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This class allows OpenDoc documents to operate as Workplace Shell objects. These actions include double-clicking to open a document.

For OpenDoc class objects not created from the Workplace Shell, the Workplace Shell needs a way to recognize the file as an OpenDoc file. The following methods can be used:

  • If a file has an extended attribute type of "OpenDoc Document", the Workplace Shell recognizes it as an OpenDoc file and creates an object of OpenDoc class when needed.

  • A file with an extension of .OD is recognized as an OpenDoc file.


There are no methods defined by the ODwps class.

Overridden methods

The following lists show the methods overridden by the ODwps class.


wpAddFileTypePage (OS/2)

This instance method is called to remove the Type page from ODwps objects Settings Notebook. This method is an override of the corresponding method from the WPDataFile ancestor class.

ULONG wpAddFileTypePage (ODwps *somSelf,
                         HWND hwndNotebook)


somSelf  (ODwps *)  -  input 

Pointer to the object on which the method is being invoked. Points to an object of class ODwps.

hwndNotebook  (HWND)  -  input 

Settings notebook handle.


rv  (ULONG)  -  returns 

Page identifier.
0 Error occurred.
PageId Identifier for the inserted page.


The TYPE of ODwps files is "OpenDoc Document" and cannot be changed by the end user.

Usage This method must be called only from within an override of the wpAddSettingsPages method.  

wpFormatDragItem (OS/2)

This instance method is called to allow the object to format its drag information when the user starts to drag it. This method is an override of the corresponding method from the WPObject ancestor class.

BOOL wpFormatDragItem (ODwps *somSelf,
                       PDRAGITEM pDragItem)


somSelf  (ODwps *)  -  input 

Pointer to the object on which the method is being invoked. Points to an object of class ODwps.

pDragItem  (PDRAGITEM)  -  input 

Address of the drag item.

This method adds the DRF_OPENDOCDOCUMENT constant to the valid formats for the hstrRMF field of the DRAGITEM structure.


rv  (BOOL)  -  returns 

Success indicator.
TRUE Successful completion.
FALSE Error occurred.


This method enables the direct manipulation of this object by initializing the DRAGITEM structure.


This method is called by the system when the user starts to drag the object.

How to Override

This method is generally overridden by classes that require special processing to initiate a drag or drop operation.  

wpInitData (OS/2)

This instance method is creates an object window for notifications.

This method is an override of the corresponding method from the WPObject ancestor class.

VOID wpInitData (ODwps *somSelf)


somSelf  (ODwps *)  -  input 

Pointer to the object on which the method is being invoked. Points to an object of class ODwps.




This routine is called by the system when the object is created or when it is awakened from the dormant state so that it can initialize all of its instance variables to a known state. By default, memory allocated to instance variables is zero-filled. This method is called before the object's state is known, so it is important that the object does not try to process any other method while processing this method. If an object needs extra initialization that requires it to invoke other methods, this must be done from wpRestoreState.

When the object is first created, wpSetupOnce must be overridden to perform initialization that is required only once.

The parent method must be called before any processing is done by your overriding method.


This method is generally called only by the system when the object is awakened.

How to Override

Subclasses that override this method must call the parent method before any special processing.  

wpMenuItemSelected (OS/2)

This instance method processes an OpenDoc specific pop-up menu selection.

This method is an override of the corresponding method from the WPObject ancestor class.

wpMenuItemSelected (ODwps *somSelf,
                    HWND hwndFrame,
                    ULONG ulMenuId)


somSelf  (ODwps *)  -  input 

Pointer to the object on which the method is being invoked. Points to an object of class ODwps.

hwndFrame  (HWND)  -  input 

Handle to the frame window.

ulMenuId  (ULONG)  -  input 

ID of the selected pop-up menu.

For a listing of WPMENUIDs, see the individual object classes.


Class-specific menu IDs must be above WPMENUID_USER.


This method is generally called only by the system when a pop-up menu item is selected.

How to Override

This method must be overridden to process class-specific menu-item actions or to modify the behavior of a menu-item action provided by an ancestor class.

Related Methods


wpModifyPopupMenu (OS/2)

This overridden instance method adds the OpenDoc views available for this object to the "Open" pop-up menu. This method is an override of the corresponding method from the WPObject ancestor class.

