate (3247)
  • ODDeregisterPartHandler (3193)
  • ODDeregisterPartHandlerClass (3194)
  • ODDispatcher class (280)
  • ODDispatchModule class (319)
  • ODDocument class (336)
  • ODDocumentID (3333)
  • ODDocumentName (3334)
  • ODDoneState (3335)
  • ODDraft class (385)
  • ODDraftID (3336)
  • ODDraftKey (3337)
  • ODDraftName (3338)
  • ODDraftPermissions (3339)
  • ODDragAndDrop class (500)
  • ODDragItemIterator class (532)
  • ODDragResult (3340)
  • ODDropResult (3341)
  • ODDSConnection class (3782)
  • ODDSEventMgr class (3803)
  • ODDSEventMgrEnum class (3827)
  • ODDSSink class (3836)
  • ODDSSinkEnum class (3846)
  • ODEditor (3342)
  • ODEmbeddedFramesIterator class (547)
  • ODError (3343)
  • ODEventData (3344)
  • ODEventInfo (3345)
  • ODEventType (3346)
  • ODException (3347)
  • ODExtension class (576)
  • ODFacet class (598)
  • ODFacetIterator class (758)
  • ODFIELDINFO (3348)
  • ODFileRefNum (3358)
  • ODFileSpec (3359)
  • ODFixed (3360)
  • ODFlags (3361)
  • ODFloat (3362)
  • ODFocusModule class (776)
  • ODFocusOwnerIterator class (813)
  • ODFocusSet class (835)
  • ODFocusSetIterator class (852)
  • ODFocusType (3363)
  • ODForeign (3364)
  • ODFract (3365)
  • ODFrame class (867)
  • ODFrameFacetIterator class (1076)
  • ODFramePosition (3366)
  • ODGeometryMode (3367)
  • ODGetBooleanProp (3212)
  • ODGetISOStrProp (3213)
  • ODGetITextProp (3214)
  • ODGetMatrixProp (3215)
  • ODGetPointProp (3216)
  • ODGetPolygonProp (3217)
  • ODGetRectProp (3218)
  • ODGetSLongProp (3219)
  • ODGetSShortProp (3220)
  • ODGetStrongSURefProp (3221)
  • ODGetTime_TProp (3222)
  • ODGetTypeListProp (3223)
  • ODGetULongProp (3224)
  • ODGetUShortProp (3225)
  • ODGetWeakSURefProp (3226)
  • ODGraphicsSystem (3368)
  • ODGUID (3369)
  • ODHandle (3370)
  • ODHelp class (1091)
  • ODHighlight (3371)
  • ODIconFamily (3372)
  • ODID (3373)
  • ODIdleFrequency (3374)
  • ODInfo class (1111)
  • ODInfoType (3375)
  • ODISOStr (3376)
  • ODIText (3377)
  • ODITextFormat (3378)
  • ODLink class (1123)
  • ODLinkDescription (3379)
  • ODLinkID (3380)
  • ODLinkInfo (3381)
  • ODLinkInfoAction (3382)
  • ODLinkInfoResult (3383)
  • ODLinkKey (3384)
  • ODLinkManager class (1166)
  • ODLinkSource class (1186)
  • ODLinkSpec class (1240)
  • ODLinkStatus (3385)
  • ODMapping (3386)
  • ODMatrix (3387)
  • ODMenuBar class (1253)
  • ODMenuID (3388)
  • ODMENUID_ALL (3396)
  • ODMENUID_ROOT (3395)
  • ODMenuItem (3397)
  • ODMenuItemID (3398)
  • ODName (3399)
  • ODNameSpace class (1378)
  • ODNameSpaceManager class (1413)
  • ODNSDataTypeODObject (3401)
  • ODNSDataTypeODValue (3402)
  • ODNSTypeSpec (3400)
  • ODObject class (1427)
  • ODObjectIterator class (1457)
  • ODObjectNameSpace class (1473)
  • ODObjectType (3403)
  • ODOS2Canvas class (1487)
  • ODOS2StandardCanvas class (1510)
  • ODOS2WindowCanvas class (1515)
  • ODPart class (1520)
  • ODPasteAsMergeSetting (3404)
  • ODPasteAsResult (3405)
  • ODPersistentObject class (1793)
  • ODPersistentObjectID (3406)
  • ODPlatformCanvas (3407)
  • ODPlatformCanvas class (1824)
  • ODPlatformCanvasTupe (3408)
  • ODPlatformDragReference (3409)
  • ODPlatformMenu (3410)
  • ODPlatformMenuBar (3411)
  • ODPlatformMenuItem (3412)
  • ODPlatformPrintJob (3413)
  • ODPlatformShape (3414)
  • ODPlatformTransform (3415)
  • ODPlatformType (3416)
  • ODPlatformTypeList class (1840)
  • ODPlatformTypeListIterator class (1860)
  • ODPlatformTypeSpace (3417)
  • ODPlatformTypeSpaceConsts (3418)
  • ODPlatformWindow (3419)
  • ODPlatformWindowCreateOptions (3420)
  • ODPoint (3422)
  • ODPolygon (3423)
  • ODPolygonData (3424)
  • ODPopup class (1875)
  • ODPositionCode (3425)
  • ODPropertyName (3426)
  • ODPtr (3427)
  • ODPurgePriority (3428)
  • ODPurgePriorityConsts (3429)
  • ODQueryCategoryList (3195)
  • ODQueryHandlerDisplayName (3196)
  • ODQueryKindDisplayName (3197)
  • ODQueryPartHandlerInfo (3198)
  • ODQueryPartHandlerList (3199)
  • ODQueryPartKindInfo (3200)
  • ODQueryPartKindList (3201)
  • ODQueryPreferredPartHandler (3202)
  • ODQueryPreferredPartHandlerForCategory (3203)
  • ODQueryPreferredPartHandlerForFileExt (3204)
  • ODQueryPreferredPartHandlerForFileType (3205)
  • ODRawPtr (3430)
  • ODRect (3431)
  • ODRefCntObject class (1892)
  • ODRegisterPartHandlerClass (3206)
  • ODRemoveTemplate (3248)
  • ODRespectMarksChoices (3432)
  • ODSByte (3433)
  • ODScriptComponent class (1911)
  • ODScriptExtension class (1951)
  • ODScrRegRet (3434)
  • ODSession class (2040)
  • ODSetBooleanProp (3227)
  • ODSetISOStrProp (3228)
  • ODSetITextProp (3229)
  • ODSetMatrixProp (3230)
  • ODSetPointProp (3231)
  • ODSetPolygonProp (3232)
  • ODSetPreferredPartHandler (3207)
  • ODSetPreferredPartHandlerForCategory (3208)
  • ODSetPreferredPartHandlerForFileExt (3209)
  • ODSetPreferredPartHandlerForFileType (3210)
  • ODSetRectProp (3233)
  • ODSetSLongProp (3234)
  • ODSetSShortProp (3235)
  • ODSetStrongSURefProp (3236)
  • ODSetTime_TProp (3237)
  • ODSettingsExtension class (2139)
  • ODSetTypeListProp (3238)
  • ODSetULongProp (3239)
  • ODSetUShortProp (3240)
  • ODSetWeakSURefProp (3241)
  • ODShape class (2160)
  • ODSiblingOrder (3435)
  • ODSize (3436)
  • ODSLong (3437)
  • ODSShort (3438)
  • ODStorageSystem class (2249)
  • ODStorageUnit class (2272)
  • ODStorageUnitCursor class (2450)
  • ODStorageUnitID (3439)
  • ODStorageUnitKey (3440)
  • ODStorageUnitName (3441)
  • ODStorageUnitRef (3442)
  • ODStorageUnitRefIterator class (2475)
  • ODStorageUnitView class (2490)
  • ODSUAddPropValue (3242)
  • ODSUExistsThenFocus (3244)
  • ODSUForceFocus (3243)
  • ODSURemoveProperty (3245)
  • ODTemplates class (2608)
  • ODTime (3443)
  • ODTime2 (3444)
  • ODTransform class (2621)
  • ODTransformType (3445)
  • ODTranslateResult (3446)
  • ODTranslateResultConsts (3447)
  • ODTranslation class (2744)
  • ODTraversalType (3448)
  • kODTopDown (3449)
  • ODType (3450)
  • ODTypeList class (2767)
  • ODTypeListIterator class (2785)
  • ODTypeToken (3451)
  • ODUByte (3452)
  • ODULong (3453)
  • ODUndo class (2800)
  • ODUpdateID (3454)
  • ODUShort (3455)
  • ODValue (3456)
  • ODValueIndex (3457)
  • ODValueIterator class (2836)
  • ODValueNameSpace class (2851)
  • ODValueType (3458)
  • ODVersionID (3459)
  • ODWide (3460)
  • ODWindow class (2865)
  • ODWindowIterator class (2950)
  • ODWindowState class (2971)
  • ODWin32Canvas class (3096)
  • ODWin32StandardCanvas class (3122)
  • ODWin32WindowCanvas class (3127)
  • ODwps class (3162)
  • offscreen canvas (154)
  • offset See translation
  • offset translation transform (2635)
  • OLE wrapper
  • getting (3740)
  • setting (3777)
  • onscreen canvas (153)
  • Open (1731), (2918)
  • OPEN_* values (3170)
  • OpenDoc
  • defined (4)
  • OpenDoc metaclasses (3133)
  • OpenDocShell
  • initializing (3534)
  • terminating (3550)
  • OpenDocShell class (3492)
  • OpenDocument (3637)
  • OpenDocumentFromFile (3751)
  • OpenDocumentFromMemory (3754)
  • OpenDraft (3757)