BOOL wpModifyPopupMenu (ODwps *somSelf,
                        HWND hwndMenu,
                        HWND hwndCnr,
                        ULONG ulPosition)


somSelf  (ODwps *)  -  input 

Pointer to the object on which the method is being invoked. Points to an object of class ODwps.

hwndMenu  (HWND)  -  input 

Menu handle.

hwndCnr  (HWND)  -  input 

Handle to container control window.

ulPosition  (ULONG)  -  input 

Position to insert menu items.


rv  (BOOL)  -  returns 

Success indicator.
TRUE Successful completion.
FALSE Error occurred.


Class-specific menu IDs must be above WPMENUID_USER. This method must be called if the pop-up menu applies to objects of the same class.


This method is generally called by the system when a request to display the object's pop-up menu is made. This method is called following a call to the wpFilterPopupMenu method.

How to Override

his method must be overridden to add class-specific actions to the object's pop-up menu. Descendant classes can remove these actions by processing the wpFilterPopupMenu method.

Related Methods


wpOpen (OS/2)

This method invokes the DocShell program to open a document.

This method is an override of the corresponding method from the WPObject ancestor class.

HWND wpOpen (ODwps *somSelf,
             HWND hwndCnr,
             ULONG ulView,
             ULONG ulparam)


somSelf  (ODwps *)  -  input 

Pointer to the object on which the method is being invoked. Points to an object of class ODwps.

hwndCnr  (HWND)  -  input 

Handle of the container window.

Handle of the container window from which the object is opened. This value can be set to NULLHANDLE.

ulView  (ULONG)  -  input 

Specifies which view to open.
OPEN_CONTENTS Open contents view.  
OPEN_DEFAULT Open default view (same as double-click).
OPEN_DETAILS Open details view.
OPEN_HELP Display HelpPanel.
OPEN_PALETTE Open palette object.
OPEN_RUNNING Execute object.
OPEN_SETTINGS Open Settings notebook.
OPEN_TREE Open tree view.
OPEN_USER Class-specific views have a greater value than this.

ulparam  (ULONG)  -  input 

Open view parameter.

This value is (reserved=NULL) for views supported by the WPObject class.


rv  (HWND)  -  returns 

Success indicator.
NULLHANDLE Error occurred.
Other Handle to the window created or program executed.


This method invokes docshell.exe against the name of the file containing the object.


This method can be called at any time to open a view of an object.

How to Override

This method must be overridden to process class-specific open views. This method can be overridden to modify the behavior defined by an ancestor class. When wpOpen is overridden to implement a user-defined view, it must call wpAddToObjUseList and wpRegisterView to ensure that the new view is registered by the Workplace Shell as a view of the object.

Related Methods


wpSetupOnce (OS/2)

This instance method allows the newly created object to self-initialize.

This method is an override of the corresponding method from the WPObject ancestor class. Subclasses that override this method must call the parent before any special processing.

BOOL wpSetupOnce (ODwps *somSelf,
                  ISOString setupString)


somSelf  (ODwps *)  -  input 

A pointer to the object on which the method is being invoked. It points to an object of class ODwps.

setupString  (ISOString)  -  input 

Class specific setup parameters for an object. This parameter contains a series of "keyname=value" pairs that change the behavior of the object. Multiple "keyname=value" pairs are separated by semicolons.


rv  (BOOL)  -  returns 

Success indicator.
TRUE Successful completion.
FALSE Error occurred. If wpSetupOnce returns FALSE, the creation of the object is terminated.


Each object class documents the keynames and the parameters it expects to see immediately following. All parameters have safe defaults. It is never required to pass parameters to an object.

For a listing of setup strings, see the individual object classes. This method adds the SENDER setup string. SEEDER is a fully-qualified file name. This allows an object to be created (for example, using the WinCreateObject function) with initial content. The content of the specified file name are written to the new object to "seed" it.


This only has an effect when an ODwps class object is initially created, and only when it has no initial content; if an ODwps object is created by copying an existing one, this setup string has no effect.

This method is generally only called by the system during the processing of wpclsNew and WinCreateObject. For more information about WinCreateObject, see the Workplace Shell Programming Reference.

Related Methods


wpUnInitData (OS/2)

This instance method is called to allow the object to free allocated resources.

This method is an override of the corresponding method from the WPObject ancestor class.

VOID wpUnInitData (ODwps *somSelf)


somSelf  (ODwps *)  -  input 

Pointer to the object on which the method is being invoked. Points to an object of class ODwps.




Subclasses that override this method must call the parent method after any special processing.


This method is generally called only by the system when the object is made dormant. The object is made dormant when it is destroyed or when there are no open views and the folder containing the object are not open.

How to Override

This method is overridden to de-allocate resources allocated during the processing of wpInitData.

The parent method must be called after you have completed your own processing.

Related Methods


wpclsCreateDefaultTemplates (OS/2)

This method is called to allow the specified class to create default stationery document instances of its class.

This method is an override of the corresponding method from the WPObject ancestor class.

BOOL wpclsCreateDefaultTemplates (ODwps *somSelf,
                                  WPFolder *Folder)


somSelf  (ODwps *)  -  input 

Pointer to the ODwps class object.

Folder  (WPFolder *)  -  input 

Pointer to the folder in which to create the stationery documents. Points to an object of class wpFolder.


rv  (BOOL)  -  returns 

Flag indicating whether the class creates the stationery documents. This method does not create any default stationery documents in the OS/2 stationery document folder; therefore, this flag returns FALSE. Stationery documents can be made of ODwps objects that contain parts.


This method is called by the system when the class is registered. A class is registered by a call to the WinRegisterObjectClass function.

When the system calls this method, "Folder" is a pointer to the Stationery folder.

How to Override

This method must be overridden by classes that need to create default stationery document instances of their class.  

wpclsInitData (OS/2)

This method is called to allow the class object to initialize its instance data.

This method is an override of the corresponding method from the WPObject ancestor class.

VOID wpclsInitData (ODwps *somSelf)


somSelf  (ODwps *)  -  input 

Pointer to the ODwps class object.




This method is called immediately after the class object is first awakened, and then sets the type and title strings from the MRI resource.


This method is generally called only by the system when the class object is awakened. The class object is awakened when the first instance of this class is awakened or newly created. It is made dormant again when the last instance of this class is made dormant.

How to Override

Any class that has metaclass instance variables must override this method so that those variables are all initially in a known state. It is essential to pass this method onto the parent class object before performing any override processing.  

wpclsQueryDefaultHelp (OS/2)

This method is called to allow the class object to specify its default help panel for its instances.

This method is an override of the corresponding method from the WPObject ancestor class.

ULONG wpclsQueryDefaultHelp (ODwps *somSelf,
                             ODULong HelpPanelId,
                             ISOString HelpLibrary)


somSelf  (ODwps *)  -  input 

Pointer to the ODwps class object.

HelpPanelId  (ODULong)  -  output 

Pointer to the help panel which provides help for this class.

HelpLibrary  (ISOString)  -  output 

Pointer to the buffer in which to place the name of the Help library. This buffer must be at least the length of CCHMAXPATH bytes.


rv  (ULONG)  -  returns 

Success indicator.
TRUE Successful completion.
FALSE Error occurred.


This class method is called during the processing of wpQueryDefaultHelp.


This method can be called at any time to determine the default help panel for this object class.

How to Override

The default WPObject class does not process this method other than returning FALSE.

Related Methods


wpclsQueryDefaultView (OS/2)

This method is called to allow the class object to specify the default open view for its instance.

This method is an override of the corresponding method from the WPObject ancestor class.

ULONG wpclsQueryDefaultView (ODwps *somSelf)


somSelf  (ODwps *)  -  input 

Pointer to the ODwps class object.


rv  (ULONG)  -  returns 

Default open view.
OPEN_DOCSHELL Open document shell view.


This method can be called at any time to query the default open view for instances of this class.

How to Override

All classes must override this method, so that new objects in their class always has a sensible default view (device objects typically have a default view of OPEN_SETTINGS). The default view is used for both the conditional Open cascade menu and double-clicking on the object.

Related Methods


wpclsQueryIconData (OS/2)

This class method allows the system to build the class default icon for a given class.

This method is an override of the corresponding method from the WPObject ancestor class.

ULONG wpclsQueryIconData (ODwps *somSelf,
                          PICONINFO pIconInfo)


somSelf  (ODwps *)  -  input 

Pointer to the ODwps class object.

pIconInfo  (PICONINFO)  -  in/out 

Pointer to the default icon for OpenDoc objects.

If this parameter is NULLHANDLE, the size must be returned correctly.


ulReturn  (ULONG)  -  returns 

Buffer size or number of bytes required to hold the output data. Depending of the contents of the pIconInfo parameter, ulReturn contains one of the following:
pIconInfo ulReturn
NULL Number of bytes required to hold the output data for this class.
Not NULL Number of bytes written into the buffer.

If ulReturn is 0, an error occurred.


If NULL is passed for the pIconInfo parameter, the caller is asking for the size of the ICONINFO buffer needed for this class (usually for memory allocation purposes). Otherwise, the pIconInfo parameter can always be assumed to be large enough to accommodate the ICONINFO and the variable data for this class.