  • OpenWindows (3076)
  • OperatingSystem (3461)
  • OS/2 platform canvas
  • initializing with handle (1500)
  • initializing with window (1503)
  • release presentation space (1506)
  • return handle to presentation space (1494)
  • set presentation space (1509)
  • window association (1497)
  • OS2Shell class (3681)
  • Outset (2213)
  • outstanding draft (356)
  • overlaid frame (878)
  • override information (12)
  • P
  • PAGEINFO (3462)
  • parent class (49), (56)
  • part
  • accessing previously created parts (411)
  • adding frames to list of display frames (1611), (1619)
  • associating with an editor (135)
  • changing preferred kind (1588)
  • class description (1524)
  • copying dragged data to (1647)
  • creating (438)
  • creating display frames (1756)
  • determining whether part is real (1721)
  • disposing of undo action data (1629)
  • drawing within update area (1641)
  • event handling (1544)
  • frame negotiation (1536)
  • handling user events (1703)
  • icon file name (3161)
  • initialization and storage (1538)
  • initializing (1711)
  • initializing from stored data (1716)
  • keeping track of embedded and display frames (1546)
  • layout and imaging (1528)
  • linking (1553)
  • metaclass description (3146)
  • moving dragged data to (1648)
  • notifying that a facet was removed (977)
  • notifying that a new facet was created (972)
  • notifying that clip shape changed (1689)
  • notifying that container properties changed (1599)
  • notifying that display frame acquired focus (1676)
  • notifying that display frame lost focus (1679)
  • notifying that display frame was closed (1616)
  • notifying that display frame's presentation changed (1736)
  • notifying that display frame's sequence changed (1772)
  • notifying that drop operation is complete (1651)
  • notifying that external transform changed (1690)
  • notifying that facet was added to display frame (1670)
  • notifying that facet was removed from display frame (1673)
  • notifying that frame shape changed (1682)
  • notifying that link destination changed (1656)
  • notifying that link status changed (1727)
  • notifying that used shape changed (1783)
  • notifying that view type changed (1786)
  • OLE2 class ID (3149)
  • overriding methods (1555)
  • part kinds and binding (1549)
  • preparing menus for display (1567)
  • presentation (1532)
  • redoing specific actions (1745)
  • reestablishing ownership of focuses (1558)
  • reference to (1700)
  • releasing from part wrapper (1748)
  • relinquishing ownership of focuses (1573), (1594)
  • removing embedded frames (1753)
  • removing frame from list of display frames (1624)
  • removing from a draft (487)
  • requesting new frame shape (1763)
  • scripting ID of (459)
  • undoing specific actions (1778)
  • updating highlight state of facets (1708)
  • view type (1531)
  • writing part information to storage (1792)
  • writing part kinds to storage (1667)
  • writing undo action to storage (1789)
  • part editor (1525)
  • part handler
  • display name of (3152)
  • name of (3155)
  • part kinds supported by (3158)
  • part kind
  • defined (1551)
  • getting (3743)
  • setting (3780)
  • writing to storage (1665)
  • part registry (3190)
  • part wrapper (1542)
  • PartHandlerQueryInfo (3463)
  • PartKindInfo (3464)
  • PartRemoved (573)
  • Paste As dialog box, displaying (256), (528)
  • PCSZ (40)
  • PeekRedoHistory (2824)
  • PeekUndoHistory (2827)
  • persistent object (1798)
  • class description (1797)
  • cloning (1801)
  • creating and initializing (1813)
  • ID of (1807)
  • initializing from storage (1818)
  • releasing transitory references (1823)
  • storage unit for (1810)
  • storing data (1804)
  • persistent objects (3182)
  • persistent reference
  • checking validity (2407)
  • defined (2285)
  • removing (2586)
  • strong (2404), (2556)
  • weak (2389), (2412), (2567)
  • perspective transform (2626)
  • PFNWP (3465)
  • PID (3466)
  • platform canvas
  • class description (1828)
  • create (1831)
  • creating and initializing (667), (670), (673)
  • type of (1834)
  • validate initialization (1839)
  • platform dependent
  • cleanup tasks (3564)
  • platform type list
  • class description (1844)
  • creating or copying (2262)
  • platform window
  • creating platform window (3039)
  • platform-specific type
  • ISO type of (2754)
  • platform-type list
  • adding elements to (1847)
  • determining whether element is in (1850)
  • number of elements in (1853)
  • removing elements from (1859)
  • platform-type-list iterator
  • class description (1864)
  • creating (1856)
  • determining whether incomplete (1871)
  • first element in (1868)
  • next element in (1874)
  • starting iteration of (1867)
  • PM_Q_* values (3262)
  • POINT (3467)
  • pointer, implicit (21)
  • POINTL (3468)
  • pop-up menu
  • adding predefined OpenDoc menu item to (1885)
  • adding predefined OpenDoc menu items to (1882)
  • class description (1879)
  • copying (3020)
  • installing (3090)
  • popup menu
  • creating and initializing (3042), (3047)
  • reference to (2984), (2991)
  • PostCompose (2698)
  • PreCompose (2703)
  • PrepareEventFiring (3815)
  • prerequisite knowledge (5)
  • presentation (1534)
  • PresentationChanged (1734)
  • preserve geometry (2170)
  • PRESPARAMS (3469)
  • Previous (2968)
  • PRINTDEST (3470)
  • ProcessArgs (3640)
  • programming considerations (23)
  • promise
  • creating (2601)
  • data in (2366)
  • defined (2282)
  • removing (2303)
  • resolving (2337), (2426), (2519)
  • promises (221)
  • properties
  • defined (2278)
  • Properties notebook
  • described (2145)
  • displaying (1122)
  • inserting sheets (2148), (2151)
  • introduced (1117)
  • property
  • adding to storage unit (2291), (2499)
  • adding values to (2298)
  • counting (2312)
  • name of (2369), (2545)
  • PRQ_NO_PRIORITY (3475)
  • PRQINFO3 (3471)
  • Purge (1446)
  • PutComponentData (2022)
  • Q
  • queues, message (37)
  • R
  • ReadActionState (1737)
  • ReadFrom (2708)
  • ReadFromFile (1395)
  • ReadFromStorage (1398)
  • ReadLinkSpec (1245)
  • ReadPartInfo (1740)
  • ReadShape (2216)
  • Redispatch (305)
  • Redo (2830)
  • redo history
  • clearing (2820)
  • determining whether empty (2826)
  • repeating last action in (2832)
  • RedoAction (1743)
  • reference count
  • class description (1896)
  • current count (1902)
  • decrementing (1910)
  • incrementing (1899)
  • resetting (1905)
  • Register (1484), (2025), (2862)
  • Register method (1956)
  • RegisterDependent (1147)
  • RegisterFocus (119)
  • RegisterWindow (3079)
  • RegisterWindowForFrame (3082)
  • registration (3189)
  • related publications (42)
  • Release (1908)
  • ReleaseAll (1821), (1945)
  • ReleaseDC (Windows) (3116)
  • ReleaseExtension (1451)
  • ReleasePart (463)
  • ReleasePS (OS/2) (1504)
  • ReleaseRealPart (1746)
  • RelinquishFocus (120)
  • RelinquishFocusSet (121)
  • Remove (849), (1029), (1857), (2416), (2581) , (2782)
  • RemoveChanges (466)