The ICONINFO structure allows default icon specification as:

However, only one mechanism need be supported by any given class. For example, a caller cannot request one of the formats by prefilling the ICONINFO structure.


This method can be called at any time. Typically, it would not be useful for another object class to make calls to this method.

How to Override

Workplace classes that wish to have a unique class default icon must override this method and fill out the appropriate fields within the ICONINFO structure. In addition, the correct size for the ICONINFO must always be returned.

Related Methods


wpclsQueryInstanceFilter (OS/2)

This method is called to allow the class object to specify the file title filters for instances of its class.

This method is an override of the corresponding method from the WPFileSystem ancestor class.

ISOString wpclsQueryInstanceFilter (ODwps *somSelf)


somSelf  (ODwps *)  -  input 

Pointer to the ODwps class object.


psuccess  (ISOString)  -  returns 

Success indicator.
NULL Error occurred.
Other A pointer to a string containing the "*.OD" file title filter to support the recognition of &per.OD files as OpenDoc files.


It is important that the values returned by this class method are restricted to class-specific filters. For example, returning a filter of "*.*" effectively makes the system unstable.


This method can be called at any time to determine which file title filters are used to determine instances of this class.

How to Override

This method must be overridden to designate file objects as instances of this class. The value returned by the override method replaces the current title filter string which is used to designate instances. If the parent method is called, it must be called first.

Related Methods


wpclsQueryInstanceType (OS/2)

This method is called to allow the class object to specify the file types for instances of its class.

This method is an override of the corresponding method from the WPFileSystem ancestor class.

ISOString wpclsQueryInstanceType (ODwps *somSelf)


somSelf  (ODwps *)  -  input 

Pointer to the ODwps class object.


psuccess  (ISOString)  -  returns 

Success indicator.
NULL Error occurred.
Other A pointer to a string containing "OpenDoc Document" to support the recognition of files with this .TYPE extended attribute (EA) as OpenDoc files.


Object classes should define their own special type strings.


This method can be called at any time to determine which file types are used to determine instances of this class.

How to Override

This method must be overridden to designate file objects as instances of this class. The value returned by the override method replaces the current type string which is used to designate instances. If the parent method is called, it must be called first.

Related Methods


wpclsQueryStyle (OS/2)

This method is called to allow the class object to specify the default object class style for its instances.

This method is an override of the corresponding method from the WPObject ancestor class.

ULONG wpclsQueryStyle (ODwps *somSelf)


somSelf  (ODwps *)  -  input 

Pointer to the ODwps class object.


ulReturn  (ULONG)  -  returns 

Class style for this object.
CLSSTYLE_DONTTEMPLATE Do not allow a create-template operation on objects of this class.
CLSSTYLE_NEVERCOPY Do not allow a copy operation on objects of this class.
CLSSTYLE_NEVERDELETE Do not allow a delete operation on objects of this class.
CLSSTYLE_NEVERDRAG Do not allow a drag operation on objects of this class.
CLSSTYLE_NEVERDROPON Do not allow a drop operation on objects of this class.
CLSSTYLE_NEVERLINK Do not allow a create-shadow operation on objects of this class.
CLSSTYLE_NEVERMOVE Do not allow a move operation on objects of this class.
CLSSTYLE_NEVERPRINT Do not allow a print of this object.
CLSSTYLE_NEVERRENAME Do not allow the renaming of objects of this class.
CLSSTYLE_NEVERSETTINGS Do not allow a settings operation on objects of this class.
CLSSTYLE_NEVERVISIBLE Make instances of this class invisible.
CLSSTYLE_NEVERPRINT Make instance of this class never print.


When an instance is initially created, it has the same object style (OBJSTYLE_xxx) flags as its class style (CLSSTYLE_xxx).


This method can be called at any time to determine the default style for instances of this class.

How to Override

This method must be overridden to modify the default object style for instances of this class.  

wpclsQueryTitle (OS/2)

This method is called to allow the class object to specify the default title for its instances.

This method is an override of the corresponding method from the WPObject ancestor class.

ISOString wpclsQueryTitle (ODwps *somSelf)


somSelf  (ODwps *)  -  input 

Pointer to the ODwps class object.


rv  (ISOString)  -  returns 

Pointer to the national language version of the string "OpenDoc Document".


The title is used for stationery documents and the default for new instances of this class.


This method can be called at any time to determine the default title for instances of this class.

How to Override

All classes must override this method, so that new objects and their classes must have a sensible default title.

Related Methods

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