  • RemoveDispatchModule (310)
  • RemoveEmbeddedFrame (1749)
  • RemoveEntry (2092)
  • RemoveFacet (740)
  • RemoveFrame (469)
  • RemoveFromDocument (474)
  • RemoveLink (479)
  • RemoveLinkSource (482)
  • RemoveMenu (1355)
  • RemoveMenuItem (1358)
  • RemoveMonitor (313)
  • RemovePart (485)
  • RemoveSink (3818)
  • RemoveStorageUnit (488)
  • RemoveStorageUnitRef (2419), (2584)
  • Rename (1948)
  • RequestEmbeddedFrame (1754)
  • RequestFocus (122)
  • RequestFocusSet (123)
  • RequestFrameShape (1033), (1759)
  • Reset (2219), (2711)
  • ResetUpdateShape (192)
  • ResolveAllPromises (2422)
  • RestoreAccelTable (1361)
  • RetrieveComponentData (2028)
  • RevealFrame (1764)
  • RevealLink (1767)
  • Revert (3760)
  • RGB2 (3476)
  • root facet (603)
  • root frame (879)
  • rotation transform (2628)
  • S
  • SaveACopyAs (3763)
  • SaveDocument (3766)
  • SaveDraft (3769)
  • SaveToAPrevDraft (372)
  • SaveToAPrevious (491)
  • ScaleBy (2714)
  • ScaleDownBy (2717)
  • scaling transform (2630)
  • script component
  • accessing extensions (1944)
  • activating script (1917)
  • adding a class (1920)
  • adding a container (1923)
  • adding an instance (1926)
  • close scripting (1929)
  • getting data (1938)
  • initializing editor (1941)
  • releasing (1947)
  • remove container (1932)
  • remove instance (1935)
  • renaming (1950)
  • script extension
  • adding a part or container (1961)
  • component checking (1964)
  • deregistering contained parts (1970)
  • deregistering extension objects (1973)
  • deregistering objects (1967), (1976)
  • initialize development environment (2012)
  • initialize script (2018)
  • initialize script information (2015)
  • marking changed (2021)
  • registering classes (1979)
  • registering objects (1985), (1988)
  • registering parts (1982)
  • registration (2027)
  • removing contained parts (1991)
  • removing scripting (1994)
  • return component data (2030)
  • returning component manager (2009)
  • returning containing extension (2000)
  • returning extension name (2003)
  • returning script component (2006)
  • setting containing extension (2039)
  • storing extension name (2036)
  • storing scripting information (2033)
  • writing component data to storage (1997)
  • writing data to the storage unit (2024)
  • ScriptExternalize (2031)
  • scripting components (1914), (1954)
  • scripting system registry (3191)
  • Select (2920)
  • SemHandle (3477)
  • SendEventToRootPart (3643)
  • SequenceChanged (1770)
  • session
  • class description (2044)
  • getting (3525)
  • initializing (2089)
  • link update ID for (2138)
  • reference to (2268), (2372)
  • type/token table (2094)
  • SetActiveDocumentManager (3535)
  • SetArbitrator (2097)
  • SetArgc (3538)
  • SetArgv (3541)
  • SetAutoUpdate (1225)
  • SetBaseDraftFromForeignDraft (377)
  • SetBaseMenuBar (3085)
  • SetBasePopup (3088)
  • SetBiasTransform (195)
  • SetBinding (2100)
  • SetChangedFromPrev (494)
  • SetClipboard (2103)
  • SetContainingExtension (2037)
  • SetContainingFrame (1037)
  • SetDefaultWindowTitles (3091)
  • SetDescription (1150), (1228)
  • SetDispatcher (2106)
  • SetDragAndDrop (2109)
  • SetDragging (1040)
  • SetDroppable (1043)
  • SetExecString (3646)
  • setExtName (2034)
  • SetFacet (198)
  • SetFileName (3772)
  • SetFocusOwnership (804)
  • SetFrameGroup (1046)
  • frame
  • setting the group ID (1048)
  • SetFrozen (1049)
  • SetGeometryMode (2222)
  • SetHandleMouseEvents (743)
  • SetHideMenuItem (1366)
  • SetInfo (2112)
  • SetInLimbo (1052)
  • SetLinkManager (2115)
  • SetMatrix (2720)
  • SetMATRIXLF (2723)
  • SetMenuItemText (1369)
  • SetMenuText (1372)
  • SetMetafileExtent (Windows) (3119)
  • SetName (277), (382), (2427), (2589)
  • SetNameSpaceManager (2118)
  • SetOffset (2430), (2592), (2728)
  • SetOffsetUsingPoint (2731)
  • SetOleWrapper (3775)
  • SetOwner (201)
  • SetPartInfo (746), (1055)
  • SetPartKindName (3778)
  • SetPlatformCanvas (204)
  • SetPlatformClipboard (252)
  • SetPlatformPrintJob (207)
  • SetPlatformShape (2225)
  • SetPolygon (2228)
  • SetPresentation (1058)
  • SetPromiseValue (2433), (2595)
  • SetPropagateEvents (1061)
  • SetProperty (2466)
  • SetPS (OS/2) (1507)
  • SetRectangle (2231)
  • SetRegion (2234)
  • SetSelected (749)
  • SetShouldSave (2924)
  • SetShouldShowLinks (2927)
  • SetShowMenuItem (1375)
  • SetSourceFrame (2930)
  • SetSourcePart (1231)
  • SetStorageSystem (2121)
  • SetStorageUnitRef (2436)
  • SetSubframe (1064)
  • settings extension
  • class description (2143)
  • initializing (2157)
  • SetTranslation (2124)
  • SetType (1401), (2441), (2602)
  • SetUndo (2127)
  • SetValue (2444), (2605)
  • SetValueIndex (2469)
  • SetValueType (2472)
  • SetViewType (1067)
  • SetWindow (1070)
  • SetWindowState (2130)
  • SetWindowSystemData (3544)
  • shape
  • bounding box (2188)
  • class description (2164)
  • copying (2176), (2179)
  • creating (676), (959), (2212)
  • geometric representation (2182), (2200), (2236)
  • geometry mode (2224)
  • geometry mode of (2191)
  • GPI region (2185), (2197)
  • graphics-system specific data structure (2194)
  • graphics-system-specific structure (2227)
  • intersecting (2203)
  • inverting the transform (2206)
  • modifying (2215), (2242), (2245)
  • reading from storage (2218)
  • replacing (2230), (2233)
  • resetting (2221)
  • subtracting (2239)
  • writing to storage (2248)
  • sheet handles
  • handles (2154)
  • SHORT (3478)
  • ShouldDispose (2933)
  • ShouldExit (316)
  • ShouldSave (2936)
  • ShouldShowLinks (2939)
  • Show (2942)
  • ShowLink (1773)
  • ShowLinkDestinationInfo (1153)
  • ShowLinkSourceInfo (1234)
  • ShowPartFrameInfo (1118)
  • ShowPasteAsDialog (OS/2, Windows) (255), (527)
  • ShowSourceContent (1156)
  • sink
  • event manager disconnect notice (3842)
  • invocation of objects (3845)
  • sink list
  • reference (3851), (3854)
  • sink. (3839)
  • SinkIsConnected (3821)
  • SIZE (Windows) (3480)
  • SIZEL (3479)
  • skewing transform (2632)
  • SkipChildren (773)
  • somInit method (1955)
  • somToken (3481)
  • stack size (38)
  • standard-typed values (3211)
  • StartDrag (529)
  • static canvas (149)
  • stationery documents (3246)
  • creating (2616)
  • deleting (2619)
  • StopEventFiring (3824)
  • storage mapping of data types (32)
  • storage system
  • class description (2253)
  • reference to (2071)
  • replacing (2123)
  • storage unit
  • class description (2276)
  • cloning (424)
  • counting properties (2310)
  • creating (441)
  • defined (1540)
  • focusing (2342), (2345)
  • frame in (400)
  • ID of (2354), (2357), (2530), (2533)
  • locking (2415)
  • name of (2360), (2429), (2536), (2591)
  • promises (2301), (2424), (2521), (2599)
  • properties (2293), (2307)
  • reading from storage (2398), (2576)
  • reference to (417), (2551)
  • removing from a draft (490)
  • strong persistent reference to (2378), (2554)
  • unlocking (2449)
  • values (2306)
  • weak persistent reference to (2387), (2410), (2565)
  • writing to external storage (2339)
  • storage-unit cursor
  • class description (2454)
  • creating (2320), (2323)
  • property name of (2459), (2468)
  • reference to (2524)
  • value index of (2462), (2471)
  • value type of (2465), (2474)
  • storage-unit ID (2283)
  • storage-unit reference
  • persistent reference (2438)
  • storage-unit reference iterator
  • class description (2479)
  • creating (2326), (2511)
  • determining whether incomplete (2486)
  • first persistent reference in (2483)
  • next persistent reference in (2489)
  • starting the iteration of (2482)
  • storage-unit view
  • class description (2494)
  • creating (2329)
  • properties (2497), (2507)
  • reading part-information data (1742)
  • reading undo action data (1739)
  • translating (2766)
  • values (2502), (2508), (2514)
  • string (3483)
  • Str255 (3482)
  • subclass (57)
  • SubClassResponsibility (1454)
  • SubClassResponsiblity (3547)
  • subframe (880)
  • Subtract (2237)
  • superclass (50), (58)
  • SWP (3484)
  • SWP_* values (3485)
  • synchronizing display frames (1547)
  • synthetic command ID (1259)
  • T
  • templates
  • class description (2612)
  • Terminate (3548)
  • TerminateHelp (1108)
  • token
  • converting to (2135)
  • type of (2077)
  • Tokenize (2133)
  • trademarks (3856)
  • TransferFocus (124)
  • TransferFocusOwnership (807)
  • TransferFocusSet (125)
  • transform
  • Transform (2240)
  • class description (2625)
  • copying (2642), (2645)
  • creating (679), (962)
  • creating and initializing (2695)
  • GPI matrix of (2651), (2727)
  • initializing (2674)
  • inverting (2687)
  • matrix of (2648)
  • matrixes (2671), (2679), (2700), (2705)
  • modifying (2736), (2740)
  • offset coordinates of (2659), (2733)
  • offset of (2656), (2662), (2730)
  • offsetting (2692)
  • resetting (2713)
  • scaling (2716), (2719)
  • scaling factors of (2665)
  • type of (2668)
  • writing to storage (2743)
  • transform, perspective (2627)
  • transform, rotation (2629)
  • transform, scaling (2631)
  • transform, skewing (2633)
  • transform, translation (2636)
  • TransformPoint (2734)
  • TransformPoints (2737)
  • TransformShape (2738)
  • Translate (2761)
  • TranslateView (2764)
  • translation
  • class description (2748)
  • defined (2638)
  • reference to (2074)
  • replacing (2126)
  • translation offset transform (2634)
  • translation registry (3192)
  • TValue (3486)
  • type list
  • adding elements to (2774)
  • class description (2771)
  • counting elements (2778)
  • creating or copying (2265)
  • removing elements from (2784)
  • type-list iterator
  • class description (2789)
  • creating (2781)
  • determining whether incomplete (2796)
  • first element in (2793)
  • last element in (2799)
  • starting iteration of (2792)
  • type/token table
  • removing entries in (2096)
  • TypePS (3487)
  • types, data (3252)
  • U
  • ULONG (3488)
  • undo
  • Undo (2833)
  • class description (2804)
  • reference to (2080)
  • replacing (2129)
  • undo history
  • adding transaction to (2814)
  • determining whether empty (2829)
  • undoing last action in (2835)
  • UndoAction (1776)
  • Union (2243)
  • UniqueUpdateID (2136)
  • Unlock (1160), (1237), (2447)
  • Unregister (1404)
  • UnregisterDependent (1163)
  • UnregisterFocus (126)
  • UnsavedExportedLinks (1183)
  • UnsetFocusOwnership (810)
  • Update (752), (2947)
  • update ID (1128)
  • update mode (1200)
  • UpdateActiveDocumentManager (3551)
  • UpdateDateInfo (3187)
  • UpdateFromLinkSource (1779)
  • UpdateModificationInfo (3188)
  • UpdateUndoMenus (3649)
  • used shape (887), (2168)
  • user events
  • handling (1705)
  • USHORT (3489)
  • V
  • Validate (210), (755), (1073)
  • value
  • adding to properties (2296), (2504)
  • counting (2317)
  • deleting data from (2332), (2516)
  • generation number of (2351), (2392), (2527), (2570)
  • inserting data into (2395), (2573)
  • offset of (2363), (2432), (2539), (2594)
  • persistent reference (2421), (2440)
  • promise (2435)
  • promise data (2542)
  • promises (2401)
  • reading data from (2384), (2562)
  • removing persistent reference from (2588)
  • translating (2751), (2763)
  • translation types of (2760)
  • type of (2381), (2443), (2559), (2604)
  • writing data to (2446), (2597), (2607)
  • value index (2288)
  • value iterator
  • class description (2840)
  • determining whether incomplete (2847)
  • first entry in (2844)
  • next entry in (2850)
  • staring iteration of (2843)
  • value name space
  • adding entries to (2864)
  • class description (2855)
  • searching (2861)
  • values
  • defined (2280)
  • view type (1533)
  • ViewTypeChanged (1784)
  • VOID (3490)
  • W
  • WeakClone (497)
  • window
  • activating (1733)
  • active (2904), (2923)
  • application context (3058)
  • class description (2869)
  • closing (2878), (2881), (3704)
  • closing all (3012)
  • creating (3081), (3084)
  • diposing of (2935)
  • floating (2908)
  • front-most (2905)
  • front-most window (2922)
  • hiding (2901)
  • highlighting (2941)
  • ID of (2889)
  • opening (3078)
  • platform-specific window structure (2892)
  • reference to (2977), (2994), (2997), (3000), (3003) , (3006)
  • resizable (2911)
  • root window (2914)
  • saving (2926), (2938), (3055)
  • showing (2946)
  • synchronizing (3093)
  • updating (2949)
  • visible (2917)
  • window count (3064), (3070)
  • Xlib display (3061)
  • Xlib screen (3067)
  • window iterator
  • class description (2954)
  • creating (3052)
  • determining whether incomplete (2961)
  • first window in (2958)
  • last window in (2964)
  • next window in (2967)
  • previous window in (2970)
  • starting iteration of (2957)
  • window properties (3249)
  • window state
  • getting (3528)
  • reference to (2086)
  • replacing (2132)
  • window state, class description (2974)
  • window system
  • data structure (3531), (3546)
  • initializing (3630)
  • WindowProperties (3491)
  • Windows platform canvas
  • get metafile extent (3106)
  • initializing with handle (3112)
  • initializing with window (3115)
  • release device context (3118)
  • return handle to DC (3103)
  • set metafile extent (3121)
  • window association (3109)
  • WinShell class (3686)
  • wpAddFileTypePage (3164)
  • wpclsCreateDefaultTemplates (3173)
  • wpclsInitData (3174)
  • wpclsQueryDefaultHelp (3175)
  • wpclsQueryDefaultView (3176)
  • wpclsQueryIconData (3177)
  • wpclsQueryInstanceFilter (3178)
  • wpclsQueryInstanceType (3179)
  • wpclsQueryStyle (3180)
  • wpclsQueryTitle (3181)
  • wpFormatDragItem (3165)
  • wpInitData (3166)
  • wpMenuItemSelected (3167)
  • wpModifyPopupMenu (3168)
  • wpOpen (3169)
  • wpSetupOnce (3171)
  • wpUnInitData (3172)
  • WriteActionState (1787)
  • WriteLinkSpec (1250)
  • WritePartInfo (1790)
  • WriteShape (2246)
  • WriteTo (2741)
  • WriteToFile (1407)
  • WriteToStorage (1410)
  • X
  • XFM parameter (3266)
  • XLT parameter (3270)

